Doens’t matter if its Tinker, Bard, Dragonsworn, Necromancer, none of it matters if they design it with the same principles they have done class and ability design since Legion.
since wod if we’re talking about hunter tbh
What do you mean new specs have been poor since Legion, have you not played Survival and Demonology. Absolute peak game design, way better than when you used to turn into a demon and pretty much have a new class on top of it.
Remember when this game was about Adventurers dealing with murlocs and quillboar and Alliance battling the Horde?
Glyphs to make classes look different > new classes.
Yeah, in fact they are so good that even when survival is top damage in Legion and bfa only about 1 - 5 % of hunters play it. Demonology has had more or less the same path with Outlaw in that they are only ever played over the two other specs in their class if they are busted. Or shadow priest, how it used to be mega unique, so unique in fact that it was impossible to balance.
Function > form. Doesn’t matter how unique and cool you make a spec if so few people play it. It’s wasted resources.
I’d take Pre legion demonology + Outlaw + shadow + survival any day, any time, over any of the new iterations.
Also, why didn’t the Eternal Ones tell us Zovaal was worried about some upcoming threat to existence? They just dab on him as some insane little bro they locked up 'cause he’s all evil, but that only came later as a result of his imprisonment.
The Forge of Souls having a use is pretty cool, but how the hell does draining the soul through Icecrown Citadel into Torghast make it end up in the SEPULCHER? Were they connected? Why was this connection never shown or mentioned?
Why does killing Zovaal repair the rift in the veil?
Why did they think just under two minutes was enough time to finish the last major patch of Shadowlands, and then give that ending another question to ponder in turn?
Why can I not escape this torment?
You joined this ride, there is no getting off it now!
On a more serious note, like so many other people on this forums, I hardly play anymore, but I deffo still care for the story that was Warcraft, and this is not it, Elairiel, this is not it!
We only loom on these forums, in hope of seeing the story rise out of its ashes into a new dawn, but alas that day keeps getting further and further away😔
Well that was…
I don’t know. I know my expectations were low, but given how much they hyped this up, I sort of still expected more.
Probably because it’s not a possibility they wanted us to consider. They wanted all emphasis to be on his role as the ultimate evil, right now - with no thoughts of what might come next until it does.
Blizzard doesn’t like building stories that connect into each other until the very last moment (literally his last words).
His last words could be replaced with a “In the next episode of Dragon Ball Z…”. Christ, they couldn’t even help themselves, they had to leave a door opened for themselves in case they’d want to this trash narrative a second go.
This is worse than a filler arc/expansion. I dread what will be of the Dragon Isles if it is" Danuser’s baby" as Toweliie said it. Him and his team keep outdoing themselves in mediocrity.
Not sure if anyone mentioned it or not but I audibly laughed when the jailer began revving up the soul grinders from Wrath like some jet engine level oil pipeline for Azerite.
All according to plan of course.
It is American narrative when it comes to exploitation of ressources that aren’t theirs.
Donut Steel who’s even more powerful than Sargeras.
Mega-Ultra Sargeras?
The Jailer was just a terrible take on Megatron.
Looking forward to the Not’Amon Void Lord ready to corrupt all of Dragonkind and somehow only have the Black Dragons resist its influence in the final patch and usher us to the next expansion Light VS Void… Until Zereth Discord decides to act up.
There certainly are times when characters not speaking to each other is justified. Maybe they’ve been burned before. Maybe them speaking will put them, or someone they care about, in danger. Maybe personality wise they just don’t like talking.
But in the case of both Sylvanas and the Jailer, none of those are true.
Sylvanas had a loyal servant in the Horde Loyalist. Tell them.
She loves monologuing and wanted Anduin on their side. Tell him (and us, because we’re the audience).
The Jailer had a bunch of siblings. Tell them.
The Jailer loves monologuing. Tell us.
Just be like
“The First Ones are actually trying to destroy the universe and we’re going to stop them by doing bad stuff” and we will go “No, we can stop them by NOT doing bad stuff!” and they will laugh and go “foolish mortal, you are not strong enough to stop our bad stuff, and therefore not strong enough to stop the First Ones” and then we will go “actually you’re on LFR difficulty so I can literally faceroll this encounter” boom cinematic plays
Sylvanas should have explained everything to the Loyalist at the end of 8.2.5. Hell, make that their reward for sticking with her. Your character got a sneak peek at the upcoming plot (that everyone can see on youtube).
And if she didn’t explain it then, have her explain it to Anduin when she’s trying to convince him.
And if she didn’t explain it THEN, have her explain it to Uther+Co. after she gets all blue-eyed and confusing in 9.2, but pre-Jailer fight.
There is no need for this to be a mystery other than Blizzard simply refusing to write the conversation out. It’s not “Sylvanas can’t tell us”. She can. And frankly, she should have done three years ago.