PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 1)

I don’t care what you actually said on the dragons part, I’m stealing the name and starting a secret war

Damn I had so many plans for it. Had a whole presentation and everything about how great mortals are and how we’ll turn things around

Trust a second life RPer bringing down a very fantasy species to the most mundane and boring concepts.


so are we just ignoring all of shadowlands then

or is there an epilogue / closing thing for shadowlands outside of anduin being ‘lol bye’ with sylvanas

does this also take place in the same year / is the start just going to be with alexstrasza ‘hey u been through a lot, come on a vacation (:’ type beat instead

It’s dead Jim.

Virgin vs Chad

People are saying it gives them MoP vibes. I can kind of see that.

I’ll try and be optimistic.

We ignore it. There was a hole in the sky for almost a year, it got closed, Anduin is left behind, everyone’s happy.

a person modeled this

a person modeled this, and thought to themselves

hmm, this looks good


It’s Blizzard’s internal conduct that continues to worry me more than any new expansion could

The problems with the covenant system were figured out and talked about by the community as they were being announced. It was a hot topic during alpha, beta, launch and beyond until Blizz finally pulled the ripcord.

My initial reaction.

I don’t have anything in particular to be upset about, nothing from the game and the devs. I could complain about Dragon RPers but I’ve done so already… But yeah, nothing to be upset about but little excitement.

I have no strong feelings one way or the other.

there’s story in 9.2.5 for it I guess

They basically did not mention Shadowlands at all outside of how they listened to players for the systems in ZM, but beyond that the entire presentation ignored it.

Which is probably for the best.


i too wish we could all pretend shadowlands didn’t exist

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Lets hope they keep it that way and just say Anduin is on vacation and Sylvanas is burning in hell.

I’m not.

The announcement feels very barebones. A new continent, a couple of features, a hideous new race, a totally new kind of flight that’s completely different from any flight we’ve ever had before.

Like… what’s the story? What’s the larger context? Why now? How does this tie into the larger context? Who are the bad guys? Why should we care? Show us some actual faces, appealing characters we can actually care about.

Compare this to Mists of Pandaria, where exploring a mysterious new land conveniently hidden until now was also the main attraction. Its trailer practically oozed heart and soul. Even without any voiceover narration, you’d still be able to relate to the characters and the situation, even though two of them were nameless and generic and the third ended up having a relatively minor role in the expansion itself. It perfectly sold not just the setting and the feeling of mystery and wonder, but also the central narrative theme of the expansion it advertised.

Here? Okay, there are lots of dragons and they’re colorful, but I still have no idea what we’ll actually be doing on the Dragon Isles and what the expansion is going to be about beyond “here’s a land, go explore it”.


I can see the pain in Holinka’s eyes.

The age of mortals is over. Bow to your dragon mistress.

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I want to be Optimistic as well but I just can’t, Look at it

When we said we wanted a Reptile Race this wasn’t what we wanted. Why is it so skinny, did it skip the Gym? and why does it pull that face, Barny the Dinosaur lookin’ :peach:

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So just to check. They’re not actually reworking the profession system, any changes they’ve talked about are pretty much exclusive to Dragonflight and its respective profession tiers. Right?