Premades ruin PvP Can't you just add solo q already

This isn’t 2005, grandpa. Get on with the times. Nobody wants to sit in a 90 min premade v premade.


no real warrior in a war game
okay i quit !

you bots… no honor(not the points, real honor)… no dignity… no believes… no charm… no soul…

i quit !

Night night, grandpa. Take your meds before going to bed.




:copyright: :registered: :tm:

. . .main a hunter and/or a priest. :nerd_face:

Just giving you the benefit of the doubt that you are not indeed that dense.

98% of premades are strictly for farming pugs
having to join a premade is not the problem

read this as many times as required till you understand

this is a ridiculous statement with a substantial amount of mental gymnastics required to make sense, nor has it anything to do with the topic or what that other guy said

So to you couple of months after release of vanilla is no vanilla wow ?
Read yourself again please i never said there bg’s at release ,but this is totally different to “ bg wasnt thing in original wow” wtf , wow was released end of 2004 around November and first bg was spring 05 are you saying they never ever planned to have battlegrounds or what exactly ?

Here we go… really ? Not everyone at 37 feels like a grandpa or looks like a grandpa i bet you will still play some games after 10-20 years if tour life can allow the time and i hope ppl wont treat you like grandpa if you express opinion on smt.
As for the rest , not every grandpa is against premades.

69% of all statistics are made up on the spot.

Premades are formed so that they can farm honor and reputation, not specifically pugs. It’s more efficient to play the game as a premade team fore then you know who is on your team, instead of randomly being assigned 4 warriors, a paladin and a missmatch of AFKers.

…Grow up Bupp, you’re in no position to be talking to me in such a manner.

It has everything to do with what Lamborgimli said. He said ‘ree no premades because OG wow didn’t have premades’ (It did, by the way). I said this as if we were going by OG wow, we wouldn’t have battlegrounds.

Not at all. I just don’t like the ‘yeah but things werent like this in Vanilla!’ argument.

Absolutely fair, it is out of place argument especially in SOD that ia supposed to feel different in general.

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It’s not Premades that ruin pvp.
It’s people to lazy or too anti social to join/make a premade that ruin the game for them selves.
Join/make a premade and you will see pvp becomes fun again.
Try to be social and y’ll see doors will open up for you.
If you don’t try it then you are the problem and not those that actually try.
The problem is YOU, YOU, YOU, and no one else stop crying anti social snowflakes…

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Not true :slight_smile: social has nothing to do with it, i do it simply in hope i get another premade that is willing to fight till the end, but i dont remember the ppl i premade with since most of the time they dont want discord or join and mute mics … so social!

Not true :slight_smile: u wont be stomped as if play pug ,but fun is nowhere until u face another premade that is doing whatever they can to win and not gave up.

Again lol , im trying and ppl are like bots, they dont even talk unless flag carry say there are some resistance in flag room


Partially true , i just hate the argument go social… yes there are good premades that are already friends to each other as for the pugs that spamm in LF … nope, they are not the social premades u talking about , 90 % of the time are just guys that want to grp just to ensure proper setup is established and dont even target call or switch mics on.

All these premade vs pug defenders are full of bs. How many premades did you join after you got exalted? Since you like pvp so much and you like playing with your friends it have to be plenty right? I actually did join one premade after i got exalted and i was begging to be playing vs a premade because otherwise it was just tooooo booooooringg, once you take the easy reputation out of the equation premades vs pug are just pointless.
For me if this wasn’t just another cash grab from blizzard they should have added ranked bgs.

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If you genuinely don’t understand the issue, I feel sorry for you. Many have tried to explain.
Good day.

doesnt have to be actually tho

I did my revered - exalted grind only by pugging. Win % was maybe 15

truely spoken like a pve casual, anyone who joins premades in bgs dont belong in pvp… i want to fight beast vs beast with real chads, not some pve dudes who need 10 man premade to be able to kill 1 random

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i never said that
premades are ruining SoD like no other Classic versions
grow balls

Premades have been a thing since 2019 classic. Aggrend confirmed on Twitter that forcing premade v premade is more negative than positive, and won’t do anything about it.

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they changed the matchmaking once, they can do it again