PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 1)

We’re like 0.5% of the WoW population and Blizzard recognises that they can put 0 work in and we’ll stay subbed because we make content for ourselves.


Now I just want my Wisp-Soulshape form(or whatever its supposed to be) back, thanks.

The day blizzard and America in general reckons with their questionable portrayals of historical parallels to the genocide(s) they’d rather not talk about but also treat as exploitable pop culture memes is the day I hatch from my nymph stage and fly out across the baltic sea.


I… have… RETURNED!


This made me think: if they just turned around and said “no, we’re not changing any of this lore because it’s not a parallel to IRL history” it’d look way less suspect. To me, the idea of going back and saying “we’re removing X because it is a bit dodgy” implies that it WAS dodgy, but they had just been getting away with it until now…

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You were a bad boy again? :smirk:
Welcome back!

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bros this… will save… wow.

i was a bit concerned when they as a joke made the gameplay, story, customizations, work culture and gameplay really bad (very funny joke in hindsight now that my liege ion is pulling the ripcord and fixing EVERYTHING) but with these upcoming quality of life upgrades that they could have implemented at any time but chose not to in case the ungrateful fans needed a little goodwill boost later on (how right they were!) it changes EVERYTHING

i for one will be immediately purchasing 9 6 month subscriptions to commend blizzard for this very funny prank


This is one of the reasons I’ve been considering moving to Elder Scrolls Online indefinitely, because their team have made various posts and acknowledgements over the years despite the role-players being a tiny, tiny part of their player base. Including a few QOA updates. They at least appear to see the value in their role-playing community on both the US and the EU megaserver.

Because we are—I’d argue—some of the most dedicated players in terms of the idea that we create content for ourselves, as you say.

I’ll never forget the sliver of pride I felt when Ion addressed the role-play community on both US and EU servers in a Q&A for Battle for Azeroth, I think it was. If I’m not misremembering there was a question from a role-player about the new NPC emotes we saw in Kul Tiras especially and if we’d get them for player characters as well.

It was brief, but it was the first time I had ever seen us be acknowledged and it was a big deal.

Point being — If I was on the community relations team, I’d make hard pushes to at least occasionally acknowledge all facets of the player base. It’d likely require pretty much 0 effort and it’d make a huge difference.

Yeah, and then they basically said “Lol nah, making the emotes for players is Effort” and we never heard from it again…

Funny how ‘quality’ only ever comes up as a way to say “Nah, we wouldn’t be happy with the quality of that”…
Why yes, I am bitter and salty, whatever gave you that impression? :upside_down_face:

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9.1.5 will feature a number of tasty treats, coming from a place of love for the game. Hope you enjoy!

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I honestly expected Blizzards “emergency; break glass” moment to be stuff like transmog sets for warcraft 1-3 units, opening up of certain race-class’s etc.

But in reality it’s just fixing stuff people wanted in beta and giving void elves blonde hair.


They will not give anything more than they absolutely must.

Blizzard’s emergency button was literally just to make the allied races viable choices. Void Elves and Nightborne are finally available to play outside of their beta forms.

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They will need more pressuring if they are to start giving us actually new things and not just things they had easily in reach, just withheld.

Nightborne should have launched like that in the first place. They were the most rushed race to meet pre-orders, and they’re not the only ones. HM also barely have nothing [actually less than LF Draenei but I get that they didn’t want to do 2 Horde ARs at the same time] with 4 skin colours and 5 faces.

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I remember solo grinding Neltharion’s Lair over and over again on this character because it was the only way to get consistent Highmountain rep that didn’t rely on waiting for world quests. Only to unlock the race and not end up playing it because I the customisation was so limited.

But I still use the mount because I love it.

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Are we getting white fur on HM?

That’s the only thing i want on mine (she had white fur when she was an OG tauren)

This has me considering one day trying out a Nightborne character. It’ll probably not happen in 2021 the way things are going over at ye olde Blizzard’s offices, but they have certainly made the idea a lot more appealing.


god i love it so much ion take me back i promise i won’t unsub ever again

j/k sort yourselves out blizzard you’re an embarrassment#

i will come back to just to be a nightborne for a while though

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Won’t know for a patch or so