PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 1)

It’s just the cynical conclusion. It can’t be anything other than fearing for their sub numbers and a meager attempt to regain what little good will remains. I can’t stand it, I can recognize when something or someone is disrespecting my time as a player… To make the necessary changes to make the game bearable (and I really mean this, bearable.) there had to be a scandal, a below mediocre expansion and a mass exodus to simply, greener pastures.

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My dear garden ornament, if you would look up you only would see knees anyway…
They sky isn’t that interesting anyway
Take the Shal’dorei for example! We done just fine without any sky


“Requires Brewfest”

Well. Shucks.

Because today has been a good day, I offer one of my mildly less cynical takes, based of certain dev reactions on Bird app, and wondering if this is maybe a case of Lead and Directors going “Ok, we need stuff now, do whatever”, and individual/areas of devs finally having the freedom to do stuff they know players have wanted and that they want to do as well.

The circumstances are still not great. This needs to be normal going forward as well, not just a panic reaction. Only time will tell. But it might be the start of more positive things, so… we shall see!


It turned you into Mana addicts.

Literally anything can turn an Elf into a Mana addict. You are the Quarians of the Wow universe, anyone so much sneezes at you, your people becomes Mana addicts.


Quarians > Elves

Quarians get shotguns.


Elves are more like eeves because they mutate when in contact with almost anything.


And hips as well.

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Man oh man am I impatient for the PTR to drop. I want to check out the new Nightborne stuff so bad.

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Must look at Lightforged and test if BfA raids are soloable.

My bug reporting fingers itch.


Same! I wish they could add some more stuff for the upcoming holidays in WoW too, such as Hallows End.

Considering the Scourge is supposed to be on the loose, random zombie attacks wouldn’t hurt. (For the holiday.)

Have you seen the way b/velf ladies tilt when idle?

Thats it! We need to get some arcane shotguns… :unamused:

Okay, you have a point there
But I think along the evolutionary highway, the quasi-reptilian Trolls mutated in to Sponge-like Elves
Really, the Elves are sponges
We soak up basically anything, Light? Void? Arcane? Fel? Whatever energy or radiation is near, you can bet, an Elf be there too soaking it up, mutating and became a new kind of elf…

And look how ugly and malformed you turned out to be! You don’t even have normal skintones like gnomes, humans, dwarves and thalassian elves!

Kinda unfair because their progenitor race, the Kaldorei, have always been mana addicted and linked to a massive source of Mana (Well of Eternity, and afterwards the Second Well of Eternity, but that was “filtered” by the World Tree). And lets not talk about trolls and their hyper-adaptability.

You’re alot like orcs in that regard really, except they double down on fel, mostly. We have brown (uncorrupted), black/grey (mountain), green (fel), red (fel+), red-with-spikes (fel++), pale (void) and black-with-spikes(fel).

Wonder what’ll arcane and Holy magic’ll do to an orc.

We seen some Lightsworn on AU Draenor during the Mag’har recruitment :thinking:
It was not pretty
Arcane is a good question tho’
Well those nasty orcs are very addaptive rocks… rock-descendants anyway

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They’ll pull an ogre and sprout another head.


While we should remain reserved and consider this a serious probationary period, I’m going to wager that both Oneal and Ybarra has a heavy stake in this as well.

It’s not just the WoW team communicating more; it’s pretty much all the teams.

… Bar Heroes of the Storm, sadly.

I think they went in and quite heavy-handedly gave instructions.

Ybarra specifically has been very public and continues to be regarding the changes going on. It radiates that “dad energy” like a parent being proud of their kids. And while I’d argue that’s part of his humor as well, it seems as though he is very involved with everything going on.

A few example Tweets by Ybarra from the past few days:

To outright acknowledge the need to earn trust back in a Tweet as a studio head of one of the largest video game companies is one of those things you kind of … don’t expect. He does it so casually as well that I can’t help but think it’s genuine. Additionally, I don’t think he cares about how it can look to the higher ups.

However, could this just be a front for PR? Absolutely. It could all be for show since it’s very, very easy to make a few comments and Twitter and see the compliments rain over you.

Yet, Ybarra has been like this for years. Even when he was with Microsoft.

I believe the heads at Activision Blizzard might’ve chosen both him and Oneal knowing that they’ll put up a good face outwards so they won’t have to bother or worry about those two in terms of the public image. In that—and perhaps without even caring beyond “they’re good enough”—they’ve possibly put two people that are also going to manage the studio well and that have every interest in improving it even on a very personal level.

Hopefully … this is the new direction we’ll see for these teams in the future.


Bobby isn’t happy with the revenue. He needs his third Transformers Yacht.

Yay bats!