Finnaly someone that makes sense!
For the alliance!
Explorers yes Colonizers no.
Drust magic tells the history. So it is not the victors account of history.
Just like the Horde the Drust started a war that they could not finish.
Undeath is an abomination to the cycle. The dead should stay dead. It defiles those who gave their lives in duty to their kingdom and its people.
The Alliance should not just wait and react to yet another Horde atrocity. Take pre-emptive action. But the Alliance will not be the ones to break the peace.
You keep trying to rewrite history. If the Forsaken alone attempted to force Derek Proudmoore into Undeath then the Kul Tirans alone would crush them. The Alliance came to even the odds and eventually end yet another war the Horde started.
Funny thing is that the Horde was lacking an army. So they used magic to rapidly age their children as a stand in army.
Bwomsandi is the self appointed loa of death, he was not part of âthe cycleâ.
He guards the souls of all trolls. That is his job. Many tribes worship him. Mueâzala might be his boss but his power came from the Jailer whom was defeated.
this is why a 3rd faction is being released, like in real life with the 3rd gender on the horizon. it will shake everything up, competition, chaos, new rules of life, squirrels with bazookas e.t.c
Sounds interesting, please continue
Calls Orc âbraindeadâ. Lived in tree. Tree surrounded by water. Races knows magic. Tree burnt down. Hmmmmm?
Jaina stands for the Alliance. She murdered and imprisoned anyone who stood against her when she had a hissy fit in Dalaran. Those people were civilians who had nothing to do with what Garrosh was doing.
Varian Wrynn declared war on the Horde after the Wrathgate disaster, sparking a two and a half expansion conflict. You know, leader of the peaceful faction and all. No time to stop and get things straight about the situation.
Genn Greymane went off on one and started trying to assassinate Sylvanas after the rout on the Broken Shore because he jumped to conclusions and canât see up cliffs. True pinnacle of peaceful thinking there.
Then thereâs Tyrande. Ever peaceful. She and her Night Elves sure do love peacefully coexisting with - oh nope, they murder ANYONE that comes near their forests. And then she goes all Night Warrior too. So peaceful.
Letâs go historical too; the proud prince himself - Arthas Menethil of the Alliance of Lordaeron. Peacefully slaughtering his way through his own kingdom to save it. How kind.
And finally, Anduin Wrynn, the simp for peace, started the Fourth War. Could have sought peace but nope, thought the War of the Thorns finished too soon and therefore attacked Undercity. Oh and hey, look at all the stuff he got up to in Shadowlands! Stabbing the Archon looks very peaceful. You canât blame mind control cos no one gives the same grace to the Orcs back in the beginning of all this.
You could have left Camp Taurajo alone. Could have not funnelled the survivors into Quillboar territory.
Pretty cowardly of you Alliance to let civilians die slowly and painfully like that, no?
Wrathgate saw both the Horde and Alliance betrayed by a rebel group of Undead.
Or shall we start pinning the actions of the Defias Brotherhood, Scarlet Crusade/Onslaught and the big man himself, Arthas Menethil on the Alliance?
Jaina acted on behalf of the Alliance. Alliance players follow her orders. If weâre willing to call it an over-reaction and not condoned by the wider Alliance then we canât be blaming the Horde for actions done by rogue elements of the faction.
The Broken Shore was fought on two fronts, and the Horde archers left the cliffside cos our Warchief had just been mortally written to death so that a mary sue could worm her rotten bum on the throne.
Build bigger walls and donât isolate yourself from help. Neuter your wolves would also be a lesson learnt from Gilneas.
Elves are abominations. They mutated from Trolls. Humans, Dwarves and Gnome are all mutated offspring. Worgen are abominations outright. All Death Knights are just uber-undead. Pretty hypocritical when youâve got two allied races fuelled by direct magic themselves (Void Elves and LF Draenei).
The Alliance had left their fair share of destroyed settlements with butchered populace. Both sides have destroyed. You make it clear you see the Horde as scum and questing through the expansions has rarely seen survivors get away.
You cowardly attack a city you are not at war with. Kill the king that has not yet pledged to your enemy and then run away. That is not admirable. That is not restraint. That is just evil.
The Alliance are not above the Horde. They are not âjust as evilâ either as both sides have their faults. The only issue is when anyone tries to say one is better than the other.
The Forsaken joined the Horde as simply convenience. Outside of the Horde the Alliance would have destroyed them.
Forsaken do have power struggles. While the Defias Brotherhood was a rebellion due to mismanagement - Scarlet Crusade and Onslaught are different factions of humans. Like when Sylvannas murderd Calia Menethil the Alliance done nothing since she was not part of the Alliance.
Incorrect. Dalaran was a neutral city. While it did have members of the Alliance there. It was the Blood Elves that broke its neutrality by involving it as part of a military action against Darnassus an Alliance city.
The Alliance champion (player character) does have his/her uses however is not representative of the Alliance alone.
After the purge of Dalaran High King Varian was clearly chastising Jaina as her premature actions interfered with Lorthermar and the Blood Elves rejoining the Alliance.
For all of its bluster the Horde was unable to hold their position. Thus compromising the Alliance offensive against Guldan. He displayed Demonology unlike any other Warlock seen thus far as the Alliance faced the demonic army.
Leaving your post is still leaving your post. Greymane was correct.
I believe that the Gilneans learned their lesson. You fail to understand that the main reason for Gilneans defeat is that they were a people divided. The Night Elves taught them to control the beast within as for their Worgen form. But the most important lessons are costly.
The curse of flesh is left for others to sort out. The Ramkahen also suffered from such and are not aligned with either kingdom.
Night Elves are no longer trolls. The Troll tribes are not necessarily friendly to each other. Some Dark Trolls still remain that did not become Night Elves.
Void Elf is still contested topic. As they are simply Blood Elf junkies that fed on the void. They are trying to prove themselves but they might resort to their Blood Elf nature.
The Horde menace must be kept in check. Lest they oppress and wreck Azeroth and its people.
The Zandalari fired against an Alliance fleet unprovoked. Actions have consequences. The Zandalari would have tipped the balance of power in favour of the Horde. So the Zandalari left the Alliance no choice but to teach them a lesson and put down their King. The Alliance is not cruel in victory unlike the Horde. Once the objective was complete we simply left. Rather than unnecessary slaughter of the Zandalari a defeated people.
Yet Horde children does not have to fear the Alliance murdering them as children. But the Horde? Sacrificed Draenai children to open the Dark Portal - Burned Night Elf children alive in their own homes, Until the formation of the Alliance of Lordaeron defenceless humans were fuel for the Fel.
Horde even murdered their own in the battle for Lordaeron and forced their own into Undeath. Ruling through fear and tyranny. No different to the very Scourge that they once fought against.
Alliance does not have to pretend to be paragons. But Horde refuse to accept that the Horde are the bad guys.
You expected peace after you mass genocided our race? After what you did to Astranaar and Teldrassil?
You seriousle think the Alliance could have sought peace with the Horde? With Sylvannas in charge?
Jaina used Kirin Tor resources to hide the bell in Darnassus. Jaina broke the neutrality first. Not to mention that Theramore was used as staging ground to deploy alliance forces into the Barrens. Stop being a hypocrite.
Did you even see the cinematic? The battle was lost from the start. Constant demon reinforcements from portals and a bunch of space ships fireing laser beams from above. No army could have stopped that.
You just bully everyone who opposes you. Just like humans in real life. You canât stand the idea that another race but yourself rules Azeroth.
They didnât. They protected Talanji and Zul who were chased by the alliance fleet. Context matters.
Scorched earth tactics. Donât leave anything behind that could be used by the enemy against you.
It is not about being evil. It is about not getting shafted. And Horde in bfa was definitley the loser.
Gloating about it is what you do best. That is why all alliance players are scum in my eyes.
If Afrasiabi wasnât so bent on removing Sylvanas then yes, that should have happened.
You know I have read Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor. And the alliance has military presence in all major Horde zones. Barrens, Azshara and Durotar. Blizzard tried their best to communicate to Horde players that they are weak and pathetic and that the alliance will always be better then them. So please kindly shut up.
Jaina Proudmoore kept her movements and dealings with the Alliance seperate to the day to day neutrality of Dalaran.
The Horde broke the neutrality. Chose to obey their Warchief over remaining neutral.
Excuses excuses excuses. The Horde failed to hold the line. The Horde abandoned their post. The Horde proved that despite all of the bluster that they like substance. The mistake the Alliance made was thinking the rumoured âmightâ of the Horde could be counted on. How dissapointing.
Horde are tyrants that abuse power at the first opportunity.
An unresolved diplomatic solution that was interrupted by Horde agitators, Then led the Zandalari to becoming bold enough to launch an unprovoked attack on a global superpower. Actions that they later experienced the consequences of.
The resotration of Lordaeron would have taken a lot of time effort and resources. It is the humanitarian thing to do to return hope to the living people of Lordaeron. The dead do not just have a claim to the land. Blood Elves of all Horde resources should understand this. Blood Elves fled the Scourge but eventually returned to Silvermoon and your Sunwell.
The Horde started yet another war. The Horde lost yet another war. The peace grants the Horde time to heal and recover.
Gloating? In war there are victors and defeated. There are not participation trophies. Horde often ignores their own atrocities. Sacrificing Draenai children, Burning Night Elf children alive in their own homes.
Go on pretend that there arenât reasons to keep the Horde in check.
The Horde is dead beyond repair. Blizzard gave you a victory to dab on the Horde. Choke on it while you can.
Putting government members in chains is not diplomatic you turd.
We do what we can to end the alliance hegomeny on Azeroth.
It is what the game gives us. The battle was a trap. Retreating was the only logical option here.
No Jaina did it first. She provied aid to the Alliance from the beginning. I will protect the Sunreavers and use every headcanon to fire against you. I just hope Magister Hathorel should replace Aethas as their leader.
fixed it for you
Thank you for making me aware of my spelling mistake.
You started a war, we finished it, didnât want to get âkilledâ?
Shouldnât had started a war.
And donât come to me with the Stormheim bullcrap.
We didnât start anything. If Blizzard would use logic Genn would have been punished. But this game is still run by alliance bias so here we are. I will wait until you lose everything you love about the game too.
You started the war when you burned Teldrassil in the war of thorns.
The war of thorns was a reaction to the alliance distrupting Azerite mining operations in Silithus.