Tell you a secret? I would not greatly mind either, it’s more a case of me not liking changes because of Blizz’s record of making them into areal mess. And then I find it amusing that people argument like: “It was in thelast half of Wrath (only they often leave out the last half) therefore it should be added to Classic Wrath from launch!” “I die and leave if it’s not.” We all survived the first year of Wrath - or we wouild not be here now :wink: - and they’ll survive once again.

Yes actually I would be because its inclusion will make alll the randoms I could group up with go there and lnok look in Chat for invites.

it is a valid argument… I dont say that my friends dont want to run any dungeon… sometimes you login just for fluf… just to go and do some relaxing gathering or just do the daily quests or maybe you want to go farm for gold etc etc. Imagine anytime you log get a whisper “come help me in this dungeon” … espeacially if you play tank or healer!

In TBC (old one) I had a prot warrior and sometimes just couldnt login… I was in login screen still when I was receiving the first whispers… I got sick of it after some months. I swapped to mage and guess what? All those “friends” of mine never whispered again… never asked me if I wanna do any dungeon.

I will say this, if you have a group of rl friends to play the game then you are very very lucky. It is the best experience you can have from the game. If like me, you step into 40s and all your friends stopped playing or playing other MMOs and you are left alone, then LFD is best. I also have not the time nor the patience to spam chat to find “friends”.

if you ask me why I dont play retail is because I dont like retail… I prefer wotlk because of so many things… Zones, lore, Class Design, Endgame system (badges instead of M+ and great vault). WotLK is a complete different game than retail. Its not like that their only difference is LFD…


I can imagine - as I do - my main is a Tankadin :wink:

So much this.

And the way to not let Blizz mangle it is #NoChanges, as they have now proved to excess that they just cannot handle changes.

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so LFD on later phases?


10 9 8


1 naturally


1, not everyone has friends and it’s only for dungeons anyway.

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Absolutely 1

1, obviously

1, F-u to the gatekeepers toxic close communities that wants us to fail at finding dungeons convienently, and F-u to the alliance.

1 but don’t teleport ppl to dungeons

  1. Want LFD

I have been able to share the results with Brian on Twitter and here is his answer:

Polls like this are biased towards people upset with the status quo.
Clearly a large group is upset by this direction, but I don’t think making a knee-jerk about-face is the right way to react either. It’s been less than a week. Give us time to listen, process, and reply.

— Brian Birmingham💙 (@BrianBirming) April 25, 2022

I can foresee the reply.

“No because no, and if You dont understand it, we know better what You want” :slight_smile:

As I said, we will get FULL BLOWN classic experience, with devs not giving a single feck included. What a time to be alive :slight_smile:

Well, he is correct though. most people filling the poll are the pissed onces, so it’s hardly objective.
He also stated that they are reworking the LFD tool, so at least let’s give them time until beta to see what they came up with. If it’s actually good and usable then lets cut them some slack.
Also hopefully they manage to do something against the rampant boosting and the bots.


He is right.

The majority of people brigading right now and clicking every thread/polls that mentions LFD are those who want it added. Nobody else has a huge incentive to participate.

Obviously those polls are biased.

  1. Lfd or unsubscribe.

Can I have your G - mi TBCC main is a poor paladinwith alæmost 3 G to his name :wink:

1 - you can be social and chatty with strangers, put them on friend list and make group later together. Also it would help my alts alot to find dungeon groups while questing.

1 OFC!!! Since release