Can’t wait until Mr T&E himself suffers brain damage live in shilling for Blizzard’s mess, doing the mental gymnastics to justify this pathetic narrative… Truly he’s in the Maw already.
Also, it seems like the game is mechanically a mess as well. I tried tuning into the world first race and see how it’s been going, but it’s just a disaster.
Begging for gear and gold donations using Twitter adverts, doing heroic splits on multiple characters instead of the actual mythic raid, raiders not being able to participate due to loot RNG, reliance on weakauras and other mods in order to react to mechanics and some bosses being taken down on the first attempt. It’s a bit of a joke, especially when you stumble across a stream of someone using DBM sound effects.
I’ve never been much of a raider, but this just seems like such a joke and a logistical nightmare.
This is what happens when you take master looter away, all because people who struggle to breathe with their mouth open scream “Raiding loot distribution is toxic!”
The mechanical complexity of raiding has reached a point where even Normal Raids are painful to do.
As a certain Balding man said, it’s catering to the overwhelmingly prepared 10% and the overwhelmingly mediocre other 10% in LFR a d the middle suffers. I bailed out when Nathria normal was finished, I cba to do this nonsense of HC.
This ever growing arms war of Blizzard against the top 100 guilds who have weakauras and a number of tools to smooth their raiding experience is just not great for everyone. You waste more time preparing for the raid than actually raiding and I’m not even counting the whole trash aspect since Blizzard is actively forcing you to do them now, you can’t even skip anymore. When 1H of your 4-6H of raiding per week is just killing trash, it feels awful. Bringing back Master Looter would be a good thing as well even if it means having to have more GMs to deal with corrupt loot councils.
The player exp has been suffering for a while now and Blizzard just chose to ignore it until it threatened the longevity of the game… I don’t think Cross faction raiding just came along like that when it could have been implemented a long time ago.
Love how they have apparently taken zero action to deal with split raiding for loot.
Split raiding?
What increases playtime is good for the spreadsheets yo.
Explanation by way of example:
You’ve got a pool of 20 players.
You run a heroic raid. Half go on their mains. Half go on their alts. All the loot goes to the mains, none goes to the alts.
Then the players switch and you run it again. The half that went on their mains go on their alts, and vice versa. Again, all the loot goes to the mains instead of the alts.
The result if that you’ve got twice as much heroic loot for your mains in a single lockout than you would have if you’d just run it once with only mains. This is important when doing mythic races when gear is crucial.
Obviously you can take this to further extremes with more alts. Run the same raid four times, with 5 mains per raid and 15 alts, for instance.
Blizzard : We want to stop players doing degenerative playthroughs of our game.
Also Blizzard : We shall allow split raids.
It’s not like it’s an insurmountable problem. There’s a bunch of potential solutions or at least things that would help.
Just off the top of my head: they’ve got special arena realms or whatever. Make a special Mythic top 100 realm. Copy your character over, get given all the heroic-level loot+legendaries+consumables+repair money you could ever want. Make the loot that drops have no stats so it only works for transmog on your main realm and…that’s it. Everyone’s standardised, you have to complete the raid with heroic loot (which you get a free set to play with) and the race is actually about fighting the mythic bosses, nothing else. Loot drops are taken out of the equation entirely. As an added advantage this means the barrier for entry for guilds is lower, meaning more participants.
“But Elly, darling, light of my life, prince of my heart, wouldn’t that mean a lot of work for Blizzard? And cost money?” I hear you ask.
Sure would, that’s why I’ve come up with an alternative that costs nothing: Just ban split raiding. Say “anyone found to do this will will ban your account(s) for 2 weeks and revert your character”. Costs you nothing.
Which is why Blizzard won’t do anything
From where I’m standing, one of two things is true:
Either they deliberately chose to end the story of the expansion in a quick, lazy and pathetic manner to “cut their losses” as it were, which doesn’t bode well for the story going forward if that’s the attitude they have towards it.
Or this is well and truly the best they could do… which really doesn’t bode well for the story.
I know I must have said it before at some point, but what an absolute mess. Never have I seen such a misguided story being told so poorly with characters this unlikable.
And worse, now that they’ve opened Pandora’s Box by flat out telling us what happens upon death, it’s no going back to normal after this. We have seen too much. We know too much. We’re savvy to the magic trick.
This. A hundred times.
They’ve destroyed Sylvanas by chaining her to the Shadowlands’ plot and giving her absurd motivations that have never been explained aside from a couple of one liners that don’t give us any real answer.
This entire expansion destroyed half of the Warcraft cosmology - the first ones are basically a titan reskin, Zovaal turned out to be a disappointing villain, Sylvanas’ story is a disaster, Tyrande’s arc was as disappointing, etc etc.
And even worse, all previous storylines were harmed. The Legion - once the greatest antagonist of all alongside the Old Gods - came out terribly impoverished: Sargeras himself has been used by the big bad of the new season. The dreadlords managed to deceive all the demonkind since ever. And while basically gone, it is the Scourge that suffered the most, with all the characters being butchered to fit this narrative. Good Lord what a disaster!
To me, the last piece of the old Warcraft lore ends with BFA. N’Zoth and the Burning Legion have been defeated. The last threats to our world that were actually tied to Warcraft III.
The last bits that managed to have a cosmology that wouldn’t screw up the entire franchise. SL was a mistake.
He’s wrong about Legion being the expansion with the best storytelling - it’s actually MoP, but otherwise this is pretty solid.
I think Legion did have good storytelling, for the most part. Small, tucked away quests somewhere with no connection to other storylines really helped to flavour up the zone’s lore (and if you were up to it, add interesting flare to your RP if you did them IC).
Doing a quest IC with a friend in Suramar was really cool.
(But yeah, MoP had the best because of the scrolls and stuff, while also having some independent quest/questlines!)
I didn’t mean to say legion was necessarily bad, though it did have some issues, more that MoP was the best they’ve managed in regards to actually having a plot - and also has some of the best sideplots and running gags.
Yeah, I was agreeing with you and adding my opinion on top of it!
(also MoP didn’t have cosmic shizz in it, Y’shaarj’s after-effects were actually a really cool way of showing interesting ways of bringing Old God lore to life)
Can almost be certain 100% that you can probably go into 10.0 not knowing anything that happened in SL and be no worse off for it.