Pre-Patch created dead keys that close the game on Mac, e.g. ^ and ´ with German keyboard settings

Thank you! This works for me!

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Cmd+Q is a built-in command on Macs that shuts down programs, and that we can’t change. But WoW used to be one of the great games that actually adjusted to this somehow, because I never had the problem in it before.

There’s so much wrong with WoW on Mac since the pre-patch, issues that have been there since beta, so I’m really worried things won’t be ready (or even playable) for launch :frowning:

I see NA players have been issued game time compensation for pre-patch issues. What compensation is being offered to us please?

The suggested workaround does not fix the crashing issues or the camera movement issues via mouse for me.

Seeing how long this crippling issue is not being fixed as it is now several days past the pre-patch release while on top of that the problems had been reported in the beta already feels not only frustrating but also disrespectful towards your Mac player base. And honestly I am asking myself if this is how it’s gonna be after a Microsoft takeover…

Extremely disappointing.

  • Mac Mini M2 Pro
  • macOS Sonoma 14.5
  • Apple Aluminum wireless keyboard with Swedish layout

Have also tried an old Microsoft USB keyboard with Swedish layout (made for Windows) and it behaves the same way.

My game fully exits instantly/crashes when I press THREE different keys:

  • The ACUTE ACCENT key (` ´)
  • The DIARESIS key (^ ¨)
  • The APOSTROPHE key (’ *)

Two of these are next to the Enter key, which makes it extra frustrating since they are very easy to accidentally press when you are typing. It also makes it impossible to write certain letters in-game such as é or ü which I use daily when chatting.

The current beta client does have the same issue.

It doesn’t matter where in game you are, even on the login screen the game just fully exits. There is no crash reporter window opening, it just instantly closes the game.

The game also quits when pressing Command+Q, but that is due to the Quit World of Warcraft menu item being present now, which is default in most Mac applications. You used to have a differnt keybind assigned to it in older clients, but since 11.0 it has been changed to Command+Q. You can change this using System Settings, so I don’t think there is an urgent need for a fix. But maybe have a look at the menu keybinds assigned to the game in XCode.


For everyone having issues with Command+Q, here is how you can fix it esaily yourself right now on Sonoma (can probably be done in similar way on older versions too):

This is also ussuming you have English as your system language. You might have to open WoW in windowed mode and look in the menus what they are called if you are using a different language.

  1. Open System Settings
  2. Select the Keyboard category and click on Keyboard Shortcuts
  3. Select App Shortcuts
  4. Add a new shortcut using the little + button
  5. Pick World of Warcraft as the application. If it’s not in the list, choose “Other…” and find the app in /Applications/World of Warcraft/retail/ (or wherever you have WoW installed)
  6. Menu title, enter exactly: Quit World of Warcraft
  7. Keyboard shortcut: unfortunately you can only rebind the shortcut, not remove it, so enter something crazy you wouldn’t normally press, I went with Ctrl+Shift+Cmd+Alt+Q
  8. Add another shortcut for WoW but for the menu title: Quit and Keep Windows and assign it a different keybind
  9. Press Done, now you won’t exit the game unless you press the new keyboard shortcut you have assigned.
  • Hardware: MacBook Pro 14-inch (with Apple M2 Pro chip and 32 GB RAM)
  • Operating System: Mac OS Sonoma 14.5
  • WoW Client: English client
  • Keyboard: QWERTY English (Apple Magic Keyboard Long)
  • Problematic keys: Command + Q closes the game

The workaround as proposed by @Amcbank works wonderfully

That workaround is not doable I can’t chat in game . And I do like to be social. Nor can I write emails or other stuff in other programs - or do you want me to switch keyboards every time I need to type something? Not a functioning workaround.

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same here, problem with ^ and also playing with Razer naga mouse, the n°12 on mouse is shortcut to ^, makes games crash instantly

also that problem is on beta, I ve reported it but no changes, now its on retail…

iMac Pro
Sonoma 14.5
game language : French
keybord : qwertz CH ( swiss French )

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Client language: English
iMac with Catalina (10.15.7)
Keyboard: QWERTZ (German)
OS keyboard language set to German
Immediately shutting the game are: ^ (second row 1st key) and ´ (second row second last key, next to back key)

For me the game has become unplayable on a melee class (faster key hitting than on a caster class, more errors).

How can your devs not replicate this error? They are using a Mac with a non-US/English OS keyboard, yes?


Feeling shared.
Not only I feel as if we were some kind of “sub clients” because playing on mac (even if it’s mentioned supported on the purchase pages) … but also because we’re europeans, and using “regional” (but also a said) supported languages (in my case, french).

I don’t crave for a refund… I’ve reported the bug since Beta, immediately spotted because of the frequency with which we use these keys in written french. Not mentioning the fact that in french official forums, getting an answer to an assistance request is a looooooong process which requires lots of patience if not believing in Santa Claus.

I just want Blizzard to make me feel as I’m the good client I am, p(l)aying blizzard games for now around 18 years.

  • The language of your WoW client: German
  • The type / language of the keyboard that you use (QWERTY, AZERTY, etc.): QWERTZ
  • The type / language of the keyboard that you use in game (for example, if you have different languages set up, and swap between them): QWERTZ
  • The specific key on your keyboard that is closing the game: ^

Same problem on my iMAC when using the ^ or ¨ keys. The game closes.

I don’t use an Apple keyboard but the Razer Huntsman and I also play with the Razer Naga mouse. The mouse has 12 buttons and the 12th button is linked to the ^ key on the keyboard. The game therefore closes very often.

Here’s my configuration:

  • OS: Sonoma 14.5
  • Client language: French
  • Keyboard language: QWERTZ CH (French) → same in game
  • Keys affected: ^ and ¨
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i am sure they used an US keyboard for testings, that’s why they couldn’t replicate it

Bump. Same issue here. Mac. German keyboard (keychron BT). Latest MacOS beta. Sucks, since ^ is my PTT key for Discord -.-

  • The language of your WoW client: French
  • The type / language of the keyboard that you use (QWERTY, AZERTY, etc.): AZERTY
  • The type / language of the keyboard that you use in game (for example, if you have different languages set up, and swap between them): AZERTY
  • The specific key on your keyboard that is closing the game: ^ `

Same issue, frustrating because my ^ bind is for all the pings, major cooldown macros and mount button on a German keyboard, latest MacOS on a M1 Max Pro. I adjusted to use F1 for the moment but it’s absolute physical pain to do it - imagine how many times I pop wings in a M+ key, I had 8 misclicks during a run last night xD

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I just fixed it myself with a third-party program for keyboard input customization, it’s called BetterTouchTool and lets you disable/re-assign inputs globally or for single applications.

i solved this by redefining cmd+q as shift+q for WoW and ^ as shift+<. this way i can still use the keybinds as i was used to be, but the fired combination will be understood from WoW as another input.
Simply changed my keybinds in editmode and now it’s playable.

The Software offers a 30 Day Trial, i guess this issue will be fixed until then.


Ok thanks to @Jeremypasqal-Blackrock, figured a workaround:

Get BetterTouchTool
Add WoW-specific binds by clicking the plus icon bottom left in the sidebar of the tool
I for instance use 3 binds, ^. ALT+^ and CTRL+^ for pinging
For the first 2, I rebound in-game the 2 abilities to something like CMD+12, CMD+11 and in BTT I made the bind ^ and ALT+^ send the keys to WoW of CMD+12 and CMD+11
For pinging, same thing but instead of sending Key DOWN and UP I send it just Key DOWN

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i had the same idea, but experienced issues with lags. do you have any lags?

Thank you!

Sadly, this only helps with keys that are not necessary in chat, or writing your characters name (even though ^^ is pretty fun tbh).