PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 1)

Why are they removing the /spit emote?

Because it’s the most used emotes to insult and harass people who bought store mounts.

It’s a non consequential move. I’m sure people could just go /fart on them instead or do /chicken instead.


Why are the new druid forms some anima beasts? Aren’t they supposed to be spirits to commune with and thus coming from the Dream and not the Death Realm of Shadowlands? Has anything be retconned more than the Dream being the Plane of Life?

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Personally? The same reason they changed the /whistle emote in Battle for Azeroth.

Because it was about damn time.

As the greatest warchief of all time once said; times change.

Catcalling as a whistle, promoted by the studio, was outright weird.

Promoting players to use a /spit emote is also, arguably, outright weird.

What is the purpose of allowing people to virtually suggest spitting at each other with a system emote? Why should Blizzard Entertainment as a studio encourage (which they do by having it be one of the available commands) players to engage in that way with one another?

What other purpose does it serve than to act in a hateful or abusive manner? The ability to type it out is still there, if someone feels so inclined. As it should be, naturally.

The devoidening is done.
Hopefully the super voidening happens next look over.


Still hoping for N’Zoth eyes :pensive::fist:


Hair into just tentacles so I can be a nautalon.

It is time.

Big fan of this change. The tentacle look is fine if that’s the vibe you want (and I’m keeping it on Vervaina), but sometimes a girl just wants to brush her hair without it literally fighting back.


How are you brushing your hair?!

I’m so happy! The new face with the freckles is adorable<3 omg I might just return to WoW for the sole reason to level a Nightborne.


With assistance and raw beef to placate the tentacles.

2 Likes It’s always great to see some more down to earth sets – just make them moggable for the love of god


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Girl, you need a better system!

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… So help me Zeus, if the ren’dorei weapons are finally added as well, I may just combine an overdue facepalm due to the delay with a stupid grin.

It’s not. Having something in the game isn’t an act of promotion, it’s an emote that people can use. A patch adding an animation to something and then bragging about it in a features list would be a form of promotion.

Regardless of that, my characters, particularly my orcs and dwarfs, will continue spitting on the ruined corpses of other players, whether they were on a store mount or not, because that’s as much part of the setting as the myriad of other violent and abusive interactions we have right now.

Not going to respond to you any more beyond this btw, I’m not that interested in interacting with your long winded devil’s advocate novels.

Least we not forget the Spellbreaker shield and glaive!

Also, Nightborne actually have brand new faces, not just an eye toggle. You can select which eye option to use out of the two (slanted or…bulging?)


And again it just makes it all the more frustrating that the allied races were added years ago, and only now are they (dare I say) more akin to fully fledged looking races. To say nothing of the gear so obviously befitting their heritage sets, yet were left to gather dust for no sane reason that I can think of.

I’m glad things are improving now, but goshdarn some of these decisions.


That’s quite alright, friend. I’ll respond to you, though!

In my opinion, anything that Blizzard add as part of their systems is something they promote. It’s part of their product, therefore it is something they promote. Hence the whole issue of renaming characters and places as of late, for instance. Quite clearly, they don’t want to be associated with certain people and events since anything they have in their product, indirectly, becomes a form of promotion in the public eye in some circles.

A line of dialogue that is scripted, and therefore made by the company or someone at the company, could be seen as something promoted by the company.

Especially since they have guides for all available commands as well.

When you do /spit the line of dialogue that follows is programmed.

I’d say there’s a big difference between that and free-emoting, where players are able to write whatever they want, including all facets of the in-game chat. Such as you and your wish to continue doing it by typing /emote [insert text], for example.

Long, long long overdue. There was no excuse for not adding these in in Legion.