Policy Update for Input Broadcasting Software

Your usage of the word unjust is weird.

Do you know what else they have had for 16 years? A policy that they can change anything they deem too harmful for the game any time they think it’s necessary.

Can you please share some tips on how to identify laundering/ah bots? I’m having a hard time picking them out from the crowd of bank alts and ah nerds. I’m sure blizzard could use some help aswell. The stratholme, brd, maraudon, ZG, herbalism, mining and leveling bots are fairly easy to spot for anyone actually playing the game, but not those ah bots.

It’s a problem as soon as that 15+ multiboxers is farming said giants and selling the gold. Or when the 15+ mage/priest squad is waiting as a ghost ready to wipe raids in less than a gcd more or less every big raid night of the week for 6+ months. One person doing that is more than enough for it to have a big negative impact on the game for an entire server.

To be fair, this change in policy has very little to do with classic. This is mainly about retail where teams of druids stood still farming in BFA. And herbing and mining and all able to get the node.

Wilie has actually a fairly decent video on it,

I mean at the end of the day this change in policy won’t get rid of the black lotus bots, or the strat bots, which is are doing most damage to the economy currently.

Regards to the guy running 20 mages with priests outside BWL etc, he’s a totally different problem and should remove him in the short term at least, but I can predict you’ll probably find there is soon their will be 20 beast master hunters with pets on aggressive standing and set to auto fire on change of target… because at the end of the day if someone wants to be a problem they will always find a way.

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What exactly is decent about it? It brings no information that isn’t available already, other than the personal opinion of some random dude like you and me.

Please suggest something that will get rid of all bots and gold sellers with one change then. Just because it won’t get rid of all the bots doesn’t mean it won’t get rid of any gold sellers.

Unlike 20 mages with input broadcasting ressing and instantly doing blast wave/AE/sappers that actually has a counter. It simply won’t be a problem at the same scale.

It was a relatively decent summary of the situation, rather than the “lolz we banned the MuLtIbOxEr BoT ChEaT” and the “omg GiEf ReFuNd CaUsE I cAnT mUlTiBoX” type threads of biased opinions this forum seems to generate.

You seem to be laboring under an illusion that multiboxers were gold sellers, while I grant I can’t speak for all, and lord knows there were probably plenty of farmer boxers, I would imagine most of the gold sellers were just straight bots as why if your prepared to break the rules would you devise a system where you had to actually do the work vs setting up a dozen fire and forget bots?
And I honestly do wish there was a magic button to remove all gold sellers and bots, because if such a thing existed you probably would find less hostility towards boxers when they were allowed. Most of the insults and comments thrown at me while I played were pretty much people who didn’t understand how it worked and thought I was running about with bots who were totally automated.

Oh a dare say the 20 player box will be easier to deal with now, I was only merely pointing out human nature that if someone wants to be a douche he will find ways within the ruleset.

Anyway this thread/discussion is moot at any rate now,
The decision has been made, all people can do is accept it, move on etc. some will obviously quit, some will go back to dual accounts maybe for x-faction lols or solo accounts, but I wouldn’t be surprised if we see boxing back in the very near future with some work around a via hardware. (Like I said before, I could technically still do it with my setup legally, given I use no extra or 3rd party software but I feel that’s rather against the spirit of the rule personally)

How many of those threads are there on the EU classic forums? What makes that guy any more unbiased than you and me?

You seem to be under the illusion that the software affected by this change is only used for traditional multiboxing. It isn’t.

There have been numerous threads like that on this forum since classic started, and regards the unbiased approach, I clearly am biased as I used to multibox, it would be very hard for me not to be, and I also know you have commented in several of the threads (although I honestly can’t remember what you said most of the time, iirc you normally react to Miylee or Dottie) so clearly it piques your interest as well… which means you have a pre existing opinion, otherwise you’d just let the thread pass by and be like meh!

I understand what your saying regarding people using similar software for different things, a bit like /follow being removed from BG’s so try and combat the honor leach follow bots that were prevalent at the time wound up also removing boxers from BG’s.

I believe I have supported multiboxing for the most part. I have more than one active account myself, and will continue to do so. I never got around to try to set myself up for using input broadcasting though, mostly because I enjoy the challange of managing more than one character through alt tabbing. I do however see how multiboxing gives an andvantage over single account holders, and input broadcasting giving an advantage over “manual” multiboxing.

Personally I believe the combination of input broadcasting and a certain AH addon have been causing far more harm to the game than most traditional multiboxing setups. In reality it has pretty much enabled AH botting without technically violating the EULA/TOS. Breaking such addons would probably be an even better solution, if at all possible without ruining most addon support. It would probably be less popular change though.

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ahh i was wondering when you’d show up.
how’s life without your cheating software, cheater? :smirk:

Boy, do you have some unresolved issues. Show me on the doll where the big bad multiboxer touched you.
Many such cases. Sad!

that, i will not deny.
but i will also not hide my schadenfreude when, after long drawn out conversations with multiboxers telling me its not cheating and totally legit are proven wrong and has their toy taken away, and then proceed to complain about it.

can you really blame me though?

that kinda makes you the sad one here!

whats funnier than someone investing hundreds of euros on a monthly basis into gaining an unfair advantage while claiming they aren’t gaining said advantage with a smile on their lips, only for them to have that taken away and being officially marked as cheaters by blizzard itself?

Not much, i’ll tell you. Not much.

Except, of course, they have not been marked as ‘cheaters’ by Blizzard, who are more than happy for them to continue paying for and using multiple accounts at the same time …

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yeah but good luck doing it the way its restricted now.
tbh, if they are able to do that, then all power to them.
but we all know that’s not going to happen; hence why they mad.

That’s kinda funny when you were the one taking 8 days to reply after the last reply in this thread…

Unlike you, Eringer doesn’t even come across as mad.

well i was banned for laughing at people like him.
my guess is they logged on their 20-some accounts and mass reported me and i got a week ban for “being rude” basically.
he might not come across as mad, but he’s definitely mad, like all multiboxers are these days.

they are so mad in fact they mass flag people like me for laughing at their misfortune.

Well howdy, life is good as can be… because like I’ve mentioned a few times before… I never used software! I’ve always been a hardware boxer, i had multiple computers left over after a refurb of a sound studio which I Re purposed… combine that with an analog splitter for keyboards and you got me. (I did switch to a wireless keyboard setup a few years ago (I literally have 5 computers, 6 screens and 6 keyboards and 5 mice in front of me.

To be honest I haven’t logged in the box since, because the wording that has come back from GM’s in game is confused to say the least… some of the opinion it’s all banned. Some are saying only software is banned, and some are saying one input, to result in one action, in one account… so until they finalize what the actual situation is I’m not risking it. I’ve had these 5 accounts since 2006, I’m not going to risk them now over a month or two. Also the amount of passive reports would be insane I reckon… so I ain’t trucking with any automatic banning system.

So with input broadcasting banned, how about you guys get off your rears and do some work on that mythical anti-cheat you guys promised was gonna be there at blizzcon eh?

Cause until you stop bots flying/cheating/wallhacking/noclipping no one is going to really take you guys seriously, like for real, you guys have an MMO on which you let people cheat, games that run on clients at this point have better anti-cheat than you guys are capable of programming which leads me to believe there’s no one on your staff that knows what they’re doing : ) please tell me I’m wrong but for every single bot I see flying I will spam your bug/suggestion forms until you guys get off your rears and do some of the work you guys signed up to do in the first place : ))))))

Your long drawn out arguments were with me, and I’ve never multiboxed in my life.

And no, prio to the change in the ToS; multiboxing was legitimate and not cheating. So for the duration of our arguments, you were wrong.

You were banned for insulting me. I remember reporting you for it. Boltboy was given the same treatment, you aren’t unique.

If you don’t break rules, you don’t get flagged. If you’re going to act like an obnoxious child and flame everybody that disagrees with your “fairness” agenda, you’re going to get reported.

And yes, we CAN blame you. Because your attitude is outright dreadful. Your attitude is the reason why people argue with you and report you, not your dislike of multiboxers.

Richdude implied that you come across as mad. You come across as mad to me too, but not mad as in angry. Mad as in completely off your rocker, as we English say.

(That means nuts/insane, by the way)

m’am its not always about you.
the druid who replied to me was very insistent on multiboxing being fair game as well.
as you can see in his latest response, he believes its fine because he doesn’t use software to do it, he just uses hardware.
different method, same result; still scum.

You were banned for insulting me. I remember reporting you for it. Boltboy was given the same treatment, you aren’t unique.
If you don’t break rules, you don’t get flagged. If you’re going to act like an obnoxious child and flame everybody that disagrees with your “fairness” agenda, you’re going to get reported.

wow, wow, wow, lets not be too hasty and self-absorbed here dude. i find it hard to believe i would get a week ban because you told blizzard i was being a meanie beanie.
but hey, if it gets you off, then by all means; live the fantasy.

if you indeed do report people for offending you, then you’re honestly just a bish who have no place arguing on forums in the first place.
imagine seeking out arguments and then reporting people when they reply in a hostile manner, particularly when you go out of your way to provoke them every single god damn time you post.

get a life m8.

Richdude implied that you come across as mad. You come across as mad to me too, but not mad as in angry. Mad as in completely off your rocker, as we English say.

well, i can’t speak for richdude, but don’t think that’s what he meant when he called me “mad” since he did a switcharoo on my comment that claimed multiboxers were “mad” that they can no longer cheat legally… honest to god, i think he just meant “angry” when he said “mad” in this context.
but again, i can’t speak for him.

anyway, do you got a problem with people who suffer from mental illnesses? cus it sounds like you do.

You mean Eringer? He was right.

Also still allowed. The recent ban was on the software only, multiboxing itself is allowed. Eringer simply doesn’t now because as he said last week “If a dolphin swims with tuna, the net doesn’t care what it catches”.

It doesn’t matter how many people report you. A single report still does through; multiple reports simply flag your comment as “hidden until moderated”.

As I said in my previous post, the problem here is your attitude. Not you offending me.

And again; you were reported for breaking rules.

Richdude implied you were angry, I switched the meaning of the word.

Are you trying to provoke me into saying something discriminatory in order to play the old report game?

And no, as a fellow Aspie; I have no problem with people’s mental issues.