Please,bring back personal loot!

You’ve been told over and over again that many people roll need on everything,most of the items go to high ilvl who join a raid to trade to their friends or sell it for gold
I seen this a lot of times,and everyone who posts says the same. The loot distribution is not fair under GL whereas PL everybody got something,regardless if its an upgrade or duplicate, a few items guaranteed every week beats mathematically your lottery chances of Group loot rolling against the whole raid
Why do people not understand this? Is it that hard?

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Is not disappearing,is being abused

Because my goal is, instead of reverting to a system that maybe sucks slightly less, to move forward towards something better.

I honnestly dont even get why ppl cry this much about not getting getting gear this expansion has prolly been the easiest to date to get geared overall. The only real items wroth talking about from raids are trinkets or weapons with special effects that might be bis for you class other then that you can easly obtain gear from other source which is equal to gear you get from the raid difficulty your can do even upgrade it. + crafting. So overall its way easier to get good gear/ilvl then shadowlands ever was. I also know some ppl might sit here complaing while only doing proggression raids or normal clear playing 1-2 hrs 2days a week. But honnestly cant expect to be svimming in gear playing few hrs a week. Its an mmo after all the more you play the game/other activitise outside of 1 raid each week you will svim in loot. Also if u want you really want to increase chance of loot theres way to do so. Make you own raid and dont invite 20 with the same armor type as yourself or join raids which only have a healthy balance of armor types. But i know ppl dont want to put in work and rather complain.

One change that I want to see is that you can’t roll on need if the item is a lot worse than the item you’re already wearing. I don’t want people in BIS mythic gear to come and roll need on everything in LFR and Normal. Need should mean “This is an upgrade for me.” But right now, need also means:
“I need this so I can disenchant it.”
“I need this so I can vendor it.”
“I need this so I can give it to my friend.”
“I need this so I can sell it to players in the raid.”
“I need this for transmog.”
“I need this because whatever.”

I’ll second this if they change xmog so that getting an item from a higher difficulty awards all mogs from lower difficulties too.

Agreed. Before implementing such an idea there should be an alternative method to gather transmogs, otherwise it will be all about having low-ilvl alts exactly for this purpose.

You can also mass delete then mass item restore all your gear every week and go into LFR wearing questing blues from the new zone.

Even worse, then.

I can’t believe the amount of people dismissing op. I’ve never had someone try and sell items from raids to me. I understand its sometimes down to luck but i have done a pug raid where the leader kept needing on everything… for context he was near 470 ilvl needing on a normal raid. People kept speaking up and his come back was “stop complaining its a pug”
People on this thread have used a similar line… for someone like myself who can only raid like once a week, often not the same time every week how am i meant to find a guild to raid with… im a 31yo dude who works 40+ hours a week.
Needing on stuff you dont actually need is a d**k move in my eyes. Like do people get a kick out of it?


There are serveral reason why people can say they need it. Gear-Updates is not the only reason why someone wants an item. Mog for example can also be a complete valid reason.

At the end even if they sell it to other people, they still won and are allowed to. Is doing that for gold questionable? Yes, but thats another topic. (This definitly not happened in the past outside of GDKP runs)

I find it questionable too, that people think they deserve the loot more than others that also participated in the fight, but thats just me.

So why is there a transmog option under the need option? Is that just for decoration?

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Because to them actual upgrades dont matter, their mog is more important than it being a big upgrade for someone else.


Pretty simple:

  1. It allows you to roll on stuff that you can mog but is not part of your normal loot-table.
  2. It is the standart: ''I will take it for Mog, if noone needs it! ‘’

Not saying it is perfect, but hey… it is, what it is.

I think your clutching a straws personally :joy:

You asked, I answered.

Its a fact that, you cant roll on agi weapons on a str or int class. But maybe you still want the sword?

And everyone that plays the game for a long time, or any MMORPG knows the good ol:
‘‘I would take it for style if noone needs it.’’

As I said, it might not be perfect, but it is what it is.

I dont care enough, because I rarely raid nowadays… which means I have to play with the horrible Personal loot system in M+

I was being sarcastic about the mog option

In my opinion the mog button is for if you want the mog… the need button is if you need the upgrade.

But as you said its not a perfect system but i still stand by you should only need a item for a upgrade not a transmog. A mog doesnt get you into higher keys/ raid difficulty better gear does…

Fair, enough.

Your opinion is valid… however this is also a community issue rather than a loot-system issue.

At the end nothing changes for both of us

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I think the problem is by switching away from personal loot the ability to run a raid in a PuG environment with the expectation or plan of getting transmog has kinda just died. In an organised group it’s fine because once people have something, they aren’t replaced by another person who also needs it, you just gradually keep going and less and less items are useful for the group.

In a perfect world, yes, but the reality is that very many people do roll need on items that are not an upgrade for them. Either because they want the transmog or they want the shard or they want the gold. So if you do want a transmog (weapons in particular, because there is no other way of getting them), you have to roll need also or you’ll lose out. The transmog button may as well not exist.

I don’t like this, but on the other hand, everyone’s time has an equal value. What is the incentive for a geared player to participate in LFR if not the transmog? Everyone has access to the same gearing method. Guilds exist, normal/heroic raid PUGs exist, and M+ can be pugged too. There are also communities like Chill Streak, No Pressure, and others that make this easier. So anyone who is geared put in the effort to get the gear they have, so why exclude these players from a chance at getting transmogs? The alternative is that they make an alt of the same class, but that is a cumbersome solution too.

If you raid in a guild or regular group setting, it makes sense to pass on items that are upgrades for others (it would usually be expected anyway) because you benefit from your regular raid team members to get upgrades. This does not apply to LFR or PUGs, because you won’t see most of these players ever again.

I feel PL was a much better solution overall. It wasn’t perfect, but it was better than the FFA rolling of GL, at least in queueable and PUG content. GL causes a lot of negative feelings toward others for no real benefit.

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