PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

A moment of humanity. Yeah, that is funny.


fun bug (certainly hope it’s a bug) in the current patch: items in your mail can lose durability.
picked up stuff that hadn’t sold on the auction house and had to repair them before relisting. postal service getting worse and worse smh

Seems perfectly realistic as the overworked mail service employees mishandle your package.

nelf heritage armor here we come (but only pics for forsaken armor, which… leaves quite a bit to be desired, so im not getting my hopes up for nelves)


Was about to get excited but then remembered that Cro is infact a blood elf now and can’t wear it.

Please don’t botch the night elf questline, please don’t botch the night elf questline


you don’t need to beg, you know it will be inevitable


Forsaken heritage is pretty okay. I like its belt/legs/boots/head/coffin, shoulders/gloves/chest are a bit ‘meh’.

NElf heritage set: Raiment of Cindered Shadows, in memory of Amirdrassil getting shadowflame burned to the ground by Fyrakk :blush:


Blizzard could do the funniest thing and burn Amirdrassil down in the Night Elven questline

nobody else can even see it


The Forsaken set looks mid. A coffin for backpack leaves me torn, either it’s cool and metal or tacky and flanderized.

As for the Nelf questline… I’m not holding my breath.

Meanwhile Darkspear Trolls and Draenei blinking their eyes as to why the two factions who got most spotlight get their HA before them? Pandaren be crossing their fingers Tushui and Huojin get different sets instead of color swapped HA.

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They’re wearing the Lordaeron L. Infinitely better Forsaken symbol than emo masks and chunky skulls.


All nelves want is the Darkshore npc armor and glaives. And they probably won’t get either.


Let’s place our bets.

I bet it’s going to be something generic cloth-y looking purple stuff, with maybe a crescent shaped shoulders. Stuff we already have, pmuch.


I find it surprising and a bit hopeful that the Forsaken heritage has 0 influence related to Calia.

Maybe the developers and higher-ups got the memo she’s a horrible addition and influence.

(Or the new Forsaken customizations will be Lightforged undead to spite us sensible folk, instead of stuff we asked like straightened backs, completely skeletal or other more severe Undead options)

New skin-tones and some Lordaeron symbology on it. You should absolutely be prepared for:

  1. That mysterious forsaken light magic skin-tone to finally be made available and not just sit in files


  1. For Calia to be a pretty large part of what is a people who were raised Lordaeronians
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I fear for something heavily one-class themed, like indeed purple cloth with crescents, druid stuff or a Wish version of the upcoming warden set from the trading post.

(Please be good. Please don’t be a disappointment. Please…)

Edit: Just saw it. It’s actually bretty gud.

Calia Menethil. Lordaeron L. Queen of Lordaeron.

I was about to say that I didn’t think the back coffin was a nice touch, then I noticed the side bags, then I noticed the buckle, then I noticed it’s not made of wood or steel.

My god.

It’s actually just a coffin-shaped backpack.


Not to mention how there’ll likely be three colorations and maybe even have more assets (both nelf and 'saken) once it comes out, so, YEEEEEES.

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More customisation for Forsaken, night elves and more…
Will dark Irons finally get more beards and the ability to customise them separately from mustaches.
Will they, Kul Tirans, Zanadalari and Vulpera get a dash of love?

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“Rock out and embrace your heritage with the new Forsaken and Night Elf Heritage Armor sets. New questlines will be available for both races to undertake and gain armor variations to add to their collection.”


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I have no idea how anything works anymore :sob: