Post if you want to make some in-game friends (pt3)

About me

I’m a dude in my mid 20s, I have mild Autism, PTSD, Severe Social Anxiety
I dropped out of highschool when i had 1 year left - Depression.
(My post may seem depressing, but i prefer to be honest straight up, and im not all depressed tbh, i’m like 85% of the times Happy)
So don’t let my comment fool you!.


Both, i have a few characters of each faction.

Up for

Mythic dungeons - M+ - Transmog farming - Lvling in Shadowlands.

Other stuff

((Some “Personal” Info))
So i lost all of my irl friends since i dropped out of highschool years ago, and i pretty much became isolated in my room because of PTSD, and Social Anxiety, i can’t even go out before my heart starts beating.
So these like 6-7 years have been extremely lonely, even in WoW.
So the reason for this reply to the thread is in hopes to change it.

(( Remaining Time til Shadowlands, Last Straw “?” ))
And i’m at the point of where i’m on the edge to stop playing the game completely, because what is the point of playing a MMO all alone?
So im giving the remaining time til Shadowlands releases.
Because i’ve been playing solo since MoP, and i hate it.

So i’m looking for peoples that wanna run Mythic dungeons / M+'s often in Shadowlands, as i wanna get into doing keys starting from low to high keys.
So it would mean the absolute world to me if you were to invite me (Asking me) for keys!.
I’m afraid of asking for peoples to do keys, as most peoples do like +10’s
The highest key i did in Legion was 12 i think (?).
and in BFA was it like +7.

((Severe Social Anxiety and the Opposite!))
Also i want someone who’s
completely the opposite to my
Severe social anxiety
I want someone who has no issues at all to start convos as i’m extremely bad at it.

I don’t wanna feel like i’m being air
I seek someone who’s good at starting convos, and talks frequently!.
(Being super social)

If you fit the profile of the kind of player / Friend i seek, please do add my btag!

Btag: Athriox#2339

Because of my PTSD & Social Anxiety i won’t be able to do Voice Chats.
As much as i would LOVE to do Voice Chat, i just can’t… It’s way to stressfull! :fearful: :confused:


Hey, how you doin’?


About me/personality: Weird person that plays WoW to much and got a dark/dumb humor and often silly, i am also really social with people on vc/chat aswell because to much energy…

Age: mid 20s

Side: Horde only

Up for: M+, BG’s, raid, old raids w/e

Other interests: Cats, music,LoL, twitch and idk

Btag: Rudelady#2156

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such a well-formed specimen :star_struck:
I’m great thanks, you?


Good to hear. I’m mighty fine as always. ma’am. tips hat

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Hello, i deeply believe that we cant make friends in wow because of how the game is built. i ve played many other mmos and i ve managed to make great friends easily especially in FFXIV. I played a bit in wow classic and i made friends instantly just because the game required cooperation and chat but in retail wow no one even spends a minute to have fun or say hi in instances, its sad really, anyway these were my thoughts about the social aspect.

I play Horde
I am 25 yo
I really like alts, i enjoy mostly warrior and druid these days. Yesterday i started leveling a monk just for fun.
I am up for anything i guess but have in mind that i am casual and most i ve done in bfa was mythic +6
I have a guild for my alts named Quantic but i would like to unlock achievements so join if you want a guild for perks, it will help me a lot, i accept everyone.

Battletag: AlphaProdigy#2261

Hi all

I’m easy going laid back and mature. I dont take things to seriously I just want to enjoy myself.
I started back in vanilla, up to the end of wotlk then I was on and off the game for a while trying to return when a new expansion was released. Was hard sometimes working 60 hours a week and haveing a young family there wasnt much time to spare.
I was able to start properly again a few years ago but all my friends from back in the day have disappeared.

I’m 32 years old
Hobbies include cars motor bikes, anything with a engine really,

I mainly play alliance but I have a hand full of characters on the horde as well
I play in the evening most days if I’m not to tired after work and a bit longer on the weekends if my kids permit it lol

I can not stand what people would call toxicity it ruins my day. Just be nice to everyone please

I mainly play tank classes warrior, DK, paladins.
My main is a night elf warrior he was my very first character. I used to tank with him alot back in the day but lack confidence now a days for some reason.

Battletag: DragonAK47#2814

Say hi if you are similar sort of age or older and mature minded even if you just want to have someone to chat to that would be nice.


My Man!. :elf:

Yes brother, I dont tend to see many night elf warriors, :muscle::muscle::muscle::muscle:

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About me:
Well, i’m not a native english speaker, so don’t blame me if i have an error while talking.

I’ve been playing WoW since BC, but drop it on MoP and returned on Legion. I play sporadically so i’m not into the high-end in BfA.

Age: 24

Personality: I’m shy when i don’t have confidence with the people i’m speaking with, but when i got it, i use to make a lot of dark/sarcastic humour.

Side: Mainly Alliance, but have max-lvl horde characters too. In Shadowlands i’m not pretty sure which side i’ll main.

Characters: I have 6 characters at 120, in SL i think i’ll main a Unholy Dk.

Up for: Mostly PvP, arena/bg.

Other interests: I play other games and like to stream sometimes (But in my language of course HAHAHAHA)

Playing time: Well, i don’t have a playing time, so i’m online when i can or when i want to be online

Battletag: Atlas#23662

Age: 27

Country: Finland

Personality: Chilly, humorist, trying to find positive side about everything. Maybe trying to push myself too much sometimes, putting too much pressure over my own shoulders. Trying to get rid of that. :smiley: I am studying as Travel Adviser, Vocational Qualification in Tourism Industry, so I am very social and open to every culture, background and language. To me that means rich world!

I have just returned to game two weeks ago after being gone for 8-years, all the since 2012. I left when Mists of Pandaria was released, however, not by my own choice, but due my epilepsy diagnosis. Since then I have had very hard years, especially from 2015 till the end of 2018 when my epilepsy was so tough that I had to quit school twice and after I was written first on sick leave and after to disability pension. Epilepsy did not react to meds and I had seizures and/or blackouts almost everyday. “Good week” meant I only had 2 or 3. In November 2018 I went through brain surgery and after recovery I moved to another city to start studying again. :smiley: Now, finally, my epilepsy is reacting to meds and I have been able to return to PC gaming! And I love it! :innocent: Last 5-years I have been playing mobile MMORPG’s, ie. MU Origin, Flyff Legacy, Alliance vs Empire and since 16.5.2019 Tales of Wind where I am leading guild. Over 515 days old guild and still running! Because people matter. :wink: I play it on my phone usually at the same time I am on WoW (unless it is important event such as GW).

Side: Right now Horde, back in 2009 - 2012 Alliance. Probably creating Alliance alts as I love the story! I have been so impressed how game has developed. And WoW is all about the story, right? I don’t care of the side as long as I have friendly, nice people around me! :innocent:


Liue: Blood Elf Priest (Holy), lvl 50
Viryn: Blood Elf Mage (Fire), lvl 26
Zeelas: Blood Elf Demon Hunter (Havoc), lvl 45
Ailen: Vulpera Shaman
Ayas: Blood Elf Rogue

Plans for Human Paladin or Human Warlock.

Spec: With Liue full heal. Main char.

Playing time: As much as possible. :smiley: I am studying tho, so I might be more on the App than in the game during days unless it is holiday or weekend! You can always msg me. I love WoW community.

Up for: Learning! :smile: Okay, kidding. Well, for sure learning, but also helping if I am anyway able to. I can heal normal or heroic dungeons. I am also looking for people to have fun with. I love my guild members, but you can’t never have too many friends around you.

Other interests: Anime, mobile games, other PC games, Harry Potter, reading, travelling,

Battletag: Liue#21349



Hi all , im a old fart here , been in azeroth for around 2006/7!
In the last 4 years i just sub my acc for 1/2 months , back now again! for SL
Game is very diferent for the better imo , but alll my friends dont play no more.
I like to farm old content , and maybe i can even help some of ya on it :slight_smile: …who knows!!!
Please add me for some adventures! n00b#2572


Older person with a son. Mainly play horde on Draenor, but I am open to making other characters on other servers to be with friends. I am from the US but got stuck on EU servers because of a friend that I played with toward the tail end of The Burning Crusade. I deleted the old character out of spite, but forgot all about it so here I am.

Looking to experience old expansions and the new ones alike with friends and people who enjoy the lore and profession leveling. Made a new guild for like-minded people called Obligations so feel free to send an invite request there if interested as well.

Tag: #SarahE11697


Just sent you a requests! :slight_smile:

About me:

Not a native english speaker but I’ve been living in Ireland for the last two years, so happy to keep imporving my lvl of enlgish.
I ve been playing wow since WOTLK but drop it in Cataclysm and came back for WoD.

Age: 29

Personality: Shy at beginning, but after some time, I love to make jokes and have some laugh.

side: not sure about it after what happened in BFA, but I will be happy to choose the faction where I can spend some quality time between friends.

Characters: Two that I play the most Worgen Rogue & Vulpera Rogue and 4 alters Blood elf DH, Night Elf druid, Orc Shaman and Tauren hunter.

Up for: anything that implies fun (love for lore, Tmogs, Mounts, old content…)

Other interests: Sports like hiking & jogging, other games, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, travel, food…

Playing time: at the moment I am more a casual gamer I log in almost every evening if I have time


I’m going to make a new post since i feel like people dont always read this whole topic and mine is lost in somewhere very far far away.

Older human being here 37 years old. Used to play wow a lot back at Tbc Lich and cataclysm. After all those sleepless raiding nights and falling asleep at work i had to say bye to the game and i swore id never return, but here i am :stuck_out_tongue: . Been playing again for a year. I’m not a hardcore raider anymore but i do enjoy M+ and raiding on heroic and casually Mythic raiding. I just dont have the time to put the hours on hardcore stuff anymore, im old you know.

So i’m looking for friends that enjoy doing game content like M+ transmog runs and even achievement hunting, Battlegrounds or just sitting on a bench in silvermoon and chatting. I’d prefer if you play horde since it would be easier to play with you.

Little info about me.

Server: Draenor
Gender: Female
Country: Finland
Favorite color: Purple :stuck_out_tongue:
Personality: Easygoing i can be little shy before i know people but after i get comfortable i wont shut up. I love just having fun, in games things shouldnt be taken too seriously life is for that.

Battletag Seracia#2162

Bout time I make some friends since most of mine are either still Horde or quit the game.

Age: 26

Personality: I honestly love to joke around about almost anything but I can be pretty serious if needed.

Side: For Shadowlands and going forward I have gone back to my starting faction of Alliance and I’m so done and over with changing faction for progression and now I only care about what I want to play.

Toons: Pretty much every class at current cap, but I spend 99% of my time on my DK.

Playing time: Due to my work schedule this is hard to pinpoint and I just kinda play whenever I’m home

Up for: Anything honestly. Achiev hunting, Mog farming (If you ask me to come mog farming with you then we’re best friends and you can’t take it back), dungeons, m+, raids etc. I’m pretty horrible at PvP though I should let you know

Other interests: Music, Movies and some other basic stuff

Battletag: Dhoobs#21387

It seems alot of my age folks play on alliance :stuck_out_tongue: sad panda is sad

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Faction:Horde only
LF: M+, Rated PvP
Hi I am Phill aka Ph and looking for ppl to hang out and cover some m+, PvP content. I don’t raid. I am a chill character and would like to hang out with ppl that have a nice sense of humour and are tempered. I play at EU Tarren Mill and you are wellcome to add me.

Age: 30 (only just, but I’m not sure this year counts anyway…)

Personality: I guess I’m pretty chilled out! I don’t take things too seriously and I like to have a laugh :blush:

Side: Alliance. I have a blood elf hunter somewhere, but I have no idea what realm it is on!

Chars: My main is a paladin. I also have a mage and a hunter as alts, amongst other characters I’ve barely played.

Spec: DPS mainly but I’ve enjoyed healing in the past.

Playing time: Sometimes after work in the week, around 7pm. At weekends I play in the morning mostly. Also whenever my partner is watching the football, I’ll probably be online!

Up for: I am getting back into the game after quitting after Catacylsm, so at the moment I’m just levelling up some characters and enjoying the ride. I would like to start doing dungeons and raids again with some friendly people. One of my original reasons for leaving was how anti-social and downright rude some people on here can be, so it’d be nice to find some like-minded people who enjoy the game casually and want to make some friends :blush:

Other interests: Travelling, cooking, going to the pub, reading. I am also studying Japanese so if there is anyone out there also learning let me know and we can practice!

Battletag: Neko#24953