PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

Turns out the American servers were RPing the true Warcraft spirit from the darned start, they were really, really very much ahead.

Edit : Deleting the salt levels I’m clearly feeling. No declaration and whatnot, best to quietly grumble as usual.

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An incomplete version of the Night elf heritage armor has been datamined, and honestly, I expected something way worse and more generic than what we’re getting.

I really wish we could get glaives that aren’t DH only though…


I saw the Eredar on twitter early this morning. My first thought was “Who was it who summoned the Monkey Fist from AD, again?” :sweat_smile:

Nelf heritage set looking good, at least. My withered corpse has one thing to smile about, heh.

It’s dark rangers in alliance part ll revengence electric boogaloo chronicles.


I was worried it would be bad, but I’m actually excited to get it.

The blue/ silver option might be something extra for the priest and mage Highborne fans.

Very nice overall



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that we got eredar included as playable for the draenei before we got the broken is an absolute travesty and one i can never forgive

yes i realise that recolouring the existing model is super easy and requires no effort, but god broken would have been a much more lore friendly choice


As soon as they welcomed the void elves like it was nothing, I can honestly see anything happening in Stormwind.

Anduin is too loving and forgiving

That armor is… surprisingly not bad.

It has the problem of all night elf “armor” of leaving too much skin open and thus not being of much use as armor, but that was probably inevitable. At least it’s not a literal bikini.

Seeing a distinct split between people cheering for Eredar and people going “This makes less than No Sense, though” sure is a thing.

Someone unironicaly saying ‘gameplay comes first!’ makes me genuinely wish for the ability to ban people who don’t care even the slightes about lore and RP in a game like this (I’m aware that’s petty; its early and Im in pain, lemme lone…)

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Blizzard should be open to adding weird and wonderful customisation options (including Man’ari eredar) with the stated assumption that the character isn’t a canon member of the Alliance/Horde.

Adding a red tint is fine, on its own.
It’s just kinda sketch that this seems to be connected to “Velen’s vision” for the draenei and therefore, likely, makes them a Champion of the Alliance.


Man’ari skin tone isn’t gameplay it’s cosmetics/customisation, one that is entirely not linked to how you play your class and let’s not pretend Blizzard cares anymore about the class/race combo anymore as the restrictions are ever crumbling… The only reason everyone isn’t getting DH is because that would take too much time to rig the skeletons across all races to get halfway to a decent not so clipping animations.


I can tell you how my demon hunter would react.

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The funny thing is that he’s been gone for years. Turalyon, commander of the Army of the Light, is presumably the guy giving the final approval here.

Which is certainly a thing.


Oh, I can just imagine it from here how Velen is using Alonsus Faol as an example to chastise or convince Turalyon that the Light can shine even in the most corrupted form bla bla bla.

I was browsing the comments, two days ago people were complaining about the lore going downhill and then…
…:then I saw the customizable eredar.

Either Blizzard is taking a new approach and eredars aren’t meant to be a race in the Alliance, or I will consider quitting for real.

Not because of the eredar, rather, because it’s a sign of how little the world which was established before matters.


I would add that while I’m in favour of cosmetic stuff like this, if they stopped being so weird about toy duration+cooldown that could work instead. Customisation does let you fine tune the appearance better but toys are obviously more flexible - could play it on the ‘wrong’ race/faction, for example.


Customisation options are fine and okay. But tampering with the established lore by shoehorning it in with a quest that explains why actually it’s okay for them to be in the Alliance is frustrating.


Anduin and Faol himself already did that.

Yes, that’s what I was referring to.