Pls delete

Lolz. Are your irl views similar to these ones?

You mutated from trolls. You stole their sacred land and then you managed to go and shatter it. The Night Elves and the Alliance that they are part of have massacred their own fair share. Camp Taurajo? Purging of Dalaran?

You seem fine just as fine following those kinds of despicable orders. Especially when they’re coming Alliance leadership that always seem too keen to shoot first and ask questions later.

Yet you try and act all high and mighty as if you’re better than the Horde. You’re in denial of your own blood-drenched hands.

Maybe you Alliance should start thinking instead of stopping at the first dumb conclusion? Of course, why would you; your leadership never seem to think too hard before resorting to violence (Wrathgate, Dalaran Broken Shore, Stormheim, etc).

Learn to defend. There’s a difference between shoring up the defenses and lashing out causing further conflict. Build less flammable tree cities.

We’re beyond BFA now. Keep up. The Horde rejected Sylvanas’ methods and ousted her. Even the Forsaken have forsaken here. They are a race perpetually on the edge of extinction - they want to survive and even then, they refuse to stoop to Banshee Queen’s levels.

And by the way, these are the same people who sought help from the Alliance when they broke free from the Lich King’s (Arthas, btw) control. Alliance said no and have attempted to murder them all ever since.

These same poor undead people who will literally suffer the sting of the Light just to keep their faith.

And what did you learn? Don’t put all your eggs in one basket, get better counter-strategists/spies and maybe don’t leave your capital undefended. Look, Horde had a back-up plan. Where’s your scorched earth policy?

It’s deep enough to keep the Alliance diehards grumbling. At least the Horde has variety in their cultures and population. All the Alliance have is a “hypocritical shallow paragon” on a different flavour of human. Yawn.

Best defense is a good attack. Horde started it, alliance finish the war.



Both actions occurred in wars started by the horde, and has no comparison to the NELF genocide

There is nothing intelligent in any section of what you have written.

Zuldazar… cof cof…

War crimes this, elf genocide that

How’s a warmonger to make a living these days

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And yet you Alliance shills are complaining when the Horde go on the offensive to ensure their survival.

That wouldn’t excuse what the Alliance did though. Plus, and this is the best part, Camp Taurajo and the Purging of Dalaran happened during Cataclysm and MoP respectively. That’s the Horde-Alliance War. That one was started by the Alliance.

Calls me unintelligent. Can’t remember which wars are which. Ok. You’re Alliance and a Space Goat, so maybe not surprising that you struggle to read. Same mentality as that Sentinel that goaded Sylvanas in Darkshore. Kinda a dumb move to take jabs at the person with a finger on the trigger.

Yep, and we learned. Get the character with more screentime that expansion on the thrown and join the Horde for protection. We didn’t go and start an even bigger conflict.

Not having attacked first and no one would endanger your survival. It is pure logic.

We don’t need the combat tactics of a braindead orc, we know that killling unarmed civillians is easy and that having no decency or honour in battle is a great advantange, but the Alliance stands for justice and peace, while our main objective in the war is to end it quickly and swiflty yours is to cause as many chaos and bloodshed as possible.
In the War of Thorns you murdered all the civillians in Astranaar, you could have let them escape and shown mercy, but you poisoned them all, even children, you are no better than the Horde from the first and second war, you all deserve to die.
Filthy Horde cowards.

Doomhammer was slain by Turalyon. Stop pretending as though the Alliance do not specialize in slaying Horde.

Wrathgate where Horde killed everyone with the plague? Dalaran was a bit of an over reaction. High King Varian was in talks with Lorthemar as the Blood Elves thought to return to the Alliance. But Jaina over reacted a bit.

Stormheim? Greymane attacked prematurely and cost the skyfire. Even though they sunk a Forsaken fleet the Skyfire was quite the loss.
The Broken Shore the Legion was the greater threat. The Horde abandoned their post.

Learn to defend?
Gilneans done so very well even while fighting a civil war between Worgen and Human Gilneans.

A Warchief will always leave a legacy on the Horde as a whole. Twice there was divided between two Warchiefs.
Doing whatever it takes to survive and serve their own interests is what the Horde does.

The Forsaken are undead abominations. An eternal horror since the Burning Legion through the Scourge was to cleanse Azeroth of all living everywhere.
It is the same war except with no Lich King.
To put them back to their eternal rest is the only humane thing to do. Horde are simply weaponizing our dead as the faction that openly embracing Necromancy & Undeath.

The Alliance is not the Horde. Scorched earth policy? When Horde are victorious they are cruel and murder the defenceless. When Alliance are victorious we do not stoop to the level of the Horde. We stay our hands as the threat has been neutralized.

Even after King Rhastakhan was put down. Alliance leadership was debating how to use the victory. Seperating us from the Horde.
Horde children will not have to be worried about being murdered by the Alliance. Horde civilians (as long as they don’t take arms against the Alliance) do not have to worry about being put down by the Alliance.

Alliance are not the holier than though “paragons” the Horde believe us to be.
Do not judge the Alliance by Horde standards. Horde speak of honour but show they are without none.

Because he was wounded. In a fair fight he would have won.

Call again when you are holding an open post where frkn spacehips constantly fire laserbeams at you and endless waves of demons are puring out of portals. That battle was a loss from the start because it was a trap.

A band of rogue Forsaken who betrayed their own leader. Putress and Varimathras betrayed the Horde too.

Because they are part of the alliance. The alliance will always win because that is what Blizzard wants. You can’t win in a game when the rules are rigged against you.

We never had necromancers. The Forsaken will simply die out without the Val’kyr.

Alliance arrogance is the main reason why the story is so toxic and Blizzard is happy to comply with their demands further crapping on us and taking good characters away before they even get the chance to be developed. The expansion has just started and already we have a bunch of dead blood elves.

Typical Horde. Making excuses. The Horde picked a fight the Alliance gave them one. Your Warchief led the Horde to battle and was slain in battle.

Horde are known to have internal conflicts. Does not change the fact that the Undead part of the Horde slaughtered the living at the Wrathgate.

Incorrect. The Gilneans done just fine outside of the Alliance. They were an isolationist people that walled themselves off from the rest of the world. Even with the Alliance of Lordaeron the Gilneans gave a token force with as few soldiers as possible. Part of the Gilnean people left and then founded their own nation of Kul Tiras. A world power in Azeroth.
Gilneans simply could not face a civil war and face the Horde at the same time.

They were refugees since Cataclysm but has been a military presence and force within the Alliance.

When they raise people into Undeath that is Necromancy. Many Death Knights practice just that. The Horde will not allow the Forsaken to die out. So they are complicit in the abominations that the Forsaken do.

Horde starts wars the Alliance ends them. Like firefighters of Azeroth.

The Zandalari used to be great too but since trolls aren’t allowed to have nice things in this game they were bamboozled so hard that military speaking they are now useless for the Horde.

Trolls aren’t allowed nice things? They were literally the largest Empire on Azeroth. But have fallen far as a species.
Zandalari were a threat against two superpowers and a major player on Azeroth. So stop with the “woe is me” routine. Zandalari within the Horde can achieve such things again or more.

Dude learn to read. The Horde will not help the Forsaken to create more undead. Not a damm time in their history anything like that happened. Tauren and Orcs value their dead people too much. No fresh corpses for their allies ever. The Horde has proven to be a crappy ally to pretty much everyone who isn’t part of the original gang (Orcs, Tauren and Darkspear) that is also the reason the Zandalari will never have revenge and the blood elves looked for a new magic source on their own.

And massacred the natives of the new land they colonized. The last survivor being a traitor.

Since Nobody but Varian holds it against them that position is a no brainer.

Typical alliance. Not relaizing that you are only winning because of preset advantages from hack writers like Golden.

Lol. The only reason you face no consequences is that the devs forget their own plot. The attack in Stormheim and Varian’s declaration in Undercity tell a different story then you do.

They face the same problems as Orcs. The population able to fight is lost in attrition battles and their leaders get killed in dungeons and raids. You can’t recover if the blows against you are too many.

Is hulk smash considered culture now.

Shh… burgers don’t talk.

That’s not true, they can set up a dive school in the wrecks of their fleet.

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Incorrect. The Horde brought Derek Proudmoore and others into undeath. The Horde turned a blind eye as the Forsaken turned Gilneans into undeath. Forcing some to choose the curse of the Worgen over the curese of Undeath.

The Horde overlooks Bwonsamdi and the Zandalari raising others into Undeath. The Horde done nothing as their Warchief not only murdered other Horde but raised them into Undeath.

Incorrect. The Kul Tirans wanted to peacefully coexist with the Drust. Those that was on the land before them. The Drust launched a war against them and was out to destroy them as a people. What choice did they have but to fight back? The Order of Embers are the ones that learned of ways to counter Drust magics.

Do not rewrite history for your Horde propaganda.

The attack in Stormheim was some of the Alliance finally taking the initiative.
Alliance exists because of the Horde. They created their own worst enemies. Victory does come at some costs but the job needs to be done.

There is no co existence with colonizers. Ask the native americans how that turned out. History is written by the victors. Meaning if anyone is doing propaganda here it is Kul Tiras

Bwonsamdi is part of the cycle. He never oversteps his boundries. All he did during the battle was to protect the people and king from harm through alliance soldiers.

Alliance striked first Horde fought back. If this story wasn’t written by eurocentric crisps with no sensibility for world history the alliance would have lost a war by now.

That was Nathanos. Right hand man of Sylvanas and a forsaken. He had nothing to do with the rest of the Horde.

Real men play Horde.Women and children play the other one.

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