If they retconned the lore, the Trolls saw the Titans arrival, then yes
If you read Chronicles, troll borned from primitive life forms created by Freya.
Retcons upon retcons upon retcons
Trolls were on Azeroth before The Titans arrived, or Trolls evolved from the life-forms that lived around The Well of Eternity or they had a Titan-forged ancestor race and cought the Curse of Flesh… many possibilites
We will see the latest when we encounter those ancient rolls they mentioned in DF datamines
The Alliance exists BECAUSE of the Horde.
Human kingdoms had their own games and power plays for sure. But was met with a hostile invader that was cruel in victory and fed the very souls of humans as fuel for the Fel.
The Alliance must keep the Horde in check lest they wreck other races and Azeroth. From sacrificing Draenai children in order to flee the very planet that they destroyed. To burning Night Elf children alive in their own homes. Now they embrace the dead and afflict the curse of Undeath on others.
I will send you to “communicate” with the old Horde leaders myself if you won’t shut up soon you deranged coward.
Preach it Brother! Preach it!
The Legion kinda did do it though. Or shall we look at the Guardian of Tirisfall as well?
The majority of the Hordish Orcs now on Azeroth are growing up in Durotar. They hold the greenskin legacy, but they never fought for the Legion. Yet the Alliance want to butcher them and take their wasteland.
In before “that wasn’t Arthas, the Lich King made me/him/it/us do it defense” in 3… 2… 1…
In before “Jaina was just having a bad day” defense in 3… 2… 1…
In before “these camps are not our fault” defense in 3… 2… 1…
No one uses that, Arthas of Lordareon is have nothing to do with the Alliance, since the time of Arthas, the Grand Alliance was defunct; the Alliance is an evolution of the original Alliance of Lordaeron, true, but actually have nothing to do with Arthas
If you mean the “Purge of Dalaran”, it was a civil war within the Kirin Tor that took place as part of the Alliance-Horde war on Pandaria. It saw elements of the Kirin Tor order, along with the Silver Covenant and forces of Stormwind, attempt to purge the blood elven Sunreavers faction from the city of Dalaran. The conflict began when it was discovered that Kirin Tor resources had been used to aid the Horde’s theft of the Divine Bell, an ancient pandaren artifact. Lady Jaina Proudmoore, leader of the Kirin Tor, accused Archmage Aethas Sunreaver and his faction of having orchestrated the treason, and promptly declared the expulsion of all Sunreaver forces from Dalaran. It transpired that, while not having been directly involved in the theft himself, Aethas had been aware of it and chose to remain silent
I would want to politely remind you, Dalaran is neutral and not part of the Alliance?
Witch camps?
Internment camps?
The internment camps were prisons built to contain the orcs captured by the victorious Alliance of Lordaeron after the Second War.
Terenas Menethil II of Lordaeron believed the orcs would one day lose their lust for conquest, Thoras Trollbane of Stromgarde and Genn Greymane of Gilneas demanded their executions. They effectively settled on a sentence of life imprisonment, although disagreement and anger over the issue remained entrenched as nations left the Alliance in various frustrations… those camps were the casue of the end of the Grand Alliance of Lordaroon and have nothing to do with the new one, except without them, we would have peace now
See? I told you he’s too much of a coward to duel.
Furries belongs to the horde !
expept the worgen fake furries what dont even have a tail !
We don’t want furry disease on our faction. Take all for the horde, so we can purgue them as alliance!
i just watch a youtube video where they sed Draenei are furries aswell
We are not furries!!
This is heresy!!!
The Horde started the first and second War.
The Alliance started the “Beyond the Dark Portal” campaign.
Third War was a bunch of separate conflicts with no definitive Horde vs Alliance as we know it today.
Varian Wrynn declared War after the Wrathgate incident and that caused the conflict that raged all the way through Cataclysm and Mists of Pandaria.
Genn Greymane started the minor skirmishing in Legion including an assassination attempt on Sylvanas for unfounded reasons.
The Horde started and won the War of Thorns, but it was actually the Alliance that started the Fourth War - Battle for Azeroth.
As always, they were tools of the Legion. Not exactly much they could do regarding free will in that regard. If the Alliance hadn’t started the Beyond the Dark Portal campaign, Draenor would still stand. If the Draenei hadn’t tried to colonise the planet, Draenor would have been left alone.
With your mentality, would should purge all Humans because of all the crap that Medivh, Arthas and Kel’thuzad have caused. Purge the Night Elves too because they are the same race as Azshara.
The reason the Alliance win is due to plot armor. They get creamed during the War of Thorns but every other conflict in the Fourth War is just handed to them. There’s no skill involved. It’s just written that they can walts in to Dazar’alor. Deus ex machina a flying boat out of nowhere too.
As I’ve pointed out, the Alliance started the Third War. Alliance leadership seems to have a habit of pressing the big red button at the slightest assumption. There is no “should” about destroying either Faction. The Horde would be destroyed if the Alliance could actually think for themselves.
As pawns, they came. The Alliance then started crap back through the portal, leading to the demise of Draenor. Then the humans started putting orcs in camps. A lot of pretty racist generalisations about the green people despite the fact that humans have also caused their fair share of devastation.
They were, actually. Freja didn’t seed them as it was the primordial ooze that they grew from.
The Draenei had no right to steal anyone’s land; Orcish or Ogre.
i am furry and i like humanoid goats what walks on 2 legs wearing cloths
i acculay been a furry for 40 years
This was part of the second war, provoqued by Ner’zhul joining in Azeroth…
False, Garrosh was looking for war and he started It invading ashenvale. Horde also invades Gilneas: neutral realm
The four war started with the horde agression and Nelf genocide.
The “war of Thorns” is just the start of the Four war.
100% caused by the horde. Saying that the fourth war was started by the alliance must be a joke
How lovley, people tend to forget, in the past two decades, the Alliance , both of its incarnations were the reactors, not the agressors…