PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

Turalyon sitting in Stormwind Keep getting reports that the Man’ari he fought so hard to vanquish are arriving in droves in Stormwind.

“They’ve breached the walls, Regeant-Lord, but they seem to be going through to Goldshire!”


What are the logistics behind this anyway? Will Velen just round up all the warlocks (Draenei, LFDraenei and Non-Draenei alike) he can find, lock them in the Exodar where O’ros used to hang out (renaming the Seat of the Naaru to the Fel Pit) and have them summon and then bind every Man’ari Eredar until all of them can freely exist on Azeroth?

If my character learns the true name of any of them can he then command them to drown themselves in a fountain?

Oh I’m betting they’ll just show up and that won’t be explained. Judging by the tooltip for the achievement it looks like it’s going to be a “The Vision said so” and not much explaination.

Why go to all that trouble? Just login on a warlock and run around casting banish on all of them.

You mean Subjugate. Banish is temporary, but Subjugate gives you a 5 minute window to correct Velen’s mistakes.

Scale and scope. Your local ebon blade representative killed a bunch of scarlets and then lost a fight with a bunch of paladins. They died for the good guys, spent a few post-mortem days on the evil team and were back on the good guy team before the rigor mortis had even worn off. The man’ari have spent the last 25000 years burning countless worlds to neon green ash.

Both factions have had many token evil teammates over the years but none of them even approach the scale of evil the man’ari have got up to.


At least it looks like the Eredar will have a direct thing saying “yeah, Velen wants them in the Alliance”. More than the Darkfallen got, even if it is smelly.
I do want to see what the vision is mind, I like all the pieces.

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Man, we’re really dunking on Thalyssra’s “the Alliance is narrow-minded so we’ll join the Horde”.

The Alliance of Tolerance and Friendship has place for everyone, meantime the Horde of Intolerence and Hostility has only place for those that adapt to Orcish culture.

Another win for the Alliance :ok_hand:


I think that one way Man´ari can work is if storywise they will be made out of the eredar that wanted to join Velen but were captured/didn´t even get the chance to join him (the guy was very careful about who to approach, which is why he only went with people he could really trust, like Talgath, and that´s what assured nobody betrayed them to Kil´jaeden).

If someone didn´t choose to become a demon, and was made to work for the Legion, I´d say a similar argument could be made for them as for DKs. However, they should still be mistrusted by pretty much everyone besides some draenei (since Velen saying “I got a vision, they´re cool now” is going to work for some of them) and their numbers should be few both in absolute numbers and relative to the whole Man´ari population.

Saying that, this is Dragonflight, so what´s more likely to happen is an acceptance speech where everyone hugs and there are going to be no tensions whatsoever.

I’m so tired…

Gameplay over lore has been extremely destructive to the setting that it’s not even funny anymore. They barely even want to work for it, one can somewhat respect à surgical procedure but they’re going in with the worse dynamite since Will-E Coyote was retired.

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Penitent eredar now that we have warlocks, okay. I’m hoping for lore that strips them of their demonic nature since they lack the more dramatic mutations or some context like that since demons are very specific things but I’m a damn fool.


I think the Night Elf heritage is shaping up to be the best heritage set so far tbqh. Quite a surprising night elf W.

(I am forever seething with the blood elf steel toe-capped socks)

Also lmao about the man’ari customisation. Absolute state of it.


Grampa’s in cognitive decline, clearly. I’m reminded of a certain standup classic.


jesus christ

Can’t wait to see Eredar Paladins too!

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Well I don’t foresee any problems this’ll cause in RP whatsoever. None at all, no sirree.

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Gunna rp a man’ari warlock license inspector in Stormwind.


A decade ago eredar as alliance would of been laughed out of the office

Now people are seriously trying to cope + justify it

Sunken cost bros… why


They lack the fel-cracked skin we’ve seen since WoD, so perhaps them relinquishing a considerable portion of their fel energy is the initial event.

Who knows. I’m happy for those who dig the look for aesthetics, but the lore implication is errr… I mean how will the Illidari and AotL react?

Certainly not with guillotines for some reason.

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Which does make one wonder if there’s a line, or if we will see fel orcs and such in the future.