Post if you want to make some in-game friends (pt3)

Hello! Im looking for friends to play since mine left the game ;/
I’d love to do m+ and pvp /mount hunt or just talk about pretty much everything
I can play both sides i dont mind )
my battletag is Infamous#22469
looking forward to see you in Azeroth!


About me:

Age: 25

Personality: patient, calm, talkative and I love to laugh

Side: Alliance

Characters: I am currently levelling a hunter and a priest

Playing time: currently very random

Up for: Levelling, chatting and any fun stuff in game etc

I am currently stuck at levelling up to 50 as I have not got Shadowlands and I don’t plan on getting it honestly but I am super excited for the next expansion and I will definitely be playing that fully. So my game play is very chill and casual overall but I would like to make some friends in game to talk to and play together. I have played wow before but I took many breaks

Other interests: Music, mysteries/myths/conspiracies (just an interest) , overwatch and watching twitch streams

Battle tag: HerbalTea#21628

I actually ended up getting Shadowlands and now I can level to 60 :smiley:

Battle tag: HerbalTea#21628

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Hi all ,

Looking to return to the game and start fresh on Alliance ,
Mostly looking for a friend who i can play together with as everyone i once knew stopped playing a long time ago.

Age: 27 , married 2 kids , from Belgium .
Interests : Gaming , History ( bit of a world war 1/2 nerd ), IT
i can play pretty much everyday after work from 18:00 CEST untill whenever honestly.

BTag: Laurens#2475

About me:

  • Age: 24

  • Personality: easygoing, chatty, mostly funny, willing to cooperate

  • Side: Horde (casually Alliance)

  • Characters: Priest main, but playing the other classes as well more or less. Former altoholic.

  • Playtime: non-fixed (depends on work shift for roughly 1 more month, relatively free afterwards)

  • Content of choice:
    Retail: Transmog and mount farming, casual RP, Mythic+ (+15 max), leveling, and of course chatting
    Classic: Leveling and dungeons, chatting

  • Discord Tag: Sylvinus98hun#1908

(Not sharing my battletag unless I really see I can become friends with the person in question, to avoid flooding my friend list.)

Age: 29
Nationality: Danish
Server: Kazzak

I’d like friends in the game. I’ve done some roleplaying in the game back on Defias some 6 years ago and then played on and off on Argent Dawn after DB got overturned by Polish players and Horde died. I actually ended up enjoying the WPVP community part of the RP server far more than RP itself. I play Feral and Havoc and I’m open to the standard pieces of content such as Dungeons/mythics, bgs/arena, but not raids - Of course WPVP too. Can do transmog runs too.


24 yo noob playing horde for now just questing and levelling up to see end game. Enjoying the game a lot it’s very chill. If anyone also wants to play thru legion for fun when I’m max I wana do that too.

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yes I want friend

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Age: 35
personality : laid back and mature
Faction: Alliance ,maybe horde in future
Characters: mage for now ,more classes in future
server: ravencrest (probably will try out other servers too in future )
Up for : i just started playing the game yesterday .but i will be doing mostly all the things this game has to offer .also would love to make new friends and talk .
available : i am mostly available throughout the day and week .schedule varies but mostly available .
other interests : alot of them . ask if you want to know.
Battletag: valkyrie#14371

Hey boys, i’m looking for partners in crime for my new wow adventure. I have had a rough time irl, and when returning to wow i saw that my guild and the person i made the GM took the guild from me, forcing me out of it. So now i have returned to my roots and decided to play horde, like it should have been from the start :smiley:

Age: 27m I enjoy every single aspect of wow except of competitive raiding, because its quite dull and boring for me.
From archievements to mog runs, i’m always avaliable to lend a hand, to level togheder or to do other things like pvp and everything else tbh. I have been fairly competitive in mythic plus and that is the aspect that i love the most about wow ( if you like doing that i can play all 3 roles).

It doesn’t make a difference if you are alliance or horde, and i’m not looking for someone to necessarily do mythic plus, its absolutely fine if you run only old content. And i’m a dude in case you are one of those “female friends only” guys lol

Hit me up on discord or on bnet, not on the forums cause i pretty much never use them. And don’t be shy, even though i’m introverted i always message back and try to carry the conversation, and don’t be afraid to write even if you see this message after 10 months

Discord - Unix#6953
Bnet - Unikron#21873

age: 35
personality : laid back and mature
Faction: horde for now ,maybe alliance in future
Characters: mage for now ,more classes in future
server: draenor
Up for : pvp and pve ,also talking and making friends . i am not a try hard player but i would like to experience the modes available in this game
available : playing the game when i feel like it and in the mood .
other interests : movies ,anime , tv shows , wow related lore story.
Battletag: voidelf#2650
discord: voidelf#1702

Age 18-30 (i prefer keeping it private :P)
Personality: Chill and mature
Faction: Alliance
Faction 2: Horde
Server: Pozzodell’eternità (italian)
Can do: Pve, Pvp, Chatting, RP chill or collect (if not tidyous)
when im up?: idk, depends on my mood, but mostly from 1pm (server time) to 5pm
Other than wow: FNF, Drawing, Writing (currently writing a book) and Cooking. (even if im kind of a disaster sometimes :sweat:)
Contact: Send mail or whisper me.
Discord?: no i unistalled it after an bad experience.
do you have a guild/Community?: Yes, i have a community called “The Quest” where i add everyone that is my friend. i do RP events too if you are intrested!. (cross faction :D)

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Okay everyone I’m desperate for friends who actually play this game so hit me up!

I’m 28 years old, I flip burgers for a living and I like to watch movies and listen to music. I love farming transmogs and I recently started farming mounts & achievements as well.

I don’t really play alts cause my rep bars annoy me when they’re not filled out.

Bnet Dhoobs#21387 and I also use Discord Dhoobs#5706


Looking to replenish my friend list for when DF hits

Age : 31
Faction: Alliance
Server: Lightbringer
Playtime : Varies due to work schedule…switch between early and late shifts
Up for : Chatting, Random bgs, Torghast, Mog runs, exploring DF!
Other interests : Reading, series, anime, other games


Age : 27
Faction: Alliance
Server: Silvermoon,Stormscale.
Playtime : After 18:00 :slight_smile:
Up for : Chatting, Random bgs, Torghast, Mog runs, Arenas,M+
Other interests : Cooking,Walk the Dog :smiley: ,Sci-Fi.
btag : > Infamous#22469 I play both factions
looking for active people to play don’t be shy hit me up ^^

LF friends to play Classic WOTLK (Golemagg server)

Im still leveling :smiley:

  • Age: 25
  • Personality: troll, most of the times talkative
  • Faction: Horde
  • Characters: Dual spec Pala (Holy PVE and Retri for PVP)
  • Playtime: depends
  • Bnet: Enchanted#21186

Hello!! ⋆

I’m Peko, I’ve been playing WoW since I was 9 years old back in WoTLK but friends always come and go on this game so it would be really cool to make some new ones for DF! I’m one of those players who knows way too much about the game but still plays like trash. I’m very chronically online so I’m pretty much always around.

I’m looking for people who would be down to play lots! All content is fine, we can even just chill in your favourite zone and talk if you’d prefer. If you wanna play other games too that sounds like fun too. I’m also new player friendly. ❀

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About Me:
‍ ‍ ❀ ‍ Age: 22
‍ ‍ ❀ ‍ Faction: Alliance for DF, but any is fine since we have cross faction now~
‍ ‍ ❀ ‍ Personality: Shy at first but I get really chatty once you know me, pretty relaxed and I try my best to make people laugh.
‍ ‍ ❀ ‍ Timezone: GMT, though I have a pretty up and down sleeping pattern.
‍ ‍ ❀ ‍ Interests: Anime, Music, PC building, Art, Collecting, Other Games
‍ ‍ ❀ ‍ BNet: Peko#21235, though you can also whisper me ingame too.


Hi, posting again because I’m still looking for some friends to play with. :slight_smile:

Age: 27
Faction: Alliance
Personality: I can become really talkative when I get to know someone well and I like to joke around
Playtime: Monday to Friday in the evening after work (usually after 6pm). In the weekends I have more time.
Up for: Honestly anything. Chatting, pvp (would love a casual arena team. I’m saying casual because I’m not very good at pvp, but I still love it. I don’t care about losing a lot, as long as we have fun! So if you are the same, hit me up! :smiley: ), transmog/mount/pet runs, pve stuff, achievements, etc…
Other: I like kdrama’s and other games and just chatting with people in chat or voicechat.

Add me on Discord: pawsomemeows
Or battletag: Asli#2514