Pls delete

Provoked? I believe the Alliance are mature enough to be in control of their own actions, no? No weird demon blood being drunk, right? The Alliance started it. Or should we go back and say Medivh started it?

Actually, it’s true. Varian Wrynn declared war after the Wrathgate incident (cos, you know, “one Forsaken = all Forsaken” but forget about Arthas). If he hadn’t started crap, Garrosh would have had a far harder time starting his own.

War of Thorns is separate to the Fourth War. The Night Elves finding out that wood burns was a tragedy but there was no direct escalation beyond that point. The invasion of Darkshore and Teldrassil was the only goal for the Horde. Securing boarders and preventing Azerite from passing through Night Elven ports to the Eastern Kingdoms.

Anduin Wrynn started the Fourth War when he attacked Lordaeron. So much for “wanting to keep the peace”.

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The provocation was accomplished by a series of attacks by Ner’zhul and thefts of power artifacts. Are you really telling me that they should not do anything about it?

Mediv just opened the Dark portal. Orcs came by their own hands

It’s not.


At this point, it is wise to put him on ignore Ðelenis; like the rest who is trapped in their own delusional dreamworld…
You only waste your time with logic, lore and reason


Its funny, because we had a person like this in the spanish forum justifying everything that the horde did and always blaming the alliance for everything. XD

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Ah yes, excuse the Alliance.

Could have just closed the door, you know?

And why did Medivh “just opened the Dark Portal”. I lose my job if I leave the gates unlocked but the tigers were the ones who walked out on their own. Mind controlled tigers, by the way. Just like the Orchish hordes. They didn’t just paint their skin green.

Ignore me cos I’m right! Yay! :smiley:

But I’m not justifying what the Horde did. I’m pointing out the hypocrisy regarding the Alliance being “clean” of all guilt. There’s also the hypocrisy about the actions of disparate groups all being attributed to the modern Horde or Orcs in general, while nothing is said the same way regarding the Alliance.

Arthas was human. So was Medivh. Aszhara was the same race as Malfurion. The Draenei are Eredar.


Dude, you must be trolling.

We all know why Sylvanas started the war at this time. Didn’t you play SL?

Are you telling me that the alliance should have done nothing after the extermination of the nelf?

Sylvanas’s plan went beyond securing Kalimdor. she worked for the jailer.

They closed the door after the defeat of Doomhammer and Ner’zhul opened It again. READ THE F****** LORE.

I’m sorry but I’ll stop debating with you. I can’t take you more seriously than I take Erevien

what has taken horde 10 years Sylvanas it took 1 day if Sylvanas been warchief the 10 years there will been no Alliance left :stuck_out_tongue:

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No, cuz horde lost the war with Sylvanas as Warchief.

And 10 years ago she hasn’t the Jailer’s lend powers.

Told ya’


Bizzard forgot that Sylvanas has a ablity as Dark Arrow moust powerfull ability a acrcher of undad can have …

Sylvanas started the War of Thorns. She wanted further conflict, but she didn’t start it herself. If Anduin had inherited his father’s spine and his mother’s common sense, he’d have not gone and started the Fourth War.

The Alliance certainly could have done something. I am not saying they should have just rolled over and let it slide. They just could have been the better people and not started their own war.

Lock the door? Guard the door? DESTROY THE DOOR?? We manage to do that soundly in the first 5 minutes of Warlords of Draenor. It’s dumb lack of thought like this that allowed Ner’zhul to get away with his artifact theft.

This and doing nothing is the same.

You are directly telling me that the alliance should let itself be killed by the horde. it’s stupid. you cannot be taken seriously.



How is it the same? Two wrongs don’t make a right. It just leaves more dead bodies. Fortify, regroup and rebuild.

Learn from your mistakes and defend yourselves better next time. Have a fire extinguisher every 3 branches, maybe? Try defense instead of starting more needless wars.

Not just for the fact that the Alliance “wants peace” but for the fact that it plays straight against what the Jailer would have wanted.

You can’t take me seriously but you don’t seem to be able to think at all.

Buh bye.


You invade our territory, you defile our sacred woods, you massacre an entire village of civillians, you burn children alive in their own homes and you destroy our city.
And then you ask for our “common sense”?

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Says the generic human

So the Alliance should ignore the actions of the Horde?
The Horde are little different to the scourge that would enslave people in undeath.

Somehow a pinky promise that the Horde will never do it again is not going to work. The Alliance now needs to find ways to protect the dead from the Horde. The Paladin in the search for the Ashbringer Consecrated the grounds with the Light. Some further research should be done into this.

The bulk of the Alliance military was at Silithus. It was basically a sneak attack with a paultry defence of city guards. But when the Alliance defeated the Horde at the Undercity they plagued everything.

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I don’t bother with lowlife such as yourself. You are alliance vermin. You will be wiped out like every other night elf that came before you. I am not scared of you.

If only Doomhammer was back with us. He would have killed the Horde council and become Warchief again.

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About as much depth as a Real Housewives of… episode.