Pls delete

Races doN’t matter. They are only important for the aesthetics. The impact of the lore comes from lore characters who make decisions. And that is always carried out by alliance leaders. Has been so since MoP, when they allowed Varian to have the final words of the expansion. Only gotten worse since.

Make decisions that affect the different races in the game.

Why, it’s the single most important reason.

The Horde had the mathematically best racials for years.

Top guilds, I mean the very top, figure out that the Horde faction has the best racials for damage so move to Horde.

Sheep guilds think they are only struggling due to bad racials so move to Horde.

Enough guilds jump ship to make the Horde the de facto raiding faction.

Blizzard have shown time and time again they favour the Horde in both racials and story. As you noted they get away with so much with very little comeback. How many times have the Horde started a war, been defeated and got less than a slap on the wrist.

On the racial front, they have trinket racials that provide a sizeable damage increase in a burst window; racials work out about 1-2% increase but if it’s a trinket racial it’s much more valuable. Combine that with cooldowns, potions etc and it’s much better. There’s usually some encounters that needs adds killed fast. guess what’s useful there!

When alliance have ‘overpowered racials’ they get nerfed. Look at Everyman for Himself. I’m waiting for the day shadowmeld gets nerfed, we can’t have Alliance with good stuff.

Night elves have gotten continued attention for 4 expansions in a row now. Tyrande and Malfurion are very much present. Unlike the Horde leaders who have no power and are pushovers for their alliance counterparts. And when they get spotlight they get killed. Check your alliance prviilige.

But what attention, if the only thing they have done has been to lose and lose. For that I would prefer not to be the focus of attention (Speaking from the point of view of the Nelfs, since I am Draenei), seen what has been seen. I hope that we Draenei will never be the center of attention, lest we end up even worse.

They didn’t lose anything. They are about to get a new world tree and Tyrande and Malfurion are alive. Meanwhile Undercity is not accessible. Calia was forced on us(Another alliance bootlicker) and half our zones are contested. That is much worse then anything what happened to the alliance.

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False, you restore it (With the help of alliance) in the end of SL.

That’s not going to bring all the fallen back to life.

The fact that the alliance was even involved was alliance bias. It should have been a Horde only quest. Not to mention Calia plans to give Gilneas back to the Worgen. She isa filthy traitor who deserves death. Like anyone else who make deals with the alliance.

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Oh yeah, forcing us to help the forsaken take back their city after what they did under Sylvanas is very alliance bias. :roll_eyes:

Nameless NPcs don’t matter for the lore. They are a statistic at best. As long as your leaders get story everything is fine. Which does not for the Hrode because Blizzard loves to kill those with no reprisal.

I will tell you the secret of which is the way to eliminate a faction or race: Eliminate all its members.

Genn just waits for an opportunity to attack us. And Calia will give it to him because she is an allianc einfriltrator who plans with Anduin to get Lordaeron back for the humans. It is a plot to undermine the Horde at the core.

Hopefully it happens and the horde is removed from the game. I would pay to see your expression after that.

The horde have been the protagonists, or a close second, for most expansions.

Cata, Garrosh while levelling, big part in end game levelling
Mop Garrosh - It’s all about Garrosh at the start and the end.
WoD Garrosh/effectively Garrosh’s Iron Horde.
Legion - rise of Sylvanas
BfA - Sylvanas
SL - Jailor’s lieutenant, Sylvanas.

Ehm… genocide.

Of course you do. You alliance vermin are all the same. You cheer when the Horde gets treated badly but cry out in agony when the same happens to you. It would be better for the game if your disgusting faction didn’t exist. Scum.

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All about Varian.

Fairly balanced for both factions.

Yrel and Legion.

Most class order leaders are alliance characters.

Jaina and Anduin.

Complete new content with no faction story anywehere.

Reads like the favourite child pretending they aren’t the favourite child.

But also:


All your buzzwords won’t change the reality. The OP is wrong. The Horde isn’t played because people like them. Most people play alliance ebcause they always score massive victories and are favored by Blizzard in the lore.

You only support Baine, Calia and Thrall because they are activley helping the alliance at every turn. Scum. I will take much joy when I destroy you.