PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 1)

nope. It’s just because the elements in Northrend are wild as hell, you literally need to beat them into submission.

I am and forever will be anti-sliders other than height

My reason: player characters in guild wars 2


There’s Taunka’le village? And Camp Tunka’lo. Maybe you were thinking of those.

sorry but i keep touching your avatar and it’s flat what???

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Is it really that bad?

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I have seen some terrible abominations among (us!!) the RPers in my years spend on that game.

I’m quite glad to just have ready-made non-nightmarish faces instead because frankly most RPers don’t know what a person looks like.

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Soyfang. I would spit on him and call him greenskin if Blizzard didn’t consider it the epitome of toxicity and racism.

Also, I still DEMAND leper gnome skin and frostborne skin options for gnomes and dwarves!

Also, since they’re never ever going to change the Allied races anymore, what if they’d just… add taunka options to tauren and yaungol options to Highmountain? Or just both to tauren? Same with broken draenei?

Edit: No idea if I should agree with Tehya or Nerathion here, on one hadn body shapes should be part of the main race (skinny humans? Fat Kul Tirans?), on the other hand…

Broken, Yaungol, Taunka, Zandalari etc are all just different body types of basicly the same race anyway.

Thank Elune Gnome players have no rights and can’t demand anything from Blizzard! :relieved:

ye, sure I am game… Satyr option for Kaldorei aswell!

(modern) Broken share a model with Draenei. (Outland Broken),Yaungol, Taunka and HMT are literally Tauren models with different customisation options.

Zandalari use changed Night Elf models as base aswell, I think…! :stuck_out_tongue:

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There WAS Taunka’le Village.

:sunglasses: :latin_cross: :fire:

You can buy renown levels for gold, up to level 40.

A monetary donation in life is able to influence the fate of your soul in the afterlife, in other words.

I anticipate the canonisation of Protestantism in 9.2.


jailer is trying to break the corrupt system

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There is no good.
No evil.
No Light.

There is only POWAH.

wow is finally returning to its christian roots

there is no emotion, there is peace…

you know who didn’t have peace
all the slaves on tatooine

so would you say that through victory, my chains are broken?

Mac’aree is gone

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And how does one gain victory? It’s simple:

Oletko koskaan kuullut Viisaan Darth Plagueisin tragedian? Niin ajattelinkin. Se ei ole tarina, jonka Jedit kertoisivat sinulle. Se on Sith-legenda. Darth Plagueis oli Sithien pimeä lordi, niin voimakas ja viisas, että hän pystyi käyttämään Voimaa vaikuttaakseen midichlorianeihin siten, että hän pystyi luomaan elämää…

Hänen tietämys Voiman pimeästä puolesta oli niin suuri, että hän pystyi estämään läheisiään kuolemasta. Voiman pimeä puoli on polku moniin kykyihin, joita jotkut harkitsevat olevan luonnottomia. Hänestä tuli niin voimakas, että ainoa asia, mitä hän pelkäsi, oli hänen voimiensa menetys. Mikä lopulta tietenkin tapahtui. Valitettavasti, hän opetti oppipojalleen kaiken, minkä tiesi ja sitten hänen oppipoika tappoi hänet unissaan.

Ironista. Hän pystyi pelastamaan muut kuolemalta, muttei itseään

u know what? I’ll take it.

cool name


oh, telaryn is speaking in tongues
I guess it really is the era of christian wow

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