Premade vs Premade, Randoms vs Randoms

Dude you are dreaming! Go back and read your opinion on the AV topic.

You created a thread on the (from recollection) the 8th Feb… and yeah, we can all read between the lines.

Show me any post where I complain about the AV queue before the first hotfix when the queue system was authentic.

Mate, enough said tbh. You ADVOCATED for the AV change! If i went back further i bet i could pull out some ‘PLZ FIX AV’ comment (without you saying as much)… Again, you have been found out. Forum readers can definitely read between the lines on your posts.

No I didn’t.

Show me any post where I complain about the AV queue before the first hotfix when the queue system was authentic.

I did not ask for a change to the authentic AV queue system.

Strawmanning again. I just debunked your argument that Classic is a recreation of 2006 World if Warcraft. Don’t make things up.

You even made a thread asking for AV changes. Your the biggest hypocrite in the forums.

When you couldn’t answer how all the changes Blizzard did are recreating 2006 World of Warcraft and your ‘muuuh 2006 recreation’ argument blowed up.

So, instead of making a thread advocating that Blizzard implements the server queues we had for 90% of vanilla which would have massively reduced the problem, you advocated for a change that totally altered the queue system for a second time? Ah yeah, the ‘#nochanges’ crowd.

And here you show your true colors again. Now you care about ‘fair and working’. You’re hardcore #nochanges when a change doesn’t benefit you. But when it does you blow the whole #nochanges stuff out of the window and even make threads advocating for more changes. But hey, its ‘fair and working’, right?


i even bet if i went back even further, i could pull out comments/reply’s which AVOCATED for the AV change.

We both know why you done that mate? You was pissed off of Alliance premades (after a 40+ min wait). So you used that as an excuse (when the game mechanics were working as intended).

Please do not even bother replying with some crappy rebut.

Dude, that post was made after the second hotfix. And notice how I am not asking for a change. I am informing about the rules.

You are talking crap again! What happened to the #nochanges then mate?

I have NEVER asked for a change to the original system. How hard is that to understand? My post history is public. Have a look.

Show me ANYTIME I did that.

All I did was to inform about the rules after the second hotfix in AV when it was a confirmed exploit. I never asked for a change when it was authentic. I did post comment and ideas so that people would stop breaking EULA after the second hotfix.

I will not even comment on that… you KNOW EXACTLY what you was asking for! You do take care to NOT say anything that can be used against you in an argument (same as the person that thinks they are yoda). You must think everyone on these forums are stupid (or just not as intelligent as yourself)

Anyway, take care. i actually need to play WoW Classic before i log.

Again, you have been found out :stuck_out_tongue:

You even call the massive AV changes that altered the whole queue system ‘fair and working’. Funny how you are statisfied with the biggest change made to Classic.

What do you mean? AV is by design pug vs pug and that is what you have in AV right now. Pug vs pug. No preamdes.

How can you possible have anything against that when that is the whole topic of this thread?

I never asked for a change when it was authentic though. Alliance puggers did when premades on their own faction would dodge queues and leave them alone vs 40 horde.

Well there’s nothing to comment about. The things you claim I have said have never been said, so you can’t comment on it…

It was possible to premade AV in Vanilla. Now the whole queue system got changed and you can’t even queue for a specific BG. How can you be statisfied with this change?
Ah right, it benefits you.

Yes, but not only for one faction.

Yes I know. Blizzard implemented this hotfix to help Alliance puggers. I did not ask for it.

Are you seriously asking me how I can be satisfied that only pugs meet pugs in AV? Is that your question? Are you aware what the topic is for this thread?

Again, the first hotfix was implemented to help Alliance puggers who was left alone when alliance premades dodge queues and left them alone vs 40 horde.

But i bet you rolled Alliance back then?

That is total crap! You know it 100%! You know they implemented primarily the change for horde, Blizzard just fixed the queue system to account for 40v40 unbalance because they realised (foresaw) the Alliance moans secondary.

Please DO NOT say the change was implemented primarily because of alliance? They were nuking horde re premades in AV. Your rebuttal is dead in the water.

It always only worked reliably for the outnumbered faction.

Not a hotfix, a change.

Yes, I’m asking you how you can be statisfied with massive changed done to the game when you mask yourself as ‘#nochanges’.

So you are #prochanges when you think things are unfair.

I have both an Alliance 60 and Horde 60. I got exalted on both when AV was released.

It’s a hotfix when you make a change to solve an unintended issue.

Why do you think I am satisfied with the AV queue? I never said I am satisfied with it. I’m not by the way.

I have several time said that what is fair and fun is irrelevant. So no.

No its a change. There was no issue. The queue system worked exactly like in vanilla. But you don’t like Vanilla when it donesn’t benefit you.

Because you exposed yourself multiple times. See this:

Funny that you go full #prochanges when it fits you. The changes you cheer are even bigger than the simple change people ask for in this thread.

Your on words disagree with you.

Ok, whatever. I never asked for it. I never asked for a chnage to the authentic AV queue system. How many times do I have to tell you this?

It is fair and working as intended now. How is that exposing me in any way? It’s a fact. Not an opinion.

I didn’t ask for it and didn’t cheer it on.

No they don’t:

ANd there are many more time.

I say this all the time.

But again, what does any of this have to do with premades in WSG/AB?

You are in fact using t he AV queue system changes as an argument to add more changes. And you are trying to make it sound like I asked for those changes.

I did not.