PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 1)

The Forerunners.

Ah, he jokes, one might think. Alas, they call another precursor entity Forerunners in the new encounter journal.

  • Forerunner’s Relic - A chaotic Progenitor relic said to house the secret to weaponizing Ephemera, stop Xy’mox and his associates from deciphering it!

    • Forerunner Rings - The Forerunner’s Sphere emits powerful waves of Cosmic energy, inflicting 250 Cosmic damage every 0.1 sec to players in the effect and an additional 12 Cosmic damage every 1 sec for 15 sec.

So when are the Precursors arriving and do we get a crappy, 3D printed gravemind?


the final cinematic of 9.2 plays out after the defeat of the jailer

from behind a veiled curtain steps a human male with his own unique and distinctive model unlike anything we’ve ever seen. it steps into uncanny valley territory

he saunters up to the main characters with a sly grin on his face. It’s Steve Danuser himself in regal attire, the true mastermind and now the next big bad for the latest expansion. He has literally self-inserted himself.


World of Warcraft: Infinite releases on December 8th.

progenitor forerunner first one eternal one progenitor one forerunner one eternal progenitor first forerunner

Thesaurus Mode: Active

so that’s how you get people to resub

until you realise that he cannot actually be defeated

Can’t believe wow was just Toy Story spinoff all along.

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But who printed the printer…?

The sensible answer is “mortals who couldn’t stomach the idea of a world without divinities” but the actual answer will be something along the lines of “the before things”.


All roads lead back to Gnomeregan, finally restored in patch 10.0 with the deception finally being dropped as they reveal that they were the true instigators all along and created the God’s to breed complacency and ignorance among the other races.

Sylvanas, but she forgot about it.

I sure hope so. Dredgers are probably the best things Slands has to offer

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The fact that the Eternal Ones were designed to look the way that they presently do, and that all of the signs of age and even the clothes that they wear in the present day were all designed by the First Ones as a part of their identities, could be used to ask very interesting questions about the setting. What agency do the Eternal Ones really possess? Was Denathrius designed with a personality that would push him towards betrayal? Is every single motif possessed by the Covenants solely the product of the First Ones, with the Eternal Ones and their organizations being incapable of any genuine creativity of their own? This makes the Shadowlands even more bleak and horrifying before…

… and then I realize that I’m reading between the lines and I’m thinking of things that the people who are paid to work on the game never even considered for a second. There are no answers to these questions. These are just holes created by thoughtlessness that will never be filled, because someone thought that 3D-printed Eternal Ones would look cool and that was it.


Deep lore question.

Arbiter Gubbins or Tubbins?

Have to go with Tubbins, he is the pretty one after all.


Can’t wait until Medhiv grows a Neckbeard and goes from Pro-mortal potential prophet to “Power overwhelming!” kind of dude who’ll drop a nice comment about how great Sylvanas was.

… and were a good way to reuse assets and cut costs.

at least it’s not the weirdly underage-looking twink design twittoids were hoping for