Post if you want to make some in-game friends (pt3)

Hey everyone!

I have 2 important questions!

1., why EU forums have no Evoker thread and i can’t post on US forums? what is this blizz?

2., If you have played evoker you might have noticed, that the damage and heal over time spells have literally NO VISUAL EFFECTS… when can we expect finishing the visuals for the new class ??

I hope i’m not the only one troubled about this problem… :stuck_out_tongue:

this is not the thread you are looking for. you should post it somewhere else! ^^

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Hello, I am Foxaris. A fox among foxes and a paragon of virtue and righteousness. Yes here I am, behold my cunning keen eyes and my magnificent muscles of steel! :woozy_face: Let me be frank, I’m the world’s most amazing fox. I transcend the law of the universe. I embody the definition of absolute beauty.

Pvp, raiding, picking flowers, my skills are extraordinary and I excel at everything I do. Many guilds have considered me their most valuable member. Like when I killed N’Zoth in BFA; hadn’t played for half a year and just did it once on lfr to see the fight. Then I went directly to heroic by sneaking into a pug of randoms and we killed it on the third try and only I was left alive at the end. That’s just how good I am, because I was really undergeared too, the lowest ilvl in the group. I never watch videos about bosses and don’t rely on dbm or any addons, the adventureguide is all I’ve ever needed.

But I’m an old retired fox now and mostly play WoW casually, or simply play other games. Like earlier this year I spent a month playing Elden Ring + all Dark Souls games for the first time and beat every single boss within 5 tries or so. Very good games. I play on Draenor and Silvermoon and have like 40 characters but I mostly play on alliance and have been playing since end of Legion.

I’m also an extraordinary artist and incredible creative. As I’m very rich I’ve never had any need to work for money, and I’ve created comics, written numerous books and produced lots of art. I love reading too and has probably read every single horror-manga worth reading. I’m also a wildlife survival expert, a self-taught psychologist and philosopher among many other things, and my sense of humor is beyond comparison. Other than that I also have severe social anxiety, depression and borderline, so I’m both the happiest and unhappiest fox in the world and smile all the time and cry every day. :upside_down_face: I’m also very straight edge and dislike all varieties of alcohol and drugs.

I love boosting my friends for free, whatever they need, and it would be lovely to have some new people to talk with and play with every day, all day. Because most of my friends have blocked or abandoned me due to them misunderstanding me, refusing to listen or talk, lacking a sense of humor and having no tolerance for mental disorders. But as I’m loyal to a fault, benevolent, and very, very humble and never ever brag or exaggerate about anything, people usually tend to like me. For a while. And I always treat everyone how they deserve to be treated.

I’m not gonna give you any way to contact me though, because I’m sure you’ll be able to find a way to do that anyway if you truly want to, as me the amazing Foxaris is very easy to find. Just watch out for any impostors!

Thank you, you’re all great. Stay creative. :+1:


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what are friends?

To post on the US forums you need to create US starter account on your battlenet, then level a character to 10. Then you can use it to post.

age: 21

personality: loud and funny

side: for ali!!

characters: druid (balance), paladin (retro)

playing time: as much as possible, sometimes it depends on the mood. sometimes every day, sometimes once a week :skull_and_crossbones:

up for: chatting in discord, pve content, farming, grinding mounts etc.

other interests: music, singing, art, board games

for me, warcraft is more than just a game. wow is about communication, understanding, helping each other, coordinated teamwork.

no pressure, no toxic, only healthy friendship and a lot of fun!!

battletag: scritic#2693

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age: 31

introvert and quiet at first but chatty once I know people. Just started playing WoW again in Dragonflight, haven’t played since MoP.

Prefer PvP, will PvE a little and like to do mount runs and mog runs. I play Holy Pally & Havoc DH, mainly Hpal though. would love some friends to pvp with as all of mine are just pve only. usually on Discord.

Battletag: Willseville#2725

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About me: I’m 36 and live in Scotland. Been playing on and off since BC.
Just recently came back to the game (again) to find no one on my friends list playing still so I thought I’d give this a go as the game seems a lot less harder to find social circles these days.

Age: Old

Personality: Laid back and mature with a dry sense of humour

Alliance Shaman - Argent Dawn
Horde Druid - Twisting Nether

Playing time: Can vary tbh sometimes I’m on standby with work and can play whenever I feel like it and sometimes I may have to go away for work for a few days.

Up for: Raiding, M+, PvP, Achievements or anything fun related depending on the people involved.
I think I would like to try getting in to mythic + and healing atm.

Other interests: Gaming, Football,

Battletag: Tav#21916

Age: 40

Personality: Laid back and mature, easily entertained in game. Left my hardcore persona back in Legion and no plans to return to that side of the game.

Side: Horde only

Chars: MM Hunter - Draenor but now starting a new character on Alliance side although not sure on server currently. It will be a Rogue as I enjoy dungeon farming mogs and chests.

Spec: Assassination

Playing time: Any night but 23:00st I’d be logging off

Up for: Enjoy running keys, not aiming to push too high but enough for a nice vault reward, a little raiding at times but not as interested in that side as much these days. Although I’d be content for AotC if possible. Just happy to have new people to chat too rather than deal with silent pugs.

Other interests. Gold making and many many transmog runs.

Battletag: LFC#21212

About me:+23 years
Side: Horde only
Char: Paladin: (DPS)
Spec: Ret (main)
Playing time: Everyday ± 12 hours, this will change once the new academic semester starts.
Up for: Achievement hunting, old content, enjoying the old world while also playing the current endgame. My goal is to finish the game with ATT.
other interests: Sports, movies and music.
Battletag: Undómiel#21901

Age: 18
Side: mainly alliance but they dont have velf or nelf paladin sadly
Spec: Hpal/ret and resto druid
Playtime: Random but often
Up for: KSM i got KSH last xpac and ksm every season but i simply just cba pugging its just boring and unfun
Other interest: I just talk about random things honestly
Discord: Yuge#6389

Age: 20
Side: Horde
Spec: Protection
Up for: Low keys for fun, maybe some normal raids eventually
Battletag: Alasnkz#2360

Age: 26
Personality: giga chill and friendly :smiling_face:
Other interests: TTRPGs, Anime, Science, and other small nerdy things
Spec: Devastation/Preservation Evoker
Playtime: Mon-Tue-Wed-Thur: 4pm - midnight CET
Up for: ~15-20 keys, valor farm, mythic raiding; usually pvp around 1800 mmr for transmogs, would love to push higher in the future, but rest of Season 1 will probably focus on M+ and mythic raiding guild search
Sidenote: If you are new, I’d love to help around, so hit me up ^^
Discord: Ashh#5672
Bnet: Ashh#21328

I play all classes, 6 at 70 and rest 60+ atm, mostly farming old content, achievements, mounts, mogs…If you are into that, add me:


Hi, I’m Troy or Thassillo in games I play on Kazzak - horde I’m 18 (28 shh) play all sorts I’m an altaholic but my main is a fury warrior/ prot with 6/8 HC and 2k m+ score but that’s all via pugging as all my mates quit the game years ago I’m a parent so usually only play later in the evening after the kids go to bed and it would be nice to meet a few people to run some mythic pluses with/do some raiding or just talk about how much of a wanker Dave next door is :person_shrugging:

I hate serious people you’re only here once I would rather spend every day laughing than moaning and arguing what’s the point, I’ll make a joke out of anything and I’m impossible to offend the darker your sense of humour the better

Feel free to throw me an add Troyg94#2503

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About me: I having been playing WoW on and off since Cata but never really had anyone to play with so I’m looking to change this :slight_smile: . I live in the UK and work in IT. I am looking for players in and around my age to play with doing whatever we have fun doing! It doesn’t just have to be WoW! English only sorry.

Age: 22.

Personality: I will be relatively shy at first but can become somewhat loud after I grow confident around new people :sweat_smile: especially when gaming. My humour can be a bit dry sometimes. But these jokes are 10/10.

Side: Horde & Alliance. I like both and don’t really care much.

Characters: Just hit level 70 on my warrior.

Spec: Protection. I quiet like tanking in dungeons and have done KSH in past seasons as such.

Playing time: I try to logon at least once per day but playtime can vary each day depending on my job.

In game Interests: Mainly interesting in pushing mythic plus as it is quick to get into however, I am into most aspects of the game to some aspect. I like casual battlegrounds, mount collecting and achievement hunting. There are some other aspects of the game I would like to try such as raids (only raided in classic) and rated pvp (I have never done an area ever). I also have a passing interest in gold making but never really got into it. I am not very good at the game and will admit I make lots of mistakes. I also like leveling and just spamming out dungeons.

Other hobbies & Interests: Big into Warhammer particularly 40k. I have both collected and painted since about 5th edition but unfortunately I have not had the time to play recently. I have been playing video games since I have about 4. I enjoy lots of different types of games from MMOs to FPS! So I’m sure we have something in common. Some of my favourite games include: Terraria, TWW2 & 3, Doom eternal and the soul series. IRL I’m a big football fan (LCFC supporter) and enjoy exercise and working out. I’m not really into movies & TV but I have been watching some of the new Star Wars series and I quiet like them.

Battletag: DownieNum3#2721

Discord: Aatroxx#7742

About me: I’ve been playing WoW since vanilla, with quite a few on and off breaks in the last few years (mainly due to a lack of people to play with). I would like to find more people to play with in my downtime from work. I live and work in the UK in the NHS. So after my long hours I like to hit gaming hard to relax. In any form of content, not just in WoW, but other games too. :slight_smile:

Age: 32

Personality: I would class myself as a quiet person with sarcastic and dry humour. I mainly just enjoy chilling and shooting the s*** with people and having a laugh doing anything ingame.

Side: I play both

Characters: Druid/Warr/Pala both Healing and learning to tank.

What I like doing in game: I like to do PVP (Both Ranked and Casual) and Mythics mainly, but I have been out of touch for a while. I like doing old raids, I even like levelling alts to relax. There is just something quite therapeutic about levelling an alt casually.

Playing time:
As I do shift work, my days off are very random, but 9 times out of 10, if I’m not at work I’m usually doing something on my PC or out exploring.

Other Games I play: Besides WoW, I spent a lot of my time on games such as Crusader Kings, Stellaris, Battlefield and Total War Games

Battletag: Téabaglol#2239

Discord: Teabaglol#1055

Is that Leicester or Lincoln City??

Leicester lol, might soon be in the same division as Lincoln though :man_facepalming:

Shouldn’t be hard to find an undead female like that.

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