I guess I like the idea of Sylvanas (being technically dead) facing the Arbiter’s judgment. How it ultimately ends up being executed might be another matter entirely, but on paper it tracks to me.
The entire thing will be controversial and disliked the moment it has text of how it will unfold.
My bet is them developing a plenipotentiery system out of the blue and Sylvanas being the first. Or simply they’ll put her sentence in pending until the end of Shadowlands and the TRUE FINAL ENDING OF SYLVANAS’ story to be in the book just so Danuser gets more time with his waifu.
no harm will come to sylvanas and she will actually rally both horde and the alliance to fight a new, bigger and more evil threat she heard about from the jailer’s secret meeting with said evil. it will take place on some far far away planet to wich we will get with: alliance - Exodar. Horde - goblin zeppelins
Sylvanas has an encrypted model, which is more than likely used for that scene, so place your bets:
- Lich Queen Sylvanas
- World Soul Sylvanas
- Dismembered Soul Sylvanas
If it’s not the latter and Tyrande doesn’t further mooncleave her out of existence I swear
Chose renewal, in case you’ve forgotten.
Don’t you remember elune stripping tyrande of her superbuff just when she had the upper hand so she could coerce her into choosing renewal?
- Eluvanas
As much as an absolute MASTERPIECE of Danuser storytelling that is… I have elected to erase it from my memory. Because it’s just that good, of-course.
Beat me to it.
Unfortunately she won’t receive the afterlife she deserves.
Being locked in a slightly warm, uncomfortable box where she’s forced to hear the Pandaren kazoo inn music for all eternity.
Yo sign me up
i’m still looking for the evil sylvanas has actually done
so many dramatic lines, ominous angles, angry Good Team characters, such an edgy outfit
but what has she done
even when she turns raid boss she actually does a 180 and saves the gang at the end.
+Forced me through too many cinematics where she says cryptic stuff and gives a sad side glance.
The punishment is death.
Also she burned Teldrassil. No, I don’t care about the Night Elves.
It made Nobbel87 speculation videos appear in my recommended
Truly her greatest (and only?) crime is making us hear nelfposter whining.
You’re right, eternal damnation upon her.
Like…personally or in her position as leader?
Debatably bad things she’s done:
- Teamed up with the Dreadlords against Arthas.
- Mindslaved/possessed some bandit/murloc/gnoll leaders to gain control of their forces
- Some people will claim betraying Garithos but Garithos is a racist so killing him is morally white, not grey/black.
- There was a bunch of live subject experimentation during vanilla WoW iirc.
- Some people will say “ordered a new plague” but tbh I don’t see a big difference between ‘dying to a fireball’ and ‘dying to blight’. The second one doesn’t even enslave elementals.
- Convinced Thrall to let BElves into the Horde, creating decades of whining about High Elves.
- Stepped on Lor’th’s until he committed to sending BElves to Northrend.
- Got retconned by an (for legal reasons) ALLEGED sex-offender into doing the Wrathgate even though it makes zero sense.
- Invaded Gilneas (at Garrosh’s order).
- Failed to kill Genn Greymane. Loser. Weak.
- Raised a bunch of undead.
KidnappedArrested Koltira and did some torture on him probably it’s never really specified.- Failed to kill Garrosh. Loser. Weak.
- Did the Dark Mirror thing on Nathanos’ cousin.
- Made a pact with Helya (a good guy) to get a lantern to enslave/capture the Valkyr leader (who worked for Odyn, a bad guy).
- Didn’t kill Alleria+Vereesa. Loser. Weak.
- Agreed to a peaceful gathering with the duplicitous Anduin Wrynn only to be betrayed, forcing her to execute the traitors along with the usuper Calia Menethil.
- Mined Azerite before the Alliance could start mining Azerite.
- Attacked the Alliance before the Alliance carried out their planned attack on the Horde.
- Blew up Teldrassil (okay this one’s not a good look).
- Attempted to mindslave Derek Proudmoore. For some reason this didn’t work even though she did it easily with other people before.
- Failed to capture or kill the admitted traitor Saurfang.
- Arrested Baine for crimes against the Horde which he admitted to.
- Used Lady Ashvane/Azshara to destroy the majority of the now overpowering Alliance fleet.
- Left the Horde to be lead by a council of incompetents.
- Tried to kill Bwon’samdi.
- Beat up Bolvar (actually this is good+funny)
- Broke the Helm of Domination which started a new Scourge invasion which seems to have made its way all the way to Redridge apparently?
- Kidnapped the Main Characters.
- Mindslaved Anduin (well actually the Jailer did that but she watched)
- Became Elune.
You could have left it at “failed to kill Garrosh. Loser. Weak.”
What was the point of Teldrassil, actually? If the Shadowlands, and therefore the Maw, is receiving billions of souls from all realities then her burning Teldrassil is like me trying to help firefighters by throwing a glass of water at a burning building.
It’s also evil because twitterlets will now call me evil IRL for playing Horde. I think Tauren are cool, man. Even if Blizzard’s MO with them has ultimately been to remove their unique lore, remove their fur, remove their horns and ultimately to just redesign them as humans.
Helping zovaal grind up untold bajillions of lost souls for his army with which he does nothing and perpetually enthusiastically engaging in slavery and killing of anyone that doesn’t want to serve her…
I’ve said it before but among mortals she’s one of azeroth’s and indeed the universes’ greatest monsters.
But then, apparently she’s too stupid to realise who she’s been serving until her trigger phrase hit so maybe she’s not sapient enough to be judged.
I mean did she do that much to help? Seemed like he had that basically sorted for centuries+centuries without her involvement whatsoever. From what we saw most of her activity was spent chatting with Anduin about how he should switch sides but not in any convincing way whatsoever.
In fact one could argue that she did the most to undermine the Jailer, since if she hadn’t blown up the Helm and opened the way to Shadowlands, the Jailer wouldn’t have had to deal with the Maw Walker messing about helping the Covenants and he would have ez-moded victory.
We’d have spent a year on Azeroth chilling wondering where Sylvanas got to and then snap, reality remade.
Well before her internal monologue got retcon’d it was meant to be a blow that shook the Alliance and split them between those wanting peace and those urging war (which half-heartedly worked, since Tyrande told Anduin to eff off, but I guess Sylv didn’t foresee Tyrande getting anime night warrior power ups).
Post retcon it was to kill a bunch of people for funsies+the Maw.
Your “sylvanas actually saves the world” bit is getting kind of old, really. I’m not saying danuser won’t do it but man, these hoops…
It can be both, and I’ll attribute the inconsistency to the story/writing/commissioned authors evidently and admittedly not communicating on major issues.
And that’d be terrible because he’d remake reality and uh…
You know.
Reality would be remade.
And that’s bad.
It is an entirely fair critique that the expansion would have proceeded identically, or with an easier set of victories for the archvillain, had Sylvanas not been involved.
The Jailer got his flood of souls from the Arbiter getting blue screen’d. We don’t know why that happened, but none of the three most popular fan theories (Xavius, Argus, Denathrius) involve her whatsoever.