Premades ruin PvP Can't you just add solo q already

Playing with randoms in a bg is still group play. You can’t play solo in a bg


Funniest thing is, that private servers figured this out years ago. They had gms teleporting people, to check their reaction and they had ANTI-CHEAT, that detected any form of speed/fly hacking.

so you want cater PVP content to PVE rep grinders? Just let pve players get exalted from AV and leave PVP BATTLEGROUNDS to people that want to actually PVP?

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and people who want to enjoy BGs like we did since 2019 have to wait 6month-1year to play… because premade farmers gonna do it with all their alts… (i always solo-queued in all version of Classic without a problem, what’s happening in SoD is dictatorship from Discord communities of meta-farmers)

wow is dead, killed by honor/rep points meta-farmers


Why SHOULD puggers get a reward? You want the game to cater to you, I offered a scenario where you get your gameplay without ruining the ranking / reward system.

You’re the ones that keep saying “we just wanna have fun!”. There’s yer fun.

No, you don’t want that at all. You want your cake and you want to eat it too.

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Yeah,just make like old times when only 3 ppl party can play with random
And premade 5+ play only vs another 5+

Sorry, don’t need Blizzard to cater to your gameplay because you like playing solo.

because we had rewards since 2019 in Puggin’
i’m glad you and your team were not here for 4-5years of Classic
you are ruining SoD

Cater to us? This game was made when people almost never did premades. It was just a small group who did. And it was even fewer who had voice chat. The game was created for people like me. That’s why you group up with others when entering a bg

we met a lot of people since 2019 in Puggin’ queues, we had fun (win or lose), we had a real game to play (not that farming simulator SoD’s premaders do)

you meta-premaders don’t even play after the first flag cap (if you face another premade) , you are not social, you are not PvPers

there was no social media and Discords back in the days, your point is saying that all the people who played WoW back in the days were not social, your streamers generation know nothing about socializing

You also got matched against premades since 2019 puggin’.

My guild and I have played Classic since day 1 of launch, all the way through to now.

People like you? Battlegrounds and PVP wasn’t even a thing in the original game.

People didnt premade? Yeah, they did. But by your logic, people also didn’t raid.

you are wrong…

PvE wasn’t a thing in the original game* there was no guides, no video/stream with all the solutions

Not everybody had a Thunderfury / Sulfuras back in the days, now even mages buy Thunderfury just for the Swagg

people were mouseclickers and noobs, people were dumb dogs, you talk chips

Care to explain :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: should i send you screenshots from vanilla ? what the actual fok man i even have screenshots of the standings 1.5/1.6 mil honor ppl pulled last week of ranking and yes servers were smaller and alliance had 1-2 good premades at the most same for us and we knew each other very well. What are u talking about , im sorry if i missed something else i jsut saw he quoted you on this single statement.

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Don’t reply to the guy, he’s a troll

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Miylee ? I dont think so, but saying battlegrounds wasnt a thing when there was a whole world of warcraft / pvp / index page with standings officially on warcraft . com and you could see who is getting what each week kinda strange.

You go right ahead.

When WoW was originally released there was no battlegrounds and there was no honor system. This was added later in the game and is the reason why PVP was added in phase 2 of Classic.

No, I’m not.

How many people ran original Naxxramas again? Not even a fraction of the population. You were lucky if your server had more than 1 raiding guild that was able to do the content.

Which, incidentally; is why premades weren’t as widespread.

Somebody isn’t ‘trolling’ just because you don’t like what they’re saying. Grow up.

Anti-social author and anti-social replays discover a brand new Wow player type- A solocial player.

The only antisocial thing here is the people that enjoy steamrolling pugs that stand no chance. Give me premade vs premade so I can stop this stupid streamrolling of pugs. They don’t even try anymore, they die and stop ressing. There is no fighting, it’s just turned into a streamroll rep grind.

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They don’t even try anymore, they die and stop ressing

“There is no dishonor in dying, only in not fighting” - Albis 60lv human mage-Rage of Angels pvp video

what about social players who farm rep/honor points like non-human bots could do (same for rank14 in full AV, it’s treating players like bots)

seriously, it’s a hamster wheel
not a game
