When you want, we can meet in Valdraken, there duels are allowed…
Unless you think when I stick your filthy blood elf head on a pike it’s because the alliance bias…
When you want, we can meet in Valdraken, there duels are allowed…
Unless you think when I stick your filthy blood elf head on a pike it’s because the alliance bias…
Your Horde “leaders” are Alliance lapdogs. We actually control the Horde.
All the Horde leaders do is work against the Horde, haha.
Sucks to be you, I guess.
So you admit Blizzard has allinace bias and made all Horde leaders useless. Good we agree. When will you help to dismantle this situation?
Why would I want to dismantle this? I want the Alliance to conquer the Horde once and for all.
Of course I like it that you have weak leaders.
Good. That is all I neede to hear. You are part of the plot that weakens the Horde from the inside. Soon enough the community will take to the streets and force Blizzard to change their politics regarding the faction story. We are legion.
I have around 10 horde characters on this realm and around 10 alliance characters on another realm.
I get bored very easily everytime I play alliance. It just feels so… normal, I donno how to put it. I have mostly draenei, worgen and kul tirans to spice things up a little, but it’s still very boring to play.
Horde is just much more diverse. I already play a human IRL, why would I want that in a game? I play this game because it has dragons and I can shoot fireballs from my hands, things you can’t find and do IRL.
So my reason for playing mostly horde is how diverse and different than real life is.
He says while posting on a level capped blood elf.
You already said that countless times to me, and every time i reply to you, you just quickly change subject and ignore me, but no more.
Erevien, i challenge you! Mak’gora! Meet me at the gates of Silvermoon, i will paint the ground with your blood and the people of Quel’thalas shall cheer, i will send you to the Maw to meet your beloved queen, and then i will laugh, filthy Horde dog.
Says the human with pointy ears.
The Horde has far more varied races. Everyone isn’t just a different flavour of human.
Why play a human in a fantasy game when you have a choice of so many other fantastical creatures to be? Humans in Azeroth are just imperialist scum that expect everyone to bend the knee.
They’ve used the First War as an excuse for every land grab and conquest forever. Thry stick their noses into everything and cause issues non-stop.
The Alliance are just so bland. All the races are the same. They are all just shallow hypocritical “paragons” with minimal discourse that would add anything interesting. At least the Horde’s grey a pragmatism adds some moral depth.
Despite the fact that the Alliance are supposed to be vastly technologically superior and have greater numbers than the Horde, they barely are able to scrape by a win. They also get carried by the writers just making them win by shearing stupidity.
HUMANS - Mutant Vrykhul. Bunch of racist, imperialist bigots. Lots of xenophobia if you don’t look vaguely the same. Kel’thuzad and Arthas were both humans are caused major devastation with the Scourge.
DWARVES - Mutant Earthen. Effectively the colonial British of Azeroth when it comes to nicking the archeological cultural heritage of other races. Always ding too deep and release some sort of cosmic horror. Never learn.
NIGHT ELVES - Mutant Trolls. Genocided their own ancestors. Caused the Shattering. Bunch of murder elves only held back cos the devs needed them not to kill the Alliance too for touch a sapling. Won’t share the forest. Dumb enough to make a big flammable tree their fortress - will do so again.
GNOMES - Create weapons of mass destruction. No qualms with unethical experiments. Might not have as many technological upsets as Goblins, but Goblins didn’t nuke their own city, did they?
DRAENEI - Space Goats one step away from a Light-fueled space Jihad. Meant to be refugees but start screwing with whatever world they crash land on. Irradiate the landscape and are then shocked when the locals want to fight back. Technically speaking, their existence means the Alliance attacked the Horde first.
WORGEN - Same issues as humans. Isolationist until they need something. Werewolf curse is an aberration. Leader decided to go rogue and attack the Horde because he was too dumb enough to consider that the two front battle against the Burning Legion might not be going so good for the flank on the cliff.
And then there’s the Allied Races. Elves that are infused with evil void magic. Dwarves that worshipped Ragnaros so much their beards burn eternally. Fat humans. Even more likely to space-Jihad space goats. Gnomes that have literally opted to cut all their own limbs off.
The Alliance are mad.
Hello, Orc.
Firstly, my advice for you is to:
After you successfully complete these, only then try to mention a “war”.
At least our Civil Wars add depth. The Alliance is just bland when you all just reem off the same sheet.
Have a go at your own opinions instead of just following whatever the humans do.
Oh, and maybe try winning your wars with your actual technology and martial strategy instead of getting the writing team to bail you out every time!.
Said by an orc, this is very fun xD
Did I really just read this?
Either way, you win as the writers decide to win, whichever faction wins.
And orcs are the product of a systematic degradation of Grond lineage (Created by titans as a weapon against the plants), they are good for nothing other than causing destruction and ruin, just like their ogre ancestors.
Exactly the same as the Trolls.
Nightborne and blood elves come from Nightelves (And trolls) and are part of your horde.
We can’t expect a better deduction from a “ZUG ZUG me orc, me strong, me smash!!!”
They just blow up a huge expanse of Kalimdor to shape it into the emblem of the horde, the product of the megalomania of your former leader, who was practically the incarnation in world of warcraft of a certain Austrian gentleman with a mustache.
Just like horde did digging up the heart of an old god.
Horde had highter numbers, Fel powers, and the aid of Neltharion during the second wars, and you still lost the war.
Without the help of Neltharion, who allowed you to capture Alexstrasza and use her dragons, only the fleet of Kultiras would have exterminated your foul race in the sea battle in which you were being slaughtered until the dragons arrived.
But even before that, if it wasn’t because Nerzhl used the dark star in Karabor (in the main universe), you would have been defeated by the Draenei, despite your fel magic.
Time and again your forces were annihilated at Karabor, and Velen himself saw the victory, until the Dark Naaru fell on them and destroys the whole city and the majority of Draenei forces.
As I said above, you have never had a single victory without using some external or borrowed power.
You required the elements to beat the Ogres, the burning legion and void to beat Draenei, The focusing irish to beat Theramore, Sylvanas and the Jailer’s powers during BFA… And by the way, you alway manage to lose.
I will never duel with such an pathetic alliance worm as yourself are. You are below my interest. I only communicate with old Horde leaders. Get out of my sight scum.
Which will always be the alliance since Blizzard has a huge bias towards them.
The Orcs were fine bumbling about their own world until they were tricked into drinking the demon dew and heading over to Azeroth.
They may have started a few wars but rember its the Alliance that keep going on about them being “the root of all their problems” and well, those humans did also have those camps. You tell me which group led by a guy with a funny mustache that sounds like.
The Orcs are refugees on Azeroth. You don’t see the same hatred towards the Draenei despite the fact that they started colonising Draenor when they weren’t invited. All those crashed lumps of crystal probably ruined the o-zone layer.
Also, the Horde as it is today is all about pragmatic survival. Every Warchief, good, bad or badly written, has tried to secure that bastion. The Alliance puts up settlements on every Horde doorstep.
When it coms to waging wars, the Alliance seem to be incredibly dumb but very well equiped. The Horde seem to be smart but very badly equiped. The bows and spears of savages seem to be able to go toe-to-toe with guns, airfortresses and literal tanks for a while, but it’s not the Alliance nukes that end it.
Suddenly the writers step in, contrive the worst writing to make the Horde just dumb enough so that the Alliancd can dribble their way in for the win.
Honestly, you should feel insulted as well.
Orcs are natural. They don’t live to destroy. They manage the natural order, as their Gronn forebearers were designed to do. Remember, the Gnomes irradiated Gnomeregan, Humans are the reason for the plaguelands and the deadscar and Garrosh didn’t create the Mana Bomb.
Also, again, you’ve got Dwarves worshipping a volcano-creating elemental god and then the rest of them openning up eldritch horror tombs. Should we not be more worried about those guys? Especially if they are doing it without being conscious of it?
The Trolls are actually one of the few original natural inhabitants of Azeroth. They’re pretty justified in their distrust when well-mutants and degenerated titan constructs start grabbing land. There’s a difference between xenophobia caused by hardship, and xenophobia caused by the natives not bending over.
The Nightborne and Blood Elves are ex-junkies that the Night Elves and the Humans both refused to help. At least these lineages of mutant trolls are trying to make amends with their ancestors. Instead, the Night Elves are looking for a place to build their new bonfire home while believing that they are not the 2nd most insane sub-species of the elven race!
I like how you start insulting my proud zug-zug heritage as if its some sort of slur instead of denying that the space goats invaded Draenor first.
Excuse me, landscaping is not “blowing up a portion of Kalimdor”. There wasn’t anything to do in that zone until the Goblins tidied it up. They couldn’t go west cos of you Night Elves refusing to share the woods.
Actually, the Pandaren had that organ pretty much on hand. I am sure we can both agree that that malarky is their fault entirely.
With regards to numerical superiority, I am talking about the modern era. The first and second war has its own issues but still boils down to writer intervention being the only way the Alliance are saved. The writers are humans so the racist bias is obvious.
Karibor was a colonial settlement. The Draenei had no right to steal Orcish land. The Orcs just wanted it back. If they hadn’t dumped themselves on Draenor, then there’d have been no wars at all. The orcs would have never been tricked into the petty squabble between the humans and the Fel Legion.
Elements aren’t really a borrowed power since we still have Shamans today.
Thanks for being culturally insenstive; as if its wrong for a tribal culture to find solace in the big dark shiny thing in the sky. Especially when its the opposite of whatever that thing the space goat colonisers keep talking about.
I’ll have you know that the Irish had nothing to do with Theramore; focused or not. Theramore needed to go and you refused to stop settling near our borders.
Sylvanas can sod off, but still, the Alliance managed to use their own fair share of deus ex machina and lucky maguffins. Jaina’s flying boat? Giant gorilla? That one ressurection bubble that Anduin uses once before forgetting? Somehow you manage to rig an entire fleet with explosives, oh, I wonder how? Again, racist writers!
A few???
All of them?
Alien Invaders who wanted to conquer and destroy just blown up their own planet and stuck on Azeroth as the losers of the invasion they started
The decision to let them alive was one of the worst since Azshara decided to use the Legion to cleanse the world and led to the Grand Aliance’s end; memberst simply left because of that
The only reason the Horde still exist is their plot armour and the fact WoW is a two faction game
Realistically after the third war when the Horde broke the peace it should had been destroyed, it is that simple
Or even before that; at the moment this loose coalition of borderline extinct species threatened to drag the world in to a war and endangered the just recovering members’ future they simply just should left it. Nor the Trolls, nor the Tauren nor the Blood Elves, but fel, not even the Orcs themselves were in the situation after the Third War where they would had the luxury of a prolonged war and risk the whole race’s demise for… What again?
Alas we can’t have one of the player faction destroyed, no matter how silly is to let it exist or how silly the war between the two faction is
In That we agree
No, as conquerors, but they failed in their invasion.
They are the roof of their problem. Almost every war is started by orcs or the horde.
They aren’t. Life forms in Azeroth was created by Freya. Only natives are the elemental Life beings.
Draenei cities was on old Ogre territory, not un orcish land.
Mandatory “But the Legion made me do it” deffense incoming in 3… 2…1…
Mandatory “But the Legion made me do it” deffense incoming in 3… 2…1…
But the Legion made me do it.