Post if you want to make some in-game friends (pt3)

About me: Hello! I’m from the UK. I used to play WoW a great deal, now I play a lot less but that’s mainly because my guild is not very social so I’d love some new people to play and chill with.
I really enjoy M+ and would like some more calm people to do 15s+ with, I’m not into hardcore playing anymore so there won’t be any toxicity or rage here!

Age: 32

Personality: I’m very laid back and enjoy the casual side of gaming these days. I play lots of other games too and I’m open to making a new friend in and out of Azeroth.

Chars - I play resto druid, currently 422 ilvl.

Playing time: I can play most evenings after 6PM, sometimes I’ll stay up a bit later depending what I’m doing.

Up for: Raids, M+, mount farming, transmog farming. Playing some other video games together! I have hundreds of games on Steam that i’d be happy to play together.

Please don’t add me if you won’t be able to play together!

Discord: Noxy#8120


About me: Hi there. I’m from Denmark. I’ve played WoW since 04, skipped Cata, loved Pandaria, and Legion, didn’t enjoy BFA, Shadowlands I didn’t play much either. All with plenty of breaks in between. I mainly PvP or do old content, PvE lost it’s charm after Wotlk. Mained Holy Priest every Expansion that I played.
I’ve bought a new account to do a 100% run, which is the one I’m posting from. So only this character to speak of at the moment. I’ve bought DF but have yet to step foot in it.
Besides WoW I love co-op survival games. I’m the guy who loves to build the base and design while my friends usually rush endgame. :face_with_monocle:

Age: I’m 36 & I have two boys aged 3 and 7 & I’m married.

Personality: I’m very chill, very patient. Never in a rush. I probably come across as direct, I’m a lot of fun for people who get to know me, those who don’t probably consider me rude.
I have little faith in humanity and I’m embarrassed to be part of it :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
I tend to be shy in the beginning but I’m good company once the barrier has been broken down.

Up for: Well due to the 100% run I farm a lot of old raids & dungeons for mounts, mogs, pets, reputation etc. so always up for that. Farming rep this week though due to the buff, Netherwing & Sha’tari Skyguard.

Do note that I record every game session I have on Twitch and Upload to Youtube.
Chatting on discord due to it being a silent stream(So voice ain’t recorded, no worries). Couldn’t talk for as many hours as this run will take even if I wanted to.

Chars: This paladin for now. Plan one of each, due to professions and also double agent. Though that’s for the future.

Playing time: Even weeks - Between 8 pm & 1 am CET.
Uneven weeks - Between 8 am & 11 am CET.

Discord: GloomyAtNight#8200
BNET: GloomyNight#21264


Hey all, I am the kind of player that is always busy in game and pretty much never idle. Old raids, archivements. mythic plus, i do it all.

I am looking for people that are somehow communicative and do not answer with single word sentences. There are really no limits to what i like to do in wow, i even wanted to do some pvp lately.

Whatever you like doing in wow, it’s likely we can do something togheder.

As for my personality i am a very direct and ironic, somehow shy and extroverted at the same time. If you don’t take yourself too seriously it’s a huge bonus and will go a long way.

Lately i am all about achivements (insane in the membrane) and mythic plus. As i said before, pvp is something i would love to try with a stable partner ( just to get the 1800 trasmog :P) but i do everything.

I am decent with: Protection Warrior, Restoration Druid and Outlaw rogue

As someone that never runs out of things to do in wow i keep playing even during content droughts and if you read this it’s likely that i am still playing :smiley: Don’t be shy and message me. Huge bonus if you are interested in

Oh and i also love levelling, sometimes it’s just relaxing

Discord: maxion94
Bnet: Unikron#21873


Hi, I’m from Belgium and 27 yo.
Honestly, I’m just looking for a friend. Someone to have nice chats with and/or play.
I’m super chatty, I prefer long conversations over small talk and love joking around while playing.

I’m up for most content: pve, pvp, collecting mounts/mog/pets/achievements, roleplay, … Name it and I’m probably up for it :smile_cat:
I am however quite a casual player since I like to do so many things (and don’t like to do some things alone/with randoms) and just go with the flow. So I’m low in most stuff (M+ or pvp rating), but always willing to improve!

I’m resto, so you’ll have your own pocket healer! :eyes:
If you’re a healer yourself, no worries, I also have a dps off spec!

Just hit me up if you want someone to talk to or play with :partying_face:

Discord: pawsomemeows
Bnet: Asli#2514


Age: 27

Personality: Laid back, sense of humour

Side: Horde only

Chars: Vreska, resto/ele shaman

Playing time: sometimes couple hours weekday evenings, mostly afternoon and late evening weekends

Up for: chill mythic plus, transmog runs, unrated bgs, mucking about in open world doing rares or exploring. Sometimes I just enjoy chatting in game while we do our own thing. Anything really.

Battletag: Valska#2398



I am a returning player who’s been playing casually on and off for the last two expansions. The reason I end up stopping is because I have no group to contribute to. I have both horse and alliance, ally is on Shadowsong which seems pretty dead these days and horde is on draenor, I play multiple roles and have plenty of characters.

I’m looking for a small casual but active socially group to join, ideally to work towards over progression together, not fussed what level as I’ve not made it past LFR last few patches.

Hit me up if you’re interested.

About me:

Age: 25

Personality: Like to have a laugh/fun and try my best. If we die we die just get up and try again!

Side: Alliance Only

Chars: ilvl 443 Lightforged Draenei Protection mostly and Retribution Paladin

Paladin: Protection Tank and Retribution DPS

Spec: Tank mainly but can also do DPS

Playing time: Daily on till late UK time.

Up for: Legacy Raid farming, M+, raids, rare farming just looking for someone to duo with for tmogs and everything else.

Battletag: Voraiu#2282

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About me:

Age: 40

Personality: Laid back, sarcastic

Side: Horde Only (unless you want to level allied races with me heh)

Chars: Lutia (and many more i have one of etc class blood elf can be :wink:


Spec: Dps

Playing time: random

Up for: pretty much anything

Battletag: #justice23743


About me:

Age: 30+

Personality: Laid back and mature

Side: Horde only

All of them ranging from lvl 45 to 70.
Pally and Druid are level 70.

Specs: I play Tank, Healer and DPS. I prefer to tank though.

Playing time: During the workweek after 20:00. A little bit on the weekends.

Up for: Group content. Raids. M+. A bit of PvP.

Other interests: Many.

Battletag: Goldenpants#22841

Im a relaxed guy. In my 30s. Been playing WoW since '09 or something with the occasional break. In fact, I just came back to the game after a long break. I have raided some progression in the past with a guild.

Hellooo! Saw people are still posting here, so I said I’ll do it as well.
About me:
I am 23 and a pretty talkative person. Honestly just looking for a friend. I have been playing for about 2 years now and I have met some people, but everyone seems mostly interestered in just doing their own thing, which is understandable.

  • all my leveled up characters are Alliance
  • I mostly play Demonology warlock, Shadow priest and Beast Mastery hunter
  • I am on everyday, sometimes most of the day, other times not for that long
  • I run mostly m+, raiding might be an option if I am courageous enough and don’t get kicked out xD
  • I mostly like collecting, pets, mounts, transmogs, titles, doing achievements, anything really
  • PVP is also something I would like to try more, but not quite good at. Actually I am really bad at it xD

If anyone is looking for a friendly person to become friends with and do things together, let me know!
Battlenet: CyberSnow#21949
Realm: Tarren-Mill
Discord: vampira.1864

Can I say this! This postage and everything is brilliant idea!.
Hope Microsoft keeps it as a pin and keeps it active.

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Hey all, I am the kind of player that is always busy in game and pretty much never idle. Old raids, archivements. mythic plus, i do it all.

I am looking for people that are actually interested in playing togheder. There are really no limits to what i like to do in wow, i even did some pvp lately ( and enjoyed it!). It’s a huge bonus if you are actually looking for a friend and not just someone to kill time with :smiley:

Whatever you like doing, it’s likely we can do it togheder.

As for my personality i am a very direct and ironic, somehow shy and extroverted at the same time. I do like cinema, combat sports, reading, playing games, hiking and…well, you got it. I like doing a lot of things :smiley: If you don’t take yourself too seriously it’s a huge bonus and will go a long way.

Lately i am all about achivements (insane in the membrane) and mythic plus. As i said before, pvp is something i would love to try with a stable partner ( just to get the 1800 trasmog :P) but i do everything and don’t feel like you need to meet any criteria at all, just have a good time in whatever we decide to do.

I am decent with: Protection Warrior, Restoration Druid and Outlaw rogue

As someone that never runs out of things to do in wow i keep playing even during content droughts and if you read this it’s likely that i am still playing :smiley: Don’t be shy and message me.

Oh and i also love levelling, it’s just relaxing and i want to have every race / class at max level. We could do that togheder too.

Discord: maxion94
Bnet: Unikron#21873

Hello there!

I’m 29 years old, I’ve been playing the game for some time now and I’ve been looking forward to making friends to enjoy all aspects of the game. I do a bit of everything apart from raiding and rated pvp (I do old raids for mogs and mounts, achievements, leveling and casual bgs). Lately I’ve been taking a liking in reading the quests and understanding the lore of each zone both in Retail and Classic. I’m also open to get back into M+.

I’m more active during the weekends but I do try to log in during the week as well whenever time permits :yum:

I play both Horde and Alliance and I main…well…everything :smiley: I’m an altoholic (send help!) and I change characters all the time. I like having all sorts of race/class combinations.

I try to help everyone with whatever I can (gnomes included) and by that I mean achievements and general knowledge of the game and I expect nothing in return unless its gingerbread cookies. I. Love. Cookies. I also love dwarven ale but that’s another story :slight_smile:

So, if you’re interested, Larion#21496 is my battletag and make sure you bring the good vibes and the cookies!

I like turtles

Add me Rkelleh#2433