Pls delete

Oh, quite the reaction, we attacked your miners, you commited a genocide.
We had every right to be suspicious of what the Horde was doing at Silithus.

The Horde army was wounded before but recovered. Like with Siege of Orgrimmar. When they recovered they started another war.
Choke on victory? You continue to overlook the crimes of the Horde like burning Night Elf children alive in their own homes.

This is the Azeroth under Horde domination.

Trolls have been an openly hostile race to the Alliance. They were simply kept somewhere safe until King Anduin could hear them out an seek a dimplomatic solution.

You still make excuses for the Horde? They failed to hold the line. They abandoned their post. They squandered a chance at the broken shore. Causing both Alliance and Horde to replenish its armies from the order halls.

Hathorel? Wasn’t he slain by Jaina?
You are short sighted. The execution of Baine Bloodhoof that Hatharoel was fully complicit with is not something that the BloodHoof Tauren or even the Highmountain Tauren would have tolerated.

The Tauren will have been wiped out by the Centaur was it not for Horde interference and membership. But have become much stronger since then.

It is almost as if Horde believed that actions should not come with consequences.
Alliance should be more proactive and not just wait for yet another Horde atrocity. But when we have to yet again keep Horde in check that is what we do best.

Hathorel is alive. He iced himself. And he is perfect to replace that spineless worm Aethas.

I mean, so did the Trolls and NEs are just mutated trolls :stuck_out_tongue:

because they play better

By that logic, the Void elves should rule the world
Since they are the end of a very long evolutional/devolutional line
Troll–>Dark Troll–>Kaldorei–>Quel’dorei Highborne–>Quel’dorei High Elves–>Sin’dorei–>Ren’dorei

Lmao, I had a blast reading this topic.

Well I play both factions for various reasons, mostly aesthetic.

Lore wise I stand with the Horde. See, the Horde owns to their shortcomings. A genocidal warchief that admits he is a maniac is preferable to me than a king who sits on a high horse (pun intended) but does the dirty work anyway.

You know, one of my favorite storylines in the game is Jaina’s arc in BFA. I like to see a deep, meaningful character development in a video game, even if it’s morally wrong. Arthas is still one of the best villains they ever created. Why do we like him? Because it’s a tragedy and a damn well written one.

The Horde is flavorful and diverse, it got everything from the good and kind hearted taurens to the creepy zombies who don’t give a flying buck. It got (or at least used to) have such a diverse cast of tragic, messed up characters who were relatable. Why were they relatable? Because we all got a dark side inside of us, we all err and learn from it.

The only truly meaningful stories in this game had a very ugly and dark side to them. That is valid for both factions. In fact, the Alliance players should thank the warmongers for keeping them entertained because without them we would all die of boredom in this game.

We struggle to give a damn about whatever is happening in Dragonflight but we can all remember War of Thorns. From a story perspective, BFA was a success for Blizzard. Never has the community been more engaged and interested in the campaign before. Do I think BFA had a good story? Well no and yes. No because it led to a disaster for my faction and yes because it had so many highs and lows, a rolercoaster of emotions and we can remember every moment of it.

Once the factions get disbanded, there will be a huge empty space left in the story of WoW.

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I main horde for 3 reasons.

  1. You can play as a goblin.

  2. The main city is 100 times easier to navigate than the alliance one. I mean sure stormwind looks nice but id rather not have to alt tab just so i can google the location of ____.

  3. Horde is seen as the evil faction. Its much more fun being naughty than nice.

Most of the Horde players understand that the Horde are the bad guys.
Many many Horde thought to flee to the Alliance since the burning of Teldrassil demonstrated that.

Goblins are pragmatic. They are in it for the money. Gallywix became rich enough to fund the Horde war effort. That is no small feat.

This is a bit debatable
Thrall’s Horde and vision that built on the coalition of near-extinct species to survive and help each other and do not destroy or conquer the world is not really bad
Nor the member races; the Tauren is hardly bad guys, the Dark Spear had their habits but stayed on their island, not really bad guys either
Even the Orcs, who went thrugh the whole reconencting to our culture we abandoned in favor for Demon worshiping aren’t bad guys just have a history, but most of the Horde forces that came to azeroth were kids, aged by Fel and tossed in to the meat grinder - but ok, they shaky

On the other hand you are right, even the “good” races did horrible things following an insane leader… leaders, they followed them several times untill the recent event when the likes of Baine said NO MORE!

" The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing "

With the Horde nothing could be more true

I would say the Horde players are victims of horrible writing and plot that made them “bad guys from a certain point of view” in the past ~15 years

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The Horde arrived at Azeroth by sacrificing the souls of Draenai children.
The demon blood that they drank only unlocks what is already within Orcs. Especially considering that Durotan wears the fur of his Frost wolf that he murdered in his berserker rage.
The Tauren of the BloodHoof only are alive because the Horde helped them with the war they were losing agains the Centaur.

Blaming the leaders is just a cop-out. Choosing who they follow and choosing what they do. Someone carried out the order even though Sylvannas ordered Teldrassil burned.

^^ This is the face of the Horde^^
Bane is the only voice that spoke against that. That was going to be executed with the full complicity of the Horde. Doing to Derek Proudmoore what Arthas done to Dranosh Saurfang.

At least the Goblins accept that Horde are the bad guys.

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Yes lol. That’s why I joined the Horde bros back in 2008.

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well i was in GS with my vulpera over the weekend.
Asked random peoples will they ever main a vulpera ?
the answer was Yes if they was Alliance race …
so blizzard make vulpera a neutral race like pandas are and we will see more vulpera then pandas :stuck_out_tongue:

Drugs is the best thing about playing a drug addict. Phhooooo :sweat_smile:

nothing more fun then put down keg toys in world pvp watching someone accidentally click on one and get blind and drunk :rofl:

A lot of Horde propagandists will disagree with you. or at least wrap it up another way. Scourge like you just delaying your death. But if the Valkyr are gone maybe you will stay dead.

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no, i genuinely think the horde are the good guys

horde = orcs (ex slaves looking for a home), darkspear trolls (survived genocide), taurens (pacifist cows), goblins (despised by the world)

due to alliance aggressivity and bigotry, we had to make a pact with the forsaken and later on the blood elves. etc.

but at its core, the horde is all about survival through accepting the others

death to the alliance

No matter what atrocities the Horde commites. Some would always claim the Horde done nothing wrong.
The hypocrisy of the Forsaken forcing on others what was done to them.
Blood Elves are not saints either. A race of magic junkies captured Muuru then after draining him of his essence murdered him. Velen purified the remains of Muuru’s corpse to cleanse the sunwell. Giving the magic junkies a source to sate their addiction.

Orcs enslave humans and use the souls as fuel for the fel. Closer to the Burning Legion.

The Alliance exists because of the Horde and will always be there to put them and keep the Horde in check.
You speak of survival but the Horde forever destroyed the vale of eternal blossom when the Pandaren allowed outsider in.

There is also plagueing the Gilneans. A nation that was neutral.

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It’s just pixels on a screen so just go with whatever asthetic you like and easiest to move resources between your toons.

Horde alliance is all the same and will all be in the same place soon.

The good example, how a group of people could condemn a whole country/race
They are neutral (well, kind of; they are preferring to sell their contraptions, knowledge and services to other races for the right price)
Trade Prince Steamwheedle allied his Steamwheedle Cartel with Orgrim Doomhammer’s Horde and offered aid in form of new technologies, maps, and other useful information to the orcs for the right price. Orgrim treated his new allies as equals, and paid them gold from Stormwind’s coffers. The Warchief also hired them to oversee the construction of the Horde’s fleet. However, following the war, the Steamwheedle Cartel and other goblins realized that it was much better to remain neutral due to thriving trades
The goblins of the Steamwheedle Cartel now offers their services to the Alliance and Horde across the world.
The goblins of the Bilgewater Cartel joined the Horde only, but only because Gallywix enslavedthem and Thrall freed them and promised them a new home in Azshara and a place within the Horde
Garrosh and the True Horde, however, hired the Blackfuse Company - and although the Blackfuse Company was defeated in the Siege of Orgrimmar, the remaining goblins joined the Iron Horde on the alternate Draenor
…and there is The Venture Company or Venture Trading Company, often shortened to simply Venture Co., is a goblin-run cartel notorious for plundering Azeroth’s natural resources, they are the enemy of everyone
But even the SI:7 have Goblin members