PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 1)

I loved being S+ tier for two weeks until all the DoT classes got gear and they nerfed MM more than it should’ve been :weary: I feel the struggle.

I hear bugs and long wait time on respawns, so if that’s your thing.
Raid is supposedly nice.

Note: Last login was… early feb for me so.

I’m not sure myself. How about the new megadungeon + quests + raid? Are they any good?


My take on it:

Q: so what’s your feedback on the latest feature?
A: it’s so bad I’m not even going to check it

Seems about fair.

Hahaha no… hears “Champyun!” In sylvanas’s voice

I only did the content until I got flying. The lore is dissapointing, the zone is grindfest all around, sure it works in some moments but much like Mechagon, feels smart but drains me of my will to return.

I fly, that’s all I need until the next Renown and ressource grind renders Korthia irrelevant.

I got people to keep me updated on things, my personal opinion of this expac has been pretty negative post-notbfa bliss wearing off.

I also follow my own advice of voting with my wallet, I quit Legion around the same time for the same reasons I quit this time: I don’t enjoy the game, I don’t enjoy the quality of the content we got and I don’t like the way the story is headed.

If you take it as me just going “Lol gaem baed no play” then you’ve read me and my posts wrong.
Why should I waste money on a game I don’t enjoy? Do enlighten me.


Hope you guys have fun with her being the Khadgar/Magni/Primary Quest Giver of 9.2. It’ll be especially jarring, for her to go from the boss of one patch to obnoxiously bossing you about in world quests in the next.

Better than most people. Some people genuinely hate everything about the game to the point they haven’t been able to enjoy it for several years now, but refuse to quit and instead spend their time sending death and r-threats to other players and writers who do take some enjoyment out of it.

That level of toxicity is really mentally unhealthy


Say it abit louder for the people in the back.
Worst I’ve said is wanting Danuser to quit and write those Amazong erotica novels.

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Yes so unique that 70% of my damage came from procs that weren’t baseline to ny class.

Corruption was probably the worst, most antichrist thing you could add to WoW and only a completely detached from reality gearhead of a developer could lie to themselves and say “this is a good mechanic.”. Classes have never in the history of this game been ever as homogenized as they were at the last patch of bfa.


nah i think this prediction is miles off

it’ll take until next patch to know for sure but she’s either
A: gonna die
B: gonna get written aside to just vaguely exist in the world without ever really popping up again

couldn’t be me :sunglasses:

Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life :blush:

I misread this as “Amongus erotica” and that’s how I know I’m in too deep.

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bro what are you talking about it was super epic for my paladin gameplay to be waiting until i accidentally sneezed out an enormous beam of void magic

extremely immersive and engaging


This is true advice, but also :hmm:

I honestly didn’t even catch my typo and I won’t change it now because of this.

When the imposter won’t get out of your head :flushed:

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remember when med’an was sent to the moon or space or someplace

why cant we do that with this expansion



Oh, it wasn’t a sarcastic take. If I ask a [presumed] fan of a setting if they like the new changes and they tell me they aren’t playing anymore (presumably because they don’t like the game as it is), I infer that they don’t think the current gameplay is that good.

you had to strike to my love for corruption where it hurts? :sob:

Donkey Kong?

I bet thats driving you bananas


At this point so many of the problems are so fundamentally and utterly broken at base design level that there is no chance in hell you could even hope to start fixing them without repositioning people or outright firing them.

As i have said many a times: Every single problem modern wow has can be traced back to Legion 6+ years ago. It was a completely new take on WoW gameplay and design at a fundamental level that wasn’t just mildly conflicting with the past WoW, it was utterly opposed.