PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 1)

Even goes a step further as well doesn’t it? With the dreadlords influencing Sargeras/the void and the light, on the orders of Denathrius.

Who was ordered by the jailer.

Who does all this because he felt the eternal ones were mean to him.


While some of their own writing at time can leave alot to be desired(usually in specific quests, hello Skyrim Winterhold), Bethesda’s TES writing team handles mysteries of the Gods/planes/afterlives and all that so much better.

Because its simultaneously established and not. References to different daedric realms, afterlives, where the soul goes, and deities are all over the setting. Sometimes more directly, other times as just references, but its there.

Yet its also mysterious because its for the most part not shown too much and has contradicting stories and explanations, and not contradictory because they forgot what they wrote, but because its written contradictory in-universe, usually through historians or researchers with different point of views.


Who were only mean to him because he tried to steal the forbidden knowledge of the First Ones.

Which he did because… uh…

…I’m sure that if he ever does bother to explain his true motivations, he’ll find a way to shift the blame on the First Ones.

Something like, “All I did, I did for the Shadowlands! You made me Arbiter, you left me to pick up your pieces, YOU FAILED ME!”


At the moment, all we got is that he for some reason thinks the First Ones “design” is flawed and wants to change it.

Seems like with every new bit of lore that comes out the meme of the villain stating: “I’m so far ahead that not even the WoW writing team knows my plan,” turns into straight up truth.


Fixed (not by me):


I’d be happy to reset the game back to the end of Legion.

Its been some time, we finally wake up from the coma Sargeras put us in and we hear a voice;

“you’re finally awake”

Todd Howard you’ve done it again.

No but seriously, wake up to find the world leaders are having an uneasy alliance while they try to fix the gaping wound in Silithus and wake their champions up.

The Zandalari and the Kul Tirans have joined in trying to help heal azeroth, as have the Outland Mag’har orcs not wanting to see their cousin’s home destroyed, the Dark irons were always there and the Legion allied races join too.

And then… some shadow spills out of the wound and-- we have an actual old gods expansion.


nah, give me a faction war expansion without a mcguffin, old gods or some other big bad we have to unite against

Just a good a old post-Legion invasion war for survival as theres not enough resources to keep everyone content

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Like this?


there’s also The Hive :tm:

At this point, every expansion may as well be renamed to World of Warcraft: The Hypeman for the Even BIGGER Bad Two Years Down The Line

I’m just so tired.


Sha of Cope


Fixed in ten characters.

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Don’t trust these devs with that.

Said uneasy so there can still be skirmishes, but no outright faction war.

My main Rp character is a zandalari, i would like to keep her hence why reset just after legion.

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I could totally see Blizzard going with that. The proud American tradition of “what do you mean, ‘there were people already living there’?”


I don’t trust them with anything, they won’t do any of your, my, or anyone else’s ideas or dream expansion right. What we would trust them with isn’t a viable stance.

The playerbase wouldn’t be able to handle it. Unless you make it an anaemic expansion where very little actually happens (which would also anger people), you’d end up with people getting angry and constantly feeling like their faction is mistreated by the writers.

Just look at BFA, and in BFA the actual war became an entirely secondary thing after the first patch.


Also both faction wars have ended with dethroning the current warchief.

Horde does NOT have that many known characters left to sacrifice for the end raid.

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except i don’t think it would, becuase i don’t think the vast majority of WoW’s playerbase gives a damn about the story at all.

if blizzard came out and said “here’s a random continent to quest on, 8-10 dungeons and a raid every 4-6 months with some bosses we thought would be cool”, most people wouldnt bat an eyelid. hell, at this point, i don’t even think most rpers would mind it, either. no story, just content.