Premade vs Premade, Randoms vs Randoms

Bodiesan: muuuuuh 2006 recreation exactly like vanilla

Me: Show me how all the changes Blizzard made are recreating vanilla.

Miylee: (standerized bot answer #4) hahahh loooool u asked for changes hahahh looolxd

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Hmm, people needn’t bother with class A drugs any more; they might as well just spend a day in your imagination instead.

Also, it was more like this:

Miylee: You literally just proved Bodie right.

Besides I never asked for anything in this thread. But yeah, lend me some of your drugs. Being this delusional is probably fun at parties.

Not true again. See here:

You clearly need an update.

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Did I specify this thread? Do you not have another thread created earlier today saying “layerings back, we have changes, give us premade queues”?

Have you not stuck to the same argument for as long as me and Bodie have stuck to no changes?

I’ll simpify it some more for you:

Are you, or are you not, using changes to the game to justify more changes that you want?

A “yes” will suffice.

You responded to one of my posts in this thread and even strawmanned a conversation going on in this thread. So yeah, you did. Using this thread to respond to things in other threads makes no sense. Nice cope tho.

The only thing I see you stuck to on your two accounts is making non arguments against premade queues.

No, I use it to debunk the non argument you always use on your two accounts that Classic is a recreation of 2006 World of Warcraft. And you still can’t answer how all the changes are recreating Vanilla.

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No, silly. I pointed out the irnoy of you proving your opposition correct. That isn’t strawmanning.

I only have one account.

Which you then follow up with “so give us seperate queues”. As I said, a yes would suffice.

I answered that to you the last time you tried arguing with me. I said I was opposed to them all, as I am opposed to what you propose now.

No, I still just debunked the ‘muh 2006 recreation’ argument. Nothing else. Scroll up.

Yeah, ofc.

No, I just debunked the argumemt you did on your second account. Scroll up.

By which you agree that classic is not a recreation of 2006 World of Warcraft. So stop using this non argument.

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Except, you didn’t. You simply spouted the same “We already have changes” rhetoric, one that we warned everybody of years ago when this board was made. Perhaps you don’t remember the slippery slope discussions?

I don’t think you know what debunkt means. My argument was that you’ve proven Bodiesan correct; which you did.

I don’t agree with that at all. Classic is a recreation of 2006 World of Warcraft. It currently has several systems that don’t belong in the game, and the solution to those systems isn’t to add more.

Lastly, people being opposed to you doesn’t mean that they’re the same person. I don’t assume that you’re the same poster as Borton or Apeboy-Operations.

If you want to stick to that level of immaturity and stupidity, then I can’t stop you. But it just adds to the many things you’re doing that make you look like a moron.

BTW, your entire argument is “my steak is already overcooked, guess I better burn it”.

You are just strawmanning again. Show me where I did this.

Another strawman. Never happened. Just debunked the argument.

Then finally show us how serverwide queues without battlegroups, disabled wsg portals, legion raid frames, 10x bigger seevers, a clock and layering are recreating 2006 World of Warcraft.

Funny that you switch to personal attacks after the only argument you have got debunked.

Aaaaaand another strawman.


The people that want the changes probably only play 3 bg games a day :joy::ok_hand: PVP is normally for rankers, so they are gonna premade. Go do some world pvp :grin:

You again?

Didn’t I explain to you, more than once, that I am against changes because people will use the change as an argument to add more changes?

You are proving my point, again.

Dude plz stop it! YOU WAS FOR the AV change! Full stop! Dont call it a bug, plz? Im going to try and explain it to you. U and another person that latch on to threads/topics and bang on about the ‘NO CHANGES’. I get that, i do. You have ACTUALLY advocated FOR the AV change previously - when Classic was working as intended. Not my fault that u both are on a faction that cant insta queue - given the faction imbalance pop wise. You better believe you (horde would have done exactly the same, given the chance atm). The game mechanics were working as intended, full stop! Just ppl found a way to work them to their advantage this time around. Same again re premades.

The other person on this forum thinks they are the ‘yoda’ of blizzard classic forums, will always think they r right - without really/truly gaining the ‘other’ side of the experience (other side of the point of debate).

Enough said!

Tbh u have called for a change, your point on this is mute atm bro.

No, stop making things up. I just debunked your argument that Classic is a recreation of 2006 World of Warcraft. And you already agreed that it isn’t because you can’t show us how all the changes are recreating Vanilla. But somehow you still spam that argument 24/7 in every thread.

Dude, he is full of crap!

Let me explain.

Alliance puggers complained that the alliance premades would dodge queues and leave them alone when the game started. So you would have 40 horde vs 3 alliance, stuff like that.

At this time, all they did was to queue at the same time. At this time, I never asked for a change. Alliance did, alliance puggers did. They posed about this every day.

It was a unique exploit for Classic where only one faction could join as a premade and where it hurt Alliance puggers. Having a battlegrounds start with 40 vs 3, that’s unfair, not ok, Blizzard implement a hotfix.

After this, the alliance premades found away around the hotfix. So Blizzard implemented a second hotfix with party group and whatnot.

After the second hotfix, alliance started to use methods that CLEARLY was an exploit. Involved various tricks to log out and in and drop queue and requeu in special ways to bypass the two previous hotfixes.

At this time, yes, I made posts and informed Blizzard that Alliance are still exploiting the queue system for AV. At this time, it was clearly and exploit of a new system that never existed in Vanilla.

So Blizzard hotfixed the queue for a third time.

Now, it’s fair and working as intened. AV is a battlegrounds for pugs and WSG/AB is a battleground for preamdes.

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Yeah, he basically spams ‘muh 2006 recreation!!’ in every premade thread 24/7 besides the fact that he got proven wrong multiple times. Funny that he advocates for changes when they fit him tho (AV changes and serverwide queues without battlegroups for example)

My argument is that you guys are using changes as an argument to add more changes. My argument is that we should not add changes because those changes will be used as an argument to add more changes.

When was I proven wrong? All I see is you proving my point over and over.

Again you AVOCATED for the change because it primarily helped you (horde).

Tbh i dont care that i walked into a AV that had (and lets be serious about this) horde then alliance. That could have been fixed ish with decent defence whilst everyone (alliance joined).

Please do not put it on the alliance moaning about this
 the FACT was horde were predominantly complaining about the AV alliance premades
 and you KNOW IT!

Call it how you will, horde complained more :stuck_out_tongue:

No I just said I did not. I did not ask for a change in the AV queue. Alliance puggers did.

I informed Blizzard via the forum that premades was still exploiting the queue system after the SECOND hotfix when it was in fact a confirmed exploit.

But, what does this have to do with the queue system in WSG/AB? It’s just straw Man attacks and using one change as an argument to add more changes

Dude you are dreaming! Go back and read your opinion on the AV topic.

You created a thread on the (from recollection) the 8th Feb
 and yeah, we can all read between the lines.