Apart from the small fact that there’s no capital letters in Japanese :wink:

  1. i want LFD because it makes leveling alts way more fun since you can actually get grps going for the low lvl dungeons. Its also quite nice at max level if you simply do not have time to spend 30 min spamming in lfg chat and have ur msg not been seen due to all the boosters.

What are you talking about? haha

yeah ofc? or combined with quests but atleast when u feel for a dungeon you can get a grp going :slight_smile:

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I get that playing with friends are fun - but running the same dungeons over and over again? I can easily imaging more fun things to do with my friends, in and out of the game.

I would be fine with them adding LFD in the game, but only when we get to ICC’s phase, like in the original game.

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If you have friends or a guild, you can almost always find a group.
But I’m asking out of curiosity and because I want to tell that not everyone finds dungeons fun.
For me dungeons are a task, a boring chore, to be done as fast as humanly (beingly?) possible - and preferably overlevelled, overgeared and over-whatever.
I never even got my Broken Isles alchemy maxed, because it was dungeon-gated. And I had a guild offering to carry me through, I just did not feel up to doing dungeons.

Ans as I have stated repeatedly in many threads. The charm about WoW in it’s original state is that it can be played in many different ways by different players. There’s not ONE right way of playing Classic.

I’m neutral on this actually. I can live with LFD, but would prefer no LFD at start at least.


And to bring the topic back on track, sorry folks.
I would be fine with this as well. Things that were not at Launch of Wrath, should not be at launch of Wrath Classic either.

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I choose 1

Why bother my friends run with me if they dont want to do a specific dungeon? And that is based if they are online that time… I dont raid myself, my content is dungeons. In wotlk used to run dungeons with all my alts to cap the weekly badges and slowly gear them. That was the game for me… if I join a guild they will expect from me to raid which is something I dont wand or like.

Dungeon Finder was part of Wotlk and I am expecting to be part now as well

Dungeon finder was in the last half of Wrath, I expect the same in Classic Wrath.

Dungeons in TBC are definitely more complex that WOTLK dungeons. The reason the dungeon experience is so bad for people who don’t find groups/guilds to play with is because it’s mostly pugs you find in global chat. Those same people are use to retail where dungeons are basically a free win - each role doesn’t have to worry about mana, or threat, or mechanics. LFD not only created a era where people became less social, it also created a demand to make dungeons easier and un-failable.

And era where people didn’t actually learn to play their class or the game and became disposable to one another.

Paying a WoW token every week for a mythic dungeon boost or raid-carry is about the peak most players reach, because retail has annihilated casual guilds and communities.

This argument is coming out a lot from people - it’s the absolute opposite experience of the people I play with or have spoken to about it. In TBC there is almost always a reason to do any dungeon. Being exalted with any faction brings some benefit, and the disenchant materials are worth incredible amounts of gold.

I’m starting to think these people don’t actually play the game more than 1-2 hours a week. If that’s the case, it’s absolutely fine for the game to not be balanced around you.

I choose 1. It was there originally too, so it would take away authenticity in my eyes.

I played back then, and enjoyed it. I even made friends from other servers because of it.
It wasn’t so bad back then, I rarely remember someone leaving or being kicked out without good reason unlike nowadays. Many groups even did more than one dungeon at a time!

Besides, how the are you supposed to get your badges from if not LFD? Not everyone wants to or has time to raid on a regular basis.


It’s okay if other people don’t find it fun. ALOT of people do find it enjoyable. Just because maybe you don’t find it fun, others surely will. To limit or to remove it completely in this case, is bad. I would like to have the option atleast and I know the majority of the playerbase feels the same.
If you don’t want to use the LDF option, then don’t. You are not forced to.


It was originally for the last half of Wrath

LFD only lets you join dungeons, not raids. On how to earn badges, well the same way as we did the first year of Wrath, by making Dungeon groups either with friends, guilds or random players.

Can you add the below link to your first post?


Yes I know it was there only for the last major patch. I did play back then. The issue here is that devs plan on not including it at all. I wouldn’t mind it coming later in the WotLK Classic like it did back then, but I wouldn’t say no to it being there from day one.

I know LFD is for dungens only - what I meant with raiding is the whole “join a guild or find a pug” thing. Not everyone’s cup of tea that one. Also not everyone has enough friends to run dungeons with, and the idea of joining a guild might seem like a big hurdle if you’re not an expert social butterfly.

Of course I can’t say everyone is the same - and besides what does LFD’s inclusion take away from those who want to run dungeons with their guild or friends anyway? You’re not forced to use it if you don’t want to.


I choose 1