That is EXACTLY what an NPC will say.
Not thinking for yourself - No critical thinking skills.
Just told what to believe and believe what you’re told. Any who does think for themselves and have their own thoughts are bad. You own response is evidence of such.
At least try and keep your failing arguments to World of Warcraft.
^^ Demon blood only multiplied what was already within the Orcs"
The Horde had an entire questline of loyalists to Sylvannas or Saurfangs rebellion.
Why do you think that there are not Horde that will not make the same choice as Nazgrim?
Loyalty to the Warchief no matter who it is.
You began on the premise that Putin is evil then demonstrated that you are an NPC.
Shifting the goalposts is a logical fallacy. Look into it some time.
Well then the old Horde can just blame the legion and their cloak and dagger planning for everything then,and sylvanas can blame arthas that killed her. The new Horde can blame the environment they grew up in.
Ill say it again,Horde and Alliance are the same. Both are killers and murders one way or the other.
I try and try to prove my point with fact but time and time again you refuse to listen. you have your opinion i have mine were never going to agree sadly
Are you not aware of the events of Mists of Pandaria?
To explain: In the Siege of Orgrimmar. Whether it be Alliance or Horde champions. Could not face the Sha of Pride because was already tainted by it. Pride was the most powerful Sha of Pandaria. The Sha does have their own influences and were defeating the Shado Pan.
Anger - Doubt - Fear - Hatred.
Even Taran Zhu lord of the shado-pan succumbed to it. Fear manipulated the Mantid Empress and others.
Alliance and Horde simply added fuel to the fire.
So yes Sha manipulation is actually a very real thing. Taran Zhu had to expel it from the Alliance and Horde players that touched down on Pandaria.
You falsely compare the Alliance to the Horde. The Alliance are merciful in victory while the Horde only show Cruelty.
The Horde were placed in internment camps and not slain.
Horde that did not take arms against Jaina during the purge of Dalaran was returned to the Horde.
When Garrosh Hellscream was defeated after the Siege of Orgrimmar. The Horde military was wounded and not in a state to fend of the Alliance. But the Alliance army left Orgrimmar.
Despite the interference of the Horde after King Rhastakhan was put down the request of Mathias Shaw was rejected the Alliance did not press the attack against the defeated and scared Zandalari people.
Moving the GoalPosts: person(s) have changed the rules in a situation or an activity, in order to gain an advantage for themselves and to make things difficult for other people.
When this was done: Claims of Old Horde / Claims of Guldans Horde / Claims that only Sylvannas loyalists obeyed orders to burn Night Elf children.
No matter what points people bring. There would constantly be moving the goalposts. Instead of acknowledging points made.
There is always someone else to blame aint it?
Vancleef was mean,thats why he was kicked out and adventures (mercs) was sent to their base to butcher them.
The Trolls had it comming too and the Taurens dared to protect their land from our mining,so the Dwarfs killed them off. And its not like the forsaken is the resault of human arrogance and power tripping.
By futher applying the logic you use,the Orks are but a result of Guldan and his legions pal decite. They played upon Orks honor and fighting spirit to corrupt and twist them. Any green Ork born after this is just a result of this. Yes,orks are conquerors and a warrior society,but the fel boosted all the bad sides,just like you can say Garrosh got played by the Sha.
In WoD you can you can see it again,Guldan twisting and manipulating,while the Frostwolves fight to stop it along side Thrall and our Horde.
Like it or not,we are the same. Only differences is that the Horde gets painted as the bad guy to fit a narrative.
Do you acknowledge the influence of the Sha?
The Alliance killing defeated or surrendered enemies is out of character. Unknown lands and territories has unknown dangers.
You compare the Alliance to the Horde but ignore history. When Stormwind was sacked the Horde killed all they could find those that did not escape and were caught alive was fuel for the fel.
When Orgirmmar was sieged the Horde could have been dismantled the Alliance military left. Mission accomplished Hellscream was defeated and deposed from power.
The Horde does make claims of all of Kalimdor. But the Alliance will safeguard its interests there.
The Forsaken is actually nothing to do with humans. The Forsaken are simply the scourge. The Burning Legion sought to cleanse Azeroth of all life making the destruction of Azeroth that much easier.
Nerzhul the former Horde warchief is the soul of the Helm of Domination.
Arthas was already corrupted when he defeated Nerzhul and became the driving seat of his own body.
Human victims of the scourge ended up as Forsaken. Some of the Blood Elf victims of the Scourge became the Sanlayn.
What the Horde and the Burning Legion has in common is that they both use the souls of others as fuel for the Fel. The Alliance has our own Warlocks. But there are still differences between the Alliance and Horde.
Orks are from Warhammer 40K and Warhammer Fantasy.
Orcs could be World of Warcraft.
Different kind of green skins.
False equivilence. The demon blood is not the Fel. It unlocked what was already there. Grommash Hellscream chose to drink the demon blood a 2nd time and fed it to his Orcs.
But the Sha completely take over people when strong enough. In its weakened state it just influences. Sha of Doubt can overwhelm even the most faithful and devout. Sha of fear rules people through fear or create new ones.
The Frost Wolves would have been destroyed by the Iron Horde but they used the Thunderlord clan of Orcs as a proxy to destroy the Frost Wolves.
You try to use the Alliance as a shield for the Horde. Your “the Alliance done it too” stuff is nonsensical at best.
Are traitors who had it coming. Blizzard should be ashamed they used the weakest clan to make players feel for the Orcs while all others were villan batted. Nobody wants noble savages. We want monsters who stop at nothing to break their enemies.