Population feels low? are people quitting?

there is no Wonder and mystery in the open world, everything is solved or easy

  • back in the day there were secrets left unsolved for years
  • zones were so big, quests so vast, it was an achievement in itself to get lore master
  • players had odd little reps to grind, for no power gain
  • people would grind for items from rare spawns or Diremaul random world drops
  • open world pvp had a meaning by collecting gurbashi Tokens ( STV arena )
  • Citys were raided by the opposing faction in a massive open world pvp, sharding wasnt a thing
  • professions were a side game in itself, and didnt require " crafting orders" to supplement a decent gold making venture
  • Twinking was a way for people to have fun on low levels, making the world feel more populated and low level BGs more populated
  • flying was restricted more, and zones had more “local defence” channels . people of all levels would come to the aid to defend

all of these have been changed id argue… for the worse
the game is hollow and deprived of any mystery or awe

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Sharding is utter garbage.

Example: there is a canyon on the border of 3 regions…city zone, start zone and horse ppl zone.

You fly in from horse zone, you see someone descending from the city following the canyon down towards the start zone.

You decide to give chase and to maybe try to dismount the player…its all very tight and feels good (Tom Cruise, Top Gun on dragon vibes), but then the player arrives at the starting zone border and dissapears…

the only thing dragonflight has done right, is the talent tree revamp and SoloQ

the game is still suffering with a drought of only instanced content, while the open sandbox of the Warcraft world is left empty and unused outside of the odd World Quest

  • we need more than just the trinity of m+ , raids and pvp instanced content

At church. Ahahaha. Hhoohohohho. Aaaaahhaaha. What is this 1952?


I’ve been attributing it to many players realising that the new +20 requirement for max M+ gear is beyond the amount of effort they’re willing to put into getting it.

Lot of things to like in Dragonflight, but the creeping difficulty curve isn’t one, imo. Makes it harder to look forward to getting home from work and “relaxing” with the game when it kicks you around and tells you you’re not good enough.


I haven’t noticed any decline myself, even LFR queues are super fast atm.


It’s a mediocre expansion.

The popularity is going to reflect that.


i will tell you a secret.

most people never did.

most do 1 dungeon a week. maybe 4 if they have a lot of time. and are done unless someone is pushing hard for score.

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luckily the same people can just do 15 or 16 and also get nice juicy 411/415 rewards. and then maybe do couple of +2s for valor.

really the world doesnt circle only around max GV reward.

just like raiding doesnt focus only and solely around mythic raiding.

there is plenty of normal / hc guilds if you just look for them .

You are missing the point. The new system introduced many flaws.

Guild members were spreaded even more due to skill disparity.

I’ve witnessed it in many guilds that 5-6 people are good enough for +20 keys and pushed har do get the vault filled up. But due to the difficulty spike they couldn’t find the time to also help weaker members.

In SL you were helping others AND filled your vault in an ez +15.

But if this is what players want it can’t be helped to watch wow go downhill like wildstar


Pretty sure the only “god” gamers believe in is Rngesus so their not going to a church meeting :smiley:

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ye no - thats not something i seen ever since Legion.

most time it was really good players playing mainly with each another. sometimes ofc boosting their low itlv alts.

but when weaker players ask for keys ? its nearly always meet with dead silence regardless of the guild i was in since Legion .

Would be just as bad. The 1% will always be at the 1%. And its not hard to generate such content. M+ does it by default with their number scaling. If the Dungeons were currently easier than they wouldnt do 27s but 35s instead or something. Raids are just “tune this thing really really tight” and only for Mythic anyhow.

Debatable. I assume you mean leveling. Leveling in the days wasnt harder. It was more tedious and slow.

D3 was always a grinder. You didnt spam Rifts no, but you spammed certain maps on Inferno instead til Torment came and then did it on Torment. Same way D2 operated with Baal and Rune runs.

People already didnt understand that back in the days. Or share the playstyle. If you wanna do it then do it but dont expect others to even remotely share the idea. Even back in the days that playstyle was very very rare.

If the drop in participation is real, it may get recognised as something that players really do not want. Only Blizzard know for sure, but I guess season 2 and 3 will tell us. If they think they have goofed on something so very fixable, they will undo it. If we’re losing players and all the leaving notes are “game too hard” then that won’t drag on until 11.0.

It must be said, I was looking for some “easy pugging” action earlier, so 16 CoS or Shadowmoon… and there were more 20+ keys listed than 16-19.

This could mean several things though…

  1. More players than I realise have genuinely moved to 20+ and this really is where the bulk of the action is now
  2. Players who are doing 20+ keys are much less likely to give up, because either they like the challenge or are satisfied that they have “made it to endgame” and it’s therefore a good use of time
  3. Those running 19 and below are tiring of the chase for a goal they don’t feel able to reach, especially if they had friends in the 20+ crowd who have stopped playing with them
  4. 16-19 keys fill up much faster while 20+ keys wait ages to start, thus keeping the board for lower difficulties relatively clear

It is possible for any or all of these to be contributing factors! Unfortunately since Blizzard never really discuss what goes right/wrong with regards to community responses, the best we can hope for is that one of the big youtubers takes time to gather proper feedback from a big number of people and decides to run a video on it.


Lol i regret saying that. already got 4 replies about it. the ironic thing is im muslim.

I just assumed since its a sunday people are either sleeping, going to a family gathering, or prayer.


there is no doubt that keys in 16-19 range fill up very very fast. 20+ ? maybe even faster if you ever applied to them you would just know how fast its “full and delisted”

basicly everyone who is like 400 + is tryign to get into anythign higher then 16. and unlike in past 2400 is really desirable as its giving you that extra “bump” on your itlv.

people who think that m+ have problems are

b) bad players who are no longer getting carried for their weekly like they were in +15 in SL

My guild has taken a break, my queues are very long so yeah I’ve definitely felt the drop in players.

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Im hardly playing atm and I am “that person” who played WoW all the time…
It started dropping from “When I wake up to I go to bed” (Literally as I have handicap irl and just sit by computer, most of the time) - and then in Legion to “Most of my day” - then in BFA to “80% of my day.” - Halfway/end of BFA to “50% of my day” - Shadowlands beginning to “20% of my day.” - Shadowlands end to “5% of my day” - DF beginning “50% of my day” - About three weeks after DF launch, or less to “Some times some days”.

So yeah it’s… idk… for me it’s weird. I play other games now, single player, or watch youtube, or literally just stare at a wall (no joke, I have apathy a lot…)

Depression has gotten harder to “cope” with as I have felt less like playing WoW.
PS: Filling in for people: I am on antidepressants, I am talking to a psychologist, I have tried most things to fix it.

… When people like me play the game less, idk what to say, really.
I have nothing to defend or “attack” with anymore cause people will just say I am wrong either way.


You ONE shot on your THIRD try. Okay.

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I dont really notice it, but i dont play as much anymore

Got bored of the dungeon pools, i only like temple & shadowmoon, and while i love the professions, they locked so incredibly much behind repgrind that i can’t be bothered, they went really overboard with it, my toolmaker can make 2-3 tools while rest requires like 19 valdrakken renown which im not farming on alts