PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 1)

I’m not saying that the sky is falling, but the sky is falling.

Their last bastion for hype train is no more.

Damn they can’t even muster a 10.0 announcement, weak.

I’m 50/50 surprised they’re cancelling, since this was an opportunity for the marketing teams to really turn the conversation thanks to gamer’s fickle attention span. On the other hand, I expect a 2022 Blizzcon would be pretty thin on big ticket news.

OW2: Still no real details afaik, don’t even know if they’ve got leadership after the last one stepped out at the end of September.
D4: Chugging along I suppose, but hard to call it BIG news even if they had a release date for it. They at least do have a confirmed replacement devlead.
Hearthstone: Still getting regular updates, but so regularly that not really anything that can headline at blizzcon. They just released a new game mode too.
Starcraft: I wish.
Heroes of the Storm: Dead (RIP :ghost: )
WoW: WoW.

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Take pity on the WoW development team, the poor guy can’t develop 9.2 and 10.0 all by himself.

I’ll honestly be surprised if any 10.0 content exists by now beyond planning stages. Honestly even 9.2 is looking increasingly less likely.


please just put this game out of its misery already


So… are we to expect the 9.2 announcement at Blizzcon? Can’t wait to see how underwhelming it is. I have no expectations but I know they’ll still find a way to let me down.

I predict that around the time Blizzcon would have taken place a cross-game deal will show up in the Blizzard store that suspiciously looks like it could have been bundled with an e-ticket.

9.2 should be out in before February, not getting announced at that point.

They’ll never do that because the most intense fans of this game will defend any ridiculous system Blizzard implements. People defended conduit energy as if their life depended on it and every stupid system gets its defenders, who all make the same argument of:

  • It doesn’t affect you because you’re not a high end player

  • If it does affect you despite that, you’re a minority so does it reeaaaally matter :slightly_smiling_face:

  • If you are a mythic raider then you’re a minority so does it reaaaaaaally matter :slightly_smiling_face:

  • Conclusion: It only affects a small amount of people so does it reaaaaaaaaally matter? :slightly_smiling_face:

Because they live in lala land and think that only a small amount of people want to improve their character in an RPG.

This is not me making excuses for Blizzard, so this is more on a general level. Covid did force workplaces to change a lot of the way they work, so this excuse works out during early 2021 and late 2020… Right now though? Everyone should have found (sorta) their new rythm.

Yeah, I’m surprised myself… I woulda thought that they’d go “For the Shareholders!” and brave the Legions of gamers and their criticism in the Blizzconline.

It’s funny to realize that Legion had gotten such a long pre-production because after MoP they could either go straight to Legion or WoD. Can you imagine than getting more time to round the edges of the draft could eventually lead to a good product?

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imagine how funny it would be if blizzard just launched the new expansion. no fanfare. no trailer. just a new expac immediately right out the gate

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the apex legends model…

Tinfoil hat.

The book and 10.0 announcement were both going to feature Sylvanas as a redeemed protagonist taking center stage in the next expansion and they are currently reforming all their plans to avoid this as much as possible.

Change my mind.


Reading this has caused me physical pain.
No more Eluvanas.

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The book delay is almost certainly due to global shipping issues - it’s happened for a bunch of different books from other sources, so I don’t think it’s relevant to story/rewrites at all honestly. Pushing it back by a month isn’t enough time to get it reprinted across the planet in multiple different languages, I expect.

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Good of you to look for that silver lining,

it would be incredibly funny to play a game that isn’t spoiled through seventy five beta cycles (at this point, no need to play beta to bugtest anyway since we do it live) or datamined since conception

in fact it would be incredibly fun and funny, to experience the game completely fresh (and probably still be disappointed, but at least it was fresh instead already spoiled in several meanings)


Honestly (yeah i love shilling but also it’s on topic for once) a huge part of why I enjoy final fantasy a lot.

Spoilers are mega-taboo even on ancient content and story datamining practically doesn’t exist in any shape or form. The things I check out and the things that are released are all new experiences.

Datamining is death tbh.


There is a large printing paper shortage at the moment. :crazy_face:

I won’t be surprised if this game goes into maintenance mode soon. I am not expecting another expansion, at least. This game and Blizzard have been brought down by their own arrogance.

They probably know this is their very last shot before the IP is permanently send into the lands of irrelevance. Tbf, I’m not holding my breath. Bobby really wants to drain as much cash from possible from this IP and they’re not even ready to inject cash in it… They continuously seek nothing else than the almighty spreadsheet numbers that look good for investors and shareholders. Short term gains are everything, consumers be damned.

The moment Wow goes F2P, you know it’s done for, there’s already a degree of that in the form of Tokens but that well can and will dry eventually.

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