POLL: What class will you play in WoW Classic 20th Anniversary Edition?

Which class will you roll for the fresh classic next week?


Probably mage, posssibly warrior or both. Problem is I got hooked on medival dynasty a few weeks ago, and ther is no chance I will be done with that game in just 1 more week. Can you postpone the launch to January?

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Protection Warrior & Retribution Paladin.

& Dranei Shaman once TBC is here.

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Never raided as a priest, so a priest with the plan to play shadow in TBC.


Shaman or Druid tauren is tempting, for something fresh and interesting that I haven’t done before. Shaman can work, although I’ve been spoiled by SoD and other similar changes where it’s much less clunky or lacking. (Tanking Enh you will always live in my heart). Druid less so, because it’s plagued by many issues and I really dislike the feral gameplay in classic (without addressing its biggest issues like SoD did, it was enjoyable there).

A priest sounds possible, it’s a comfy class and working towards Benediction sounds fun.

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Start a filler class until tbc. After that I’ll create my alliance elemental shaman. Maybe a mage or a hunter next week? What would you pick in my situation when you are just prepping for tbc? :stuck_out_tongue:


With TBC in mind i’ll go with Warrior and Hunter…My wish is to play with Rogue and i did it in Classic , but man Rogue sucks big time in PvE.

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I will play Classic ERA.

SoM, SoD, now Classic Refresh - None of them got nothing on the long lasting king of Classic.


Stuck between priest and warlock at the moment… any suggestions?

Troll priest

I think im going to play a UD Mage… Curious what faction players will choose more to play…

I wanted to play paladin but I dislike its lack of mobility
So warrior

For an alt I think hunters are in too much supply so not many invites for groups
Shaman is versatile but I like playing Alliance (I can’t wait for TBC pre-patch)
Druid - I can’t really understand how to play it.
Rogue - I hate collecting those combo points
Warlock - I dislike having demon pets and why don’t I just play mage which is an old favourite of mine in Classic
Priest - that’s the class I have the least playtime with. Maybe that’s about to change.

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I’m going Druid simply because it’s the least played class. I want to experience why.

In original vanilla I was rogue. In 2019 classic I was a priest , warr and mage.

So i’m going to be something different a Druid. I’ve mained Druid since Woltk. My go to class for farming , questing , getting things done. Time to play one the way they were intended. Jack of all trades , master of none.

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In the same boat tbh, waiting room for tbc.

Paladin and hunter are topping my list, but rogue and priest are also in the mix

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Surprised to see Warlock so high. I picked that because it’s where I was leaning in the interest of having a decent DPS/solo class.

It will be my first time properly playing Vanilla. I’m wanting to play a DPS class that is sustainable in PVP (my favourite content) but also isn’t over-played. In my head, I imagined it to be Warlocks.

Should I just roll a Warrior?

Either warlock or hunter!

Future proofing for tbc probably also seeing all the warlock loot in Classic either get funnelled to 2 people in raid group or get DE every time.

Same for druid.

If you want to gear up fast Druid and lock way to go.

It’s just frustrating being a warr having to compete with rogues , hunts and 33% of your raid group also being warrs.

I will level a Warrior slowly and casually, play some PvP in Classic and then move to raiding in TBC whenever that comes out. So see you in a year or two I guess.

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Kind a stuck between Mage, Shaman and Priest.

I like to heal in Classic and also T1 set + Benediction is my BiS look as Priest, Shaman is something that I never played before, it’s versatile class and Mage has the class fantasy I enjoy. Probably will exclude Shaman later… will see.

This time would really like to go for Atiesh stave since first time I missed it out.

Undeath shadow priest