PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

follow Velen’s prophecy to reveal a new future for some of the draenei people—and more.

Hmmm :thinking:

Please no Eredar Please no Eredar Please no Eredar Please no Eredar Please no Eredar


that’s gonna be a killer thing to carry a guitar around

You know what would be based?

Velen releasing some fel-virus (idc, just make it work) that turns all draenei into broken. Normal and Lightbound alike.


Velen picks another log from the pile and brings his axe down hard. That makes a hundred in a day. Not bad for his age and the cabin always needs wood. Picking up a hefty bundle under each arm, he heads inside through the whirl of snow.

Ishanah is waiting, today’s stew in the pot and feeds another log to the fire while Argi bleats happily, skipping around their hooves. Life is good and has been for a while now, their old bones at relative rest.

Suddenly, a deep rumble shakes the cabin, nearly knocking down the commemorative Shattrath crystalware. An earthquake? Here? The rumble continues all around and above, all too familiar.

Stepping outside, Velen’s eyes are greeted with the majestic sight of the Vindicaar, hovering above and in a flash of Light Fareeya stands before him, her expression grim even as she bows her head.

“Prophet, your people have need of you. They…”

“Prophet? With respect, Captain, I left that life behind. This is my life now; these mountains, this house and my family. The war, yours and mine, is at an end.”

The lightforged smiles grimly, shaking her head while the honour guard at her back remain as statues.

“We both know it isn’t so easy. We only ask that you aid us for one last job.”

All too aware of the twisting shape of fate and how fickle it can be, Velen weighs his options. Ishanah stands in the doorway, Argi in her arms and the sight of her worried face is more than his eyes can bear. There are no options. He if anyone should know.


With a weary sigh, Velen heads back inside to fetch his staff with the weight of millennia in each step.


Can’t wait for Velen to host a meeting in Exodar and admit that the Sunwell was a mistake, Blood Elves are actually irredeemable and he should’ve used the Vindicaar to glass Quel’Danas.


Glad Velen and I agree.

:dagger: now hand over the naaru, ‘Prophet’.

It is actually, unironically over for Draenei.

Scratch Velen admitting that the Sunwell and redeeming the Blood Elves being a mistake, it’s instead admitting the Light was a mistake.

Oh and those Broken/Krokul on Argus that helped us fight against the Legion? Who cares about them.


Can’t wait for the Regent of Stormwind to welcome the new additions to the Alliance, his longtime friends the Man’ari Eredar Paladins and Priests.

Maybe he’ll even see some familiar faces from the several millennia he spent waging a crusade against them and the rest of the Legion so they don’t destroy the universe.


If Velen says they’re cool, he’ll bend to it immediately.
That beard cannot be denied.

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Apparently first preview of the Night Elf sets, which are more in line with the BfA’s skimpy sets but not exact replica. Since this is not official release or whatever, pieces may still be missing. F.e. the shoulders and head, but the set makes sense without them too - would this be the first time a heritage armor is missing the head and shoulders?

I don’t mind it though, it’s mountains better than the Forsaken counterpart. Perhaps the thighguards are a little clunky. At least, it gives something for the Sentinel RPers to use. I’m only slightly unsure about the crimson colour, as I don’t think it goes with the usual pink/purple from Warfronts and more?

(very small chance it might be fake too, it’s the internet after all. it doesn’t look fake at least but mentioning this just in case)


My sincere reacton to the very WIP night elf heritage armor;


there’s a blue colour variant too


The Demonic Lords of the Burning Legion are now part of the Alliance.

Lore? What lore, just make up whatever the hell you want at this point.

You’re the the daughter of Jaina and Arthas? Fine and dandy because the Burning Legion is now part of the Alliance.
You’re the Queen of the Frost Wyrms and this is your undead half elf visage? Well good day to you, because the demonic lords that burned a thousand thousand worlds are now part of the alliance.
Your name is Goku and you’re a super saiyan who got thrown across reality and ended up on azeroth after dragon balling too hard? Welcome to Azeroth, this is my friend Gavinrad the Holy, Knight of the Silver Hand and this is his wife, Doom Maiden Araxia, Herald of the Emerald Flame.

I thought I didn’t care anymore about what blizzard did with lore, but apparantly there was a little bit of care left and this just stomped on it. It’s gone now. Anything goes at this point, why have any restriction anymore.


The blue and silver variant is so perfect for a Priestess of the Moon :pinched_fingers:

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Yeah that was my immediate thought as well! Really stoked to figure out what I can cobble together using whatever final product we get along these lines (and whether to settle on primarily using my Hunter or my Priest version of the character…), really excited to get my hands on it already - I’ll even suffer through whatever storybeats they put out for it!!

It only took 20 years to get armor that looks like warcraft 3 night elf armor.


at this point a single drop of water nourishes my frail, parched body, or something overly dramatic like that

The Darkshore robes were really good as well for a Priestess of the Moon being both a more detailed version of the mooncloth robes + more militant, should hopefully be able to combine some bits and bobs into something real cool with this

Happy we’re getting something roughly like what’s been datamined rather than the BfA pre-patch sentinel bikinis tbh, this’ll look significantly nicer (but they should give us those ones too)

Can’t wait to see the influx of female Man’ari at the Stormwind Harbour next patch.


The Death Knights of the Scourge are now part of the Alliance.

Lore? What lore, just make up whatever the hell you want at this point.
You’re the the daughter of Jaina and Arthas? Fine and dandy because the Scourge is now part of the Alliance.
You’re the Queen of the Frost Wyrms and this is your undead half elf visage? Well good day to you, because the undead that burned a hundred towns and cities are now part of the alliance.
Your name is Goku and you’re a super saiyan who got thrown across reality and ended up on azeroth after dragon balling too hard? Welcome to Azeroth, this is my friend Gavinrad the Holy, Knight of the Silver Hand and this is his wife, Death Lord Araxia, Herald of Death and Decay.

Can’t wait for the next wave of Void El~ Darkfalle~ Man’ari RPers who will demand equal treatment and call you a bigot or racist when your character, who spent their entire life being taught that demons are bad or actually fought against said demons during up to three invasions (or worse, having to fight them nigh-constantly as Lightforged Draenei), is violent or toxic towards them.