Press F Mythic Dungeon Tools?

just upload not updated version and gg and manualy place it into game

It’s still using textures and maps provided by the game. He did not copy them. The way he’s using in-game assets is legit.

He’s not selling the assets.

See the MDT source:

There are no map assets there. The only assets there, in the Textures directory, are some icons and UI elements for the MDT UI.

It does not do that.

The NPC data he is selling is not provided by the game, and is not accessible with in-game tools.

He researched it, and he assembled it.

The game does not provide coordinates within dungeons, nor does it provide information about linked groups, patrol routes or anything like that. That’s something he built for MDT.

That’s not what he’s selling.

There are no copies in MDT.

No, he’s not. The feature is still in the addon. As long as you import an NPC dataset - any NPC dataset, and there are free ones already -, the addon has full functionality. You don’t have to pay anything to make full use of the addon.

Yes, he is. Carbonite was forced by Blizzard for doing the very same thing to change or cease to exist.

I have a good analogy.


Basically, McDonalds uses a trick some people like calling “clever”, but really a lot of companies does something similar to some extend to void paying taxes. Anyway…

McDonalds avoids paying taxes by having a side company located in a country with 0% tax, then this side company owns all the IP of McDonalds, so when a restaurant uses McDonalds IP, it has to pay a rent, basically. McDonalds sets this rent to whatever the restaurant’s sales is. Thus, restaurants revenue is 0, and whatever % of 0 is still 0, so McDonalds doesn’t pay tax.

It’s legal. But it’s obviously a cheesy workaround that should have been punished long ago.

That being said, I can’t believe I made you copy/paste the ToS. Anyway, the interesting part is that there’s nothing explicit in the ToS about what is data and what is code.
So, anyone could argue that selling that data is against the tos.

Do you have a link where I can educate myself about what happend with Carbonite?

Hilarious for the guy to throw a hissy-fit like this. Still the alternative “manbaby dungeon tools” has you covered. Even keked when I found out why its called “manbaby’s” :smiley:

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Nnoggie dies every pull, maybe he can make an addon to suck less.


That comment is interesting. Best players aren’t always the most publicized. How many “not-so-good” are in the world first teams, you think ?

just download /Tomslack/ManbabyDungeonTools from github and remove mdt. You can plan your routs again. copy the folder into addons and you are fine! if you dont know how to download ask google

only if they release new dungeons we need an alternative unless thomslack updates it

SL dungeons have routes ?

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Yes, if you want to spawn Prideful optimally. If you have shroud or other skips, that can also alter the route.

i have zip file of addon from before … so he can kiss me …

i have never heard anything so stupid “The functionality is there, the data to make use of it, is not.”

'tis true, though. As soon as you import any NPC data, you can make routes. It doesn’t have to be Noggie’s pack.

The functionality to make routes is contained in the addon by default. It’s somewhat similar to WeakAuras: out of the box, it does nothing, you have to use the editor to make some WAs on your own, or import some. MDT is similar, it just doesn’t have an NPC data editor part.

To put it another way: MDT is a phone, the NPC data is the phonebook. The phone is fully functional, it has all the features a phone needs, but to be able to call someone, you need to dial their number. That number happens to be in a phonebook (or contact list, or whatever).

It’s a tactic as old as time itself.

For instance, DOOM’s engine is free software, but it’s data, contained in a WAD, is commercial.

Effectively the engine is useless without a WAD, although people can make their own WAD’s.

More like, MDT is a GPS but there’s no maps.

i agree,but still,did you see his reaction ? like who does this guy thinks he is ? i havent seen other addon devs acting like complete sh*t have they ? im not sure if im allowed to post any links in here,but there is a video of his comment on MDT . im quite sure most of you have already seen it

You can post it.

“Sorry, you can’t include links in your posts.”

Context is everything. How many salty entitled whispers do you think he got to make him that angry?

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