
And jokes aside, if it truly takes too long for you to get a dungeon group going, you are either too passive looking for groups, waiting to get an invite while doing nothing, or you live on a half-dead server. In this last case, I suggest you read carefully one of my other posts here:

It was many many months ago now since i last logged into TBCC, But i remember trying to start a SHH run (normal) just for some rep grind.

The group gave up after trying to find a tank after like 40 minutes.

You might like wasting that much time, but it would just be better with a group finder that auto fills while you do other stuff, so you don’t have to sit in a city and write constantly.

This post is kind of ironic, everyone basically wants to repeat the cycle of retail. Yet the whole point of classic was because people didn’t like the path retail went.

LFR next guys, come on we can do it!


People just want to play the actual game and not wait for so long.

Merge servers is another solution ofc, But i doubt blizzard cares to do something to help the server population, So LFD is the best option.

Adding a 1 to the list!

That’s the funny thing, I think you’re spot on here as I believe everyone, including the ones that now claims to be happy it’s gone, actually expected it to be in wotlk.

just bumb bumb bumb

1 for sure

Without auto-matching it’d basically be useless for its intended purpose. The whole point of LFD is not having to play “fastest whisper wins” everytime they try to get into a dungeon as a DPS class, without it you may as well keep using lfg chat and the bulletin addon.

Everything else (teleporting, x-realm) can be negotiated but the auto-matching (and deserter penalty for quitters) should stay.

2 --don’t want fake tanks/healers and pvp dps that can’t do damage. prefer to actually interact with players socially too, lfd is far too sterile. the vote kick option is just another way for players to be bullies too. that function most often than not was used to block players from doing content.

Completely untrue. The intended purpose is to find dungeon groups, not be a mute zombie. A list of people looking for a certain dungeon group is much smoother than reading through the LFG chat and actually not even such a bad thing. Auto invites, teleporting, x-realm, these are the trash elements of the LFD tool.

Whispering “inv” and saying “hello” after invite doesn’t make you any less than one.

Unlike with auto invites, people have the choice not to invite you if you do that.

Everybody does that. What gets or doesn’t get you invited to dungeons, in general, is (1) how fast you whisper, and (2) to a lesser extent, your class if they want to spell-cleave or something. Neither of which would be a factor if auto-queue was a thing.

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You or your guild could have beef with one of the members for previous behaviour, you could be a rival for an item that is to drop, or people just might recognise you as the troll who makes senseless posts on the classic forums. Those are just from the top of my head, but there are certainly reasons why one would not want to invite someone and it does occur.

A system to make you more easily find people (from your server) for your group is fine, a system that makes the group for you definitely is not.

when are ppl gonna learn that forum polls dont mean jack?

u realize people dont come here when they are indifferent or just dont give a care, right?

90% ppl who come here want to complain about the game

5% want to laugh at the 90%

the other 5% have nothing better to do.

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This was more common in Vanilla due to all the forced server cooperation/competition like wbuffs and the AQ event. Don’t miss it, rly.

That goes back to the class stuff above

Speaking from personal experience?

Pretty sure a lot of people disagree with this sentiment, and I dont see any real way to bridge the gap at this point. We’ll see how devs decide.

  1. want LFD

There have been forums polls, community polls, youtube polls, all kind of polls and you know what? The ones who dont want RDF is the minority.

Better nerf you right? :smiley:

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