1. I would like LFD. I dont care for the time spent spamming chats and addons for a DPS slot.

This argument of “but social” no, I work all week. I dont want to come home at 7pm cook dinner and shower to just sit spamming chats for a dungeon I really need to complete. When I was a kid sure but I’m 30 years old.

If anything, I need less friends to disappoint.

  1. this is exactly how I feel too!
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It’s really nice to see the same story as mine. Blizzard should understand that we are getting older and dont have so much time as the kids we used to be :smile:

I really don’t know if there is some statistics what is the age of classic players but i think there will be big portion of 25+. Some of them maybe have enough time but this is the age when you will sort of priorities.

My priority is no longer to be DA BEST MAAN on the server. I want to enjoy the game not brainless waiting if there would be some DPS looking :smile:

BTW as far as i know many youtubers and streamers they agree that there should be RDF and those guys have WoW as the job and even them see positive in RDF


Never go with youtubers amd streamers, those idiots thought batching is a good idea

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Poll like this doesn’t have any value IMO.

Most of the “pro LFD” are rampant after the announcement. So yeah, expect a lot of “1” because human who disagree with something tend to be more vocal about it.

Especially when a news is fresh.

This “poll” thing is waste of time and has absolutely no value, as it’s not ranzomized and as such it’s not representative of the whole Classic population.

Blizzard themselves did a big survey just a couple of weeks ago by mail (I myself received it and answered it), with thousands of people involved, and one of the things they asked in particular was about the DF feature.

If they have decided in the end to leave out the DF tool, I’m pretty sure that’s because such survey gave them the insight to take an informed decission about it.

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  1. Give us LFG the dead servers wil be dead more it wil be hard to find a group wasting time in trade / LFG channel to get a grp to just have funn relaxed time instead of stressing to find a tank while you do some quest or whatever
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  1. for sure no doubt in my mind please blizz
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I choose 1

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95% of the player base isn’t even active on the forum.

People that are happy about the game are actually PLAYING the game instead of whining here.

Only people that cry 24/7 are active here.

Stop wasting your energy on something that ain’t worth it. Even if the Dungeon finder gets introduced (Basically @ the end of Wotlk if they follow the normal phase) You probably quit already.

Go walk outside and get some fresh air.

1, yes one

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Seems like all people want to do in the game is raidlog while alt tabing to warcraftlogs xD

Started playing wow in WOTLK, patch 3.1. Got first 80 just as 3.3 hit. LFD is a core WOTLK feature to me. - I remember never being able to find a group for anything on my way up to 80, to suddenly being able to play a dungeon whenever I wanted.

I could queue as a healer and get an instant queue, or dps and go play in the world mining/questing while I waited for queue to pop, rather than sitting in the city spamming LFG over and over.

Yes my first few runs as an undergeared fresh 80 probably were terrible, but after 1-2 runs I was fine with fight mechanics and actually had reasonable gear. The whole ‘LFD players are bad’ argument is overblown.

Its a core feature and should be released as part of the prepatch.

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Definitely there should be LFG on WOTLK. I think it shouldn’t be from the start just like the original WOTLK wasn’t from the start. One of the reasons LFG wasn’t so bad as people remember is because it was added at the end of the expansion, when dungeons, except ICC, were already trivial. Most LFG problems are from Cata onwards, expansions with LFG from the start.

So the best is to start the expansion without LFG and add it later. Maybe have LFG from the start only for level 1-70 content.

What they COULD is irrelevant, because the purpose of Classic is not to recreate an hyphotitcal server that could have theoretically exists but never actually happened. I want to play on a server ready to replicate what I have when I actually played WOTLK 2008, to revive as close as possible the real experience from 2008 instead of an imaginary experience that could have happened. The fact that people could boost back them but it was never actually done is a good argument to change the game so it is not possible because if people didn’t boost in 2008 they shouldn’t be able to boost in 2022.

funny thing you say that to me hahah. Cause I am not the nolifer here that has all the time to spam chats for hours to get group… get a job I would say… make a family… get out of your moms basement!

Dont worry about me, I rarely play more than 1-2 hours a day and not every day of course…

Less player interaction is not a good thing.


Dude, you have been lurking this forum the entire day.

you made like 4 topics about the same subject in less than 10 hours.

A normal working family man wouldn’t even bother.

If some one is living in his moms basement it’s you.

Give your kids some love, it are just pixels.

news flash!!! you can post from your phone! I am not going to prove to you what I have achieved in life… its clear that the no-lfd dudes are in moms caves, nolifers, no job, have all the day time to kill and try to find a reason in their miserable life, like being recognizable in a game server…

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Alright m8…

Looking at the way you reply & anger management I am guessing you aren’t very ‘‘educated’’

So i guess you have to work ALOT to make a decent living.

Whatever makes you happy, I wish you luck on your witch hunt!

Best of luck to you!

Peace out

looks to me that you can not handle the fact that you are wrong.