Population feels low? are people quitting?

Even in my prime as white-knight and fanboy, I would never regard Blizzard’s game design as infallible and perfect as you seem to do.

Cool down with the fanaticism. :grimacing:


same. i only play temple and f the rest boring overtuned garbage.


Don’t worry it’s just a different experience you’ve got. Might trying you’re server when I’m back for 10.1

Everyone is running M+. There are soooo many groups. I never queued for pvp after vanilla, yet I play for 15-18 years. I’m here.

Judging by the queues a lot of people are playing D3 season 28 (including me) … It is a lot of fun. I like many will complete the journey and (maybe) return.

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All mmo’s have this cycle.
Most of ppl play for main pve/pvp season or finish the raid hc or mythic and from there some are altoholics, some (like me) focus on achiev farm old mounts / mogs / rep and others leave until the new patch with the new season come out.
But still WoW have more people even in the time between the seasons and patches.
I don’t believe there is a mmo who keeps all players tuned in. All have dead spaces.

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Yeah people have been quitting in droves over the last 2 months primarily because despite all things that Dragonflight tried to change and improve the endgame content is the same, repetitive braindead grind as the last 3 expansions.


I think it’s normal.

For me discovering quality vlogging side of Youtube in 2021 was opening the world in many ways of saying that. I can list about 20 channels if you are interested, not sure what you’re watching :slight_smile:

As for games, people told me I must have WoW burnout, yes I do. We need breaks, new experiences, going on holidays and stuff. It’s funny when I open some very advanced game like Pixel Puzzles and have a blast, compared to WoW. :laughing:

So, don’t limit yourself, try new things! A couple years ago I randomly came across the Gnome’s Garden series, which then led to the 12 Labours of Hercules games. Before that, Glass Masquerade 1-2 leading to patchwork titles. And the best thing, many of these go for 0.39€ regularly, so… These are also great to mix in between sessions of the big games like WoW or GW2. My mum is a great fan of Kyodai Mahjongg since forever.

It can get difficult to break out from the bubble of doing WoW, there are variations of the story like housewife finding herself at the age of 40-50 once the kids are grown up. What now.

I feel this. I wanted to make an alt with every profession, then discovered yeah, it would mean doing all the world quests on them all each week… not for me then.


and yet without this “repetitive grind” people have nothing to do in endgame and clearly m+ and raid is just not enough for them .

so yes removal of that "repetitive grind " was collosal mistake .

You are the type of guy nobody ever wants to talk too, and in turn lashes out on everything to reflect his own bitter lonelyness

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Sadly my friends list is yet again empty as far as retail goes most people on my list are playing diablo and wow classic.


Agreed I basically do less content because of the reward structure.

I think the trading post is more motivating a reason to do content than chasing upgrades that just become worthless at the next patch. Mounts and mogs do last afterall.

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I agree wih the sentiment.

But to me it’s more that, for the time I put in the game (let’s say 8 hours a week for the sake of argument), I get fewer and fewer rewards (or of a lesser quality) as expansions go on.

It’s getting frustrating because I feel that if I want the same level of progression, I’d have to put more hours into the game each xpac.

But this expansion is catered at exactly people like you . With very milited time .

You can literaly log in and push m+ or raid.

What is stopping you ?

Exept for first month i’m doing literaly 1 dungeon a week and maybe couple of +2 for valor

Still have no problem to complete 2x18 and 1x16 rqch week for that nice shiny 415/418 . Reward.

I Play even less then you if you as i dont really have time to raid atm. Just couple of normal dungeon on alts which i level up atm so im likely playing like 5-6 hours a week.

When people, start complaining their alts, aren’t on the same level as their mains, in a few months from now. I will remember them this time period where everyone was complaining they had nothing to do :wink:


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I did put 8 hours a week as an example, I am probably playing more than that.

I was just pointing out that I was feeling I could get less rewards for the time I’d put into the game this expansion.

I am doing a few 16s, sometime a 18 if I’m lucky on my main each week (this week I had time off so I could fill my vault, and am very happy about it).

But I can’t reach 20s because atm I’m not good enough, and I can’t put enough hours to train so I could time them.

It’s 100% a me problem, that’s why I was saying that it was my “feeling”.

But in a topic about people quitting, I think that maybe others feel that too and that can be a reason as to why some are quitting.

I’m not advocating for a huge change so the game would cater just to me. I’m just sharing my opinion :slight_smile:

people are so blind to the fact that any other game would never make you wait 30min in a " que finder"

im sorry but this is not normal

anyone that says otherwise has WAY too much time on their hands


It’s end game content.
Try Vanilla where you were lucky to even have players to play a BG. Before cross servers were introduced.

You are dependent on how many players want to do your content. That’s not Blizzards fault.

What makes end gear so special is: because it’s hard to obtain.
That includes queue times as well.


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Its because so many dps que and lack of healers.