Please,bring back personal loot!

Go ahead.

I still want PL back. At least I would get loot then. If you DE yours, then be my guest.

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Yeah this was a big mistake from Blizz.

Bring PL back!

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If his main spec is windwalker it’s not ninja looting. If he plays ww as offspec it’s not ninja looting. You losing doesn’t necessarily mean it’s ninja looting. Quit being so salty

That’s how it works 90% of the time

This was my experience as well, unless it was the first time running that raid when literally everything is an upgrade.

Most of my upgrades that final patch were from asking other people if they needed a drop, which did not feel good at all.

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And add the extra roll token while you’re at it…

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Agree i could get the same loot with personal loot, but you can get the same loot over again with group loot in raid (only dif it wont go your bag), and same goes to the vault.

Even if i got the same items in personal loot, i felt better to get something over nothing.

If all you want is the sensation of getting loot (even if it’s useless) then go ahead and need on every raid item you can. You’ll get 1-2 per week just as with PL.

Only after dozens or hundreds of LFR runs, because that’s when “luck” may start to even out. With GL, you can go weeks without a single piece of loot, especially if you play with constantly changing people (so no element of “okay, player X got the trinket, so next week I have a better chance to get it” like you have in non-PUG raids).

This didn’t happen with PL because there was built-in bad luck protection. Unless we assume that the GL rolls are manipulated or fabricated by the system and not actually random, PL made loot acquisition more reliable and steady, and less erratic.

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PL in SL didn’t have bad luck protection and most upgrades I’ve got were trades from other people, which is just as broken when in a pug.
M+ has PL and it’s a begging-fest with massive RNG. 8 dungeons a week has a near zero chance of giving an upgrade despite the fact that drop chances are exactly twice as high as from raid bosses.

So no, simply reverting to PL isn’t going to solve anything unless you’re willing to install that beggar addon and spam “DO U NEEEEED BRO?”

That is exactly what I am doing. I need on everything, and get nothing at all. I did have someone trade me a staff a couple of weeks ago tho, but I lost the roll on it. And felt bad because the person traded it to me(I didn’t even know what staff it was, I just clicked need because I could - it was an upgrade luckily), but I was so fed up with a year with no loot, so went whatever on it.

So no, PL and group loot in LFR is not comparable at all. Need on everything, get nothing from group loot. Meanwhile with PL I got 1-2 items every raid.

Group loot really needs to go in LFR.

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Seems like you’re in the minority. Loads of posters said the same that GL is terrible and everyone prefers PL
Its not even a debate since 2 pieces of gear in shadowlands is more than zero in dragonflight
2>0 always
Regardless of the double drops,not ideal stats or not an upgrade,2 pieces guaranteed every raid is infinitely better than rolling against the whole raid for every item
This isnt even a debate lol

At this point, we should need 2 version of lfr temporaly.

One with pl, one with gl.

Wonder which one will have que for hours and which not.

Their argument is being punched in the stomach is better than in the face so if you want to set your expectations that low be my guest.

Majority > minority the same way as 2>0
PL is vital for pugs and lfr players which tbh is the most of us. I play guild runs and GL benefits me directly but I dont suport it at all for the rest of players neither I enjoy it for my alts

PL is a disgusting begging fest that wouldn’t even change the selling of loot in pugs.
Getting 2 useless items counts as zero for any sane person but considering most people in this echo chamber don’t even understand how PL works, I don’t expect them to understand what will happen until they see it for themselves.

And FYI: the 70 upvotes on this thread are from like 5 people on their alts, which is one of the reasons blizz doesn’t want polls on their forum.


We dont expect you to understand the human factor behind our disdain for GL either so lets agree to disagree

I understand they’re wrong. They think PL isn’t about competitive rolls because they can’t see the roll, and would rather whisper strangers “DO YOU NEEEEEEEEEEEDDDD??” than lose a roll and live with it. :slight_smile:

You’re generally unable to understand other points of view and suffer from extreme forms of bias and grasp to anything for confirmation
Your weak arguments agaist PL are “useless loot” and “whispers”
Whereas at times you might get some useless loot,thats not a general thing and with 2 pieces every raid every week,the chances are in your favor of getting the items you need,in direct opposition with the group loot where you can get zero items for weeks in row
But you will never accept other ideas because ur stuck on your obsession of being correct and you grasp to the “the math is the same” and “hidden rolls” to look superior and knowledgeable ,completely distegarding every counter argument including the basic math of 2>0
Confirmation bias. Google it. Im out /peace

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is a lie though. I got my first set item from LFR and a trinket from a normal pug the same week.
The argument that nobody is getting loot is silly. You guys think all loot is just disappearing?
And you want a serious discussion? :smiley:

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