PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 1)

Yeah, it looks pretty neat to me in this marketing spiel. The dragon dudes don’t really appeal to me but I am very much not the target audience for them. If they had a Gnome form I’d be compelled to roll one but they don’t.

I like the flying stuff, that looks fun. Otherwise I have no idea, it’s marketing copy the actual experience basically never matches up to how I feel in these previews and that’s been true for me since WotLK’s trailer.


I don’t really care for the dragons at all, but the flying mechanics seem fun and the new zones look cool, guess I’ll give it a go if it’s no longer in bobby’s hands :slight_smile:

A part of me hoped that the Drak’thyr or w/e they’re called were a troll, it looks so out of place. It’s deviant art tier.


For the love of everything holy, don’t open the chat during this segment if you want to retain your faith in humanity.

Better yet, never open stream chats, period.


No they’re clearly elves/humans, silly.

As an FYI, I’m going to go on my mage, make her a blue dragon, recruit blue dragon drak’ folks and renew the Nexus War in a more subtle way.


Especially the most oppressed group of all… Gamers™!


No as in the screenshots were some internet trolls imagination not actual Blizzard artists, yes I know you’re trolling as well, heheuhah but still.

Alright guys pack it up. Time to start speculating about 11.0


Anyway assuming this gets a positive response in alpha/beta, they might actually claw me back for the 3rd time (assuming there’s also demonstrable change from Blizzard as well)

in 11.0 we finally get Ogres

Ah who am I kidding, we getting more Elves.

Despite my generally positive response on the systems, a hot reminder: do not preorder.


I don’t feel abject misery at this announcement like I did with Shadowlands but I’m weirded out that most of the features don’t seem to go beyond “dragon” and that Steve Danuser is still employed.

The other stuff so far feel more like mid expac patch additions, which is neat but not something I’d expect flaunted in the expac announcement.


Flying stolen from GW2
Crafting stolen from FF14

Keep it up blizzard. I say this unironically: Steal the good things. Steal all of them.


I’m going to play it because I always do. I have no self control.

It’s more exciting than the Shadowlands reveal for me at least, but that was a very low bar to clear.

Hoping that the proof will be in the pudding.


Talent Tree and Profession updates are the better parts, rest of it is poo*

* pending opinion on the zones, might be great zones but from the images I’m whelmed.

Come on Akamito, lets go save nature rawr


I’m whelmed. This was truly one of the expansions ever revealed.


Shadowlands had a positive response during alpha and beta, Torghast in particular. Until they went at it with a butcher’s knife and buggered it up.
Personally, I’m waiting until a few months after release, when all the flawed systems become obvious.

I really enjoy dragons and their lore.
I am currently cautiously optimistic. Fortunately I know the appearance of these Lizardmen will improve over time, cause right now… No.

And I’m not joking about the Nexus War. Whomever wrote the Nexus Accord thing a while ago, it’s being stolen.

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