PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 1)

Bro, at this point, let’s just give the Nelves the Pandaren treatment. When I saw that datamined Tmog for the cash shop that looked very Elune-esque and knowing that they have a habit of ripping off future content for the shop… I’d sooner embrace the oblivion some races get instead of more attention.

honestly im willing to resub just for the bfa warfront gear thing that everyone was asking for

supposedly they wanted to make the heritage armour in the same vein but if they’re gna add bells & whistles to it the gear would be ruined :confused:

I mean, he’s a Male Human Paladin.

Don’t say those words. He has no picture so he’s safe.


Night elves “getting theirs” has been a solid streak of awful. Let someone else take the next hit.


I’ve elevated myself above mortal classifications of gender, race and class.


Night elves keep getting the short end of the stick because Blizzard can’t think of another strong enemy in Kalimdor for the Horde to beat down.

Why can’t they just focus on the Centaur, Quilboar, intelligent raptors or, heaven forbid, anything south of the Barrens for once (stares at the sand trolls, silithid, ogre and dragons).


Because nobody takes those seriously. Blizzard has engraved in people’s heads that those are only nuisances and low-level questing enemies, not any kind of serious threat.

It’s been a long time since WC3.


Fair enough… I guess.

I mean we’re players that go toe-to-toe against the godlike Titans and Eternal Ones…



The emergence of Azerite all across Azeroth has caused massive neurological changes in what were previously ‘mongrel races’. While they still retain many of their former traits, they become smarter, more cunning, more adaptable.

there, i fixed the warcraft setting in 2 sentences


Why? Who takes the Horde seriously?
There is a sock for every old slipper


Somethings wrong here…

Ohh what could’ve been! Mongrel Horde when!?

Was never a fan of how Blizzard leaned so heavily into that the centaurs are extremely stereotypically dumb and stinky(to the point their character models have flies around them etc).

The Centaur culture itself+how they were portrayed in wc3 made them seem interesting as another native civilization in Kalimdor, but they’ve just been used to be one of the many number of joke races.


You’re telling me the foreigners would finally get some sense?

Imagine such a thing.

45 Human Paladin

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Early orc questing is literally “go kill these savages so we can have more living space for the orcs!”.

Got banned on my account again, so here we are… again.

Aren’t they comparable to the mongols of real life?

I guess the orcs need lebensraum?

New patchnotes for 9.15: Removed every questline involving the native populations of Kalimdor, new players will be able to grind Exile’s Reach over and over until they are eligable for other areas (This does not include quests involving night elves).

Finally got a chance to jump on the PTR yesterday to try out the new customisation and I’m so happy with the Nightborne changes. Still angry that they weren’t implemented at launch, but it’s enough to make me want to come back and begin my journey over again.

Just add sky boxes to sweeten the deal.


9.1.5 seems to move forward in the right direction but there’s still some things that could be done.
I would be curious if we can manage to get make enough noise and get enough attention to be able to have the devs implement some changes or items or mechanics where the focus is on RP itself.
We do have rp servers sure, but I am probably not the only person that feels like rp in current wow is an afterthought as rp doesn’t see any content made for just that.
You get new zones, dungeons, sets sure… but you dont necessarily get anything thats primarily a tool used for roleplaying or for the ease of it.

I would very much appreciate if there’s people that think alike to spread the word and push for some features that you think would enrich your rp experience.

Please do feel free to join in and ill do my best to add your suggestions to what I hope can be a comprehensive list of things the rp community would want to see added.

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