PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 1)

* [My Storage is "Gigantique"]( Name changed from "My Sack is "Gigantique"" to "My Storage is "Gigantique"".

Guess referencing a big sack is offensive too?

They also renamed Bros Before Ho Ho Hos

Sexual innuendo or not, it has no impact on the setting because it’s a meme achievement. In my eyes they could rename it to “ACHIEVEMENT_056” and it wouldn’t hurt anyone. The Bros before Ho Ho Ho’s renaming is a good change because, well, that shouldn’t need explaining really.

But like Moburon said when it comes to events and NPC:s in-game, Blizzard is firehosing anything with potential bite to it which in the end just kind of makes everyone the same, and if everyone’s the same it’s not only bland and boring it’s also a little confusing as to how they operate. Like, if humans and orcs share both moral, religious and any other beliefs or goals why are they even fighting?

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Can’t even image the uproar if blizz would have tried that


Wait until you hear about Westfall…

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Gamers really be out there working themselves up over one wacky off-tone insult in one voice line from an expac ago being removed

Which would honestly be awesome and way more fun


Ah yes, the racially charged and off-tone insult “greenskin”.


if it didnt entirely contradict the idea of the game, yeah. works in gw2, doesn’t work in wow.


Moburon is 100% on point. I oroginally protested the b-word removal from Garrosh also because I thought it was watering down what warcraft used to be and making it into something it is not. And back then, people told me I was just being a bit of a Gamer and it never fit the Warcraft setting in the first place.

And like I told you all back then, this opens a dangerous slippery slope where the devs are given green light by the community to turn warcraft into something it isn’t. Granted, they have also ousted Blizzard for doing this, most recently re: The sylvanas raid cinematic, so there is still hope in the community.

What’s next? Are they going to make creating forsaken against their will through necromancy, because it in some peanutbrains head promotes a non-consent culture?

The worst part is that if we had the faces and names of the devs making these decisions up, they’d be laughed out in public till they quit their work out of ridicule. But we don’t, so we are left wondering who is doing these decisions.


Like I said earlier, it’s the implication that the player base can’t discern from reality and fiction. Not to mention there been far more in your face and aggressive examples of racism in World of Warcraft. It’s a bizarre change. I’ve seen people suggest that it’s Gamesworkshop getting weird with their IP again but. :man_shrugging:

Yeah because Shadowlands has gone down well lmao.


and so king thoradin went to all the other tribes and said “serve me or die… if you want… im not forcing you, of course, that would be immoral and wrong… but if you don’t want to serve me and you DO want to die then we can do this war thing… but only if you’re happy with it ofc…”


I’m not particularly keen on having the universe I enjoy with its history, races and conflicts to be watered down to a point where it has no sense of strong identity, to the point where it’s just something that anything can be changed to fit in with a “standard” that didn’t really is what fans originally were drawn into.

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Well, at least in Emberblast’s case this seems to be true so maybe they are onto something after all?

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Can’t believe a goblin would hate himself so much.


what do you mean you don’t want to have a drink and gossip about relationships with your charr orc friend in a tavern in divinitys reach stormwind, isnt this peak high fantasy?

fr just look at the guild wars setting and what :slight_smile: no factions just peace :slight_smile: did to it

I’m not really sold on the idea of faction war any more, I think factions within the factions should be at each others throats because Blizzard will innevitably retell Warcraft 2 for the fourth time now and the Horde roster will be gutted for it.

But there’s the implication that for example, the night elves, should be A-Ok and forgive the Horde because “war bad” and you can stroke Thrall’s bicep or something. Which, let’s be honest, there’s an unwritten message there.

P.S Just your daily reminder Magister Hathorel was right.

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Can the people in this thread that are “for” removing the Greenskin lines from the game and lore please come forth and explain to us what negative connotation it carries and why?


This resonates with me the most after a brief skim of the latest posts in the thread. I’m really not playing the game to be treated like a pre-teen that can’t discern the difference between make-believe fantasy tropes and legitimate, real world racism (because, strangely enough, I can tell the two apart) and it’s frankly it’s an insult to my intelligence and the intelligence of every other person that plays this game

Curious to see where changes like this lead / how far Blizzard intend to go with this. I’m absolutely all for legitimate racial justice etc, but performative dances that aren’t actually beneficial to things like that are only going to harm the game in the long term


The power of projection is so strong, when someone says the word Greenskin, they think of the N-word instead that in their mind, the rando in front of them said or is a dogwhistle.

PS : I’m not saying this in regards to Emberblast, just to be clear.