PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 1)

Please be available, please be available!


sorry but if they’re adding new shoes that’s really unfair for tauren/troll players. draenei too but tbh they deserve it

blizzard what about us

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Enjoy your new anklets buddy!! LOL!!


Yeah, LMAO. Back to the blacksmiths with u for ur horse shoe session Akamalding.

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absolutely seething right now

blood elf posters constantly harassing me


I don’t really mind the change. WoW has precious little to say about racially driven hate bar “It’s bad” and has a very, very basic way of addressing it at the best of times. I agree that if you like WoW with an edge it’s unfortunate that these elements may be stripped out over time.

The Hearthstone stuff that people go nuts for doesn’t really have it to the same extent as WoW does - in fact it’s rarely if ever a factor, yet people love it. Is removing a hard edge that is only there for the sake of having the edge exist really that big a deal long term when the team doesn’t seem to keen on dwelling on it as a theme?

Now with this comes a caveat - I do think that WoW could look at these elements in a more constructive manner. Hell, I’m of the opinion that MoP really dropped the ball on this aspect of the game’s story. BFA equally really did not hit the mark on discussing how races on either side of the divide view each other and perhaps moving towards some form of real reconciliation and cultural gap closing.

Ultimately I’d rather they write their way to a point where this stuff is winding down as a major overtone in the fiction, but they don’t seem to be doing that so I’ll happily take it being sidestepped. Yes, it is settling for less - but in this case I think I’m willing to due to the ugliness of the element being sidestepped and the success that doing so has seen in other mediums of storytelling and worldbuilding.


BTW, just to be clear since maybe I wasn’t, I’m fine with Blizzard removing the b-word. I think it’s a bit silly (especially now) and I certainly don’t feel the need to applaud them for it, but I’m okay with it.

Thing is, the b-word a (potentially pretty harsh) real world insult while greenskin isn’t. But what’s more pertinent to the issue at hand is that the b-word has sexist connotations, while greenskin has (imagined) racist ones. And “racism” is actually a thing in the Warcraft universe. It has a place there, it naturally flows out of the narrative (which is not even a debatable point BTW even if you think any and all kinds of slurs, even in-universe ones, should be written out of the game, if not racism itself).

But sexism doesn’t.

Gender has barely ever been a factor in WoW’s writing. Sure, you have stuff like night elves having gender-exclusive positions (which is fine btw imo esp. since it adds flavor and seems like an incidental division more so than a “sexist” one) or that old Barrens quest saying female orcs may not have been considered equal to male orcs or whatever - but that’s for all intents and purposes outdated lore and is certainly not something that has been re-visited. Bar a few exceptions, men and women are universally equal in the Warcraft universe. You could even argue that the average Azerothian barely even thinks in the framework of gender since it’s by and large a meaningless concept there apart from relationships and such.
Simple example: Stormwind guards consist of both men and women and there is zero lore to explain why since there’s no need for an explanation. It just be like that. And that’s fine. (For the same reason, I felt that Golden writing that Sylvanas was proud to be the first female warchief was pretty silly. Why would she even think that?)

So, honestly… I don’t necessarily see the removal of the b-word as problematic. You could even say it’s true to the spirit of WoW TBH.

That’s exactly why removing the word greenskin from the game IS problematic. It fits, it serves a clear purpose, it has a place in WoW while being completely meaningless and harmless irl - pretty much the EXACT OPPOSITE of the b-word.

So yeah, frankly, it’s completely inane to think that removing greenskin is a good thing in the same vein that removing the b-word was. IMO.


Yeah, I know. I don’t mind it. I think it fit the situation and ousted Sylvanas as being what the word describes- Which, certainly fit the situation. But, that’s just my PoV.

See, I never thought it in that way. I took the use of the word, from Garrosh’ part, as telling Sylvanas that he was done with her BS and any more steps over the line, he’d see her suffer for it. I never saw it as a “step back in line, because you’re a woman”.

The B word to me, in that situation, conveyed the message of Garrosh having a problem with Sylvanas defying his will and orders as a Warchief, and going about it in a very disgusting/dishonorable way. Nothing more, nothing less.

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What in the heck…?


why do you think i main tauren


Those new shoes really look good!

Have fun with boots :slight_smile:

hi there i would like to immediately unsee this.

thank you


I thought you wanted shoes, Akamooto?

first of all

this is highly inappropriate and you will be hearing from my twitter mob

not like this. never like this


Vulpera exist too, ya know.

Torghast leveling currently gives bugger all xp. Boooo.

why do they look like sheathes on worgen/tauren/draenei


There are several quests named like this. If they want to change every sliver of potentially offensive material they have one hell of a backlog.

What a bummer… they’re white quality and shared between races and factions.

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