There is only spite left of us who once wanted this game’s story to be decent.
They just need to dial it back and keep it simple. The need to constantly one up themselves is a dangerous path that is swiftly leading to ruin.
so tyrande gets slammed vs sylvanas which is probably fair enough because sylvanas is the end boss but
cmon i feel like im being milked of ‘how long can we beat the nelves to the ground’ moments
at this point not even nelf cbt is exciting
friendly reminder to blame saurfang because we could’ve avoided all of shadowlands had malfurion actually been allowed to fight sylvanas w/o interference
always the orcs causing problems, and now we’re gna get another sad orc redemption or smth woo
enjoy the jaina content lol
while it did appear that Malfurion had the upper hand in the duel, I doubt 4d chess player Sylvanas would have entered into that fight (given that she was actively hunting him in that “war”) without having a play in mind.
saurfang or no, she would have cheesed it somehow. maybe dropped a shadow beam like she did outside the gates of orgrimmar once the gig was up
not saying that makes it any better.
EDIT: not a sylvanas defender. i am of the opinion that malfurion should come out on top for a numer of reasons
just good advice regardless of the situation
At the cost of seeing the story forums on fire from NE’s not getting a bone (once) again?
yes please
Never complain about Danuser again
Okay wow, you’re really sinking so low as to insult a genocided people who have suffered nothing but punch after punch by Blizzard since they were introduced in WC3? All Blizzard ever does it spit on night elf players, killing our immortality, world trees, lore and people all for the benefit of privileged Human Male Paladins like you. I’m so sick of you HMP’s mocking the night elves every time something bad happens to us and quite frankly it’s unacceptable. And yes, us not getting a brewfest stall is a punch to the face. Apparently there are so few of us left that we have to outsource our products to a ‘crack squad’ of void elves, the antithesis of all that is night elf second only to HMP’s. This is why subscribers are tanking and people are flocking to Classic, because of how Blizzard treats the night elves like garbage, especially post cata. It’s not funny, so take your human male paladin privilege and human potential elsewhere. Going through the indignity of following an 18 year old human boy is bad enough as it is without scrubs like you rubbing it in.
something something sylvanas wasn’t that strong yet something something not yet powered by jailer something something after teldrassil vacuumed souls to maw she got more powerful
careful, he’s afraid of danuser, u might provoke him !
showing how cool i am by enjoying something bad that other people hate for being bad
You wish.
She’s coming back.
nelfoids owned
If the encounter journal is to be believed, those we have killed stay dead. Only three Val’kyr (who we have not yet encountered) seem to actually be fought, and they call upon the spirits of those we have killed to carry out single abilities.
Bold of you to assume that’s even possible.
Learning new skills would take valuable space away from his over-inflated ego, after all…
Would take time away from his self-insert erotic fanfiction with Sylvanas while he clutches his full size bodypillow feat his waifu
The dumbest thing in existence is all the redditors I see who go ‘yeah I support Sylvanas purely out of spite towards the writers tbh, burn it all down’.
The writer’s a more hardcore fanboy of her than any of you, you absolute baboons.
It’s not like the redditors are known for thinking things through most of the time.
Wait, the glasses will be cosmetic transmoggables, right?
That’s gonna be a pain, having to choose between my hat or glasses… :SadGnome:
Who knows