PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

I was hoping at least one of the new customizations would be Highborne related for mage players. Oh well

Tattoos is nice for Druids/hunters

Man’ari RPer : “So you see, Sargeras had Eredar bakers and civilians who didn’t kill anybody. Not like he specifically recruited them to be his commanders/officers to lead his unruly demonic army. I was fueled by Fel energies that twisted me into a mockery of what I once was but don’t worry, I never harbored any evil thought in my entire existence.”

I know I’m punching a Strawman here but damn is it convincing that it’s gonna be the real deal.

I get that they’re doing new skin tones because they’re minimal effort, but why are we getting tomato draenei before actual dragonmaw orc skin tones
And why are they not copying over orc/dwarf/gnome customisations to maghar/dark iron/mechagnomes

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From experience role playing evil or complicated races are always boring. You get shunned in Stormwind, shunned by races outside of Stormwind, you get lonely and eventually quit.

That’s one of the reasons I don’t Roleplay deathknights, demonhunters, and Darkfallen (alliance)

If it’s too complicated, I don’t want to Roleplay it. Playing it on a PVP/ PVE servers is generally fine as a customizations simply.

Commanders/officers rarely do the deed themselves, they just give orders - and a convinent excuse, well the order came from a higher place; from the Council - who are now gone, good job killing them - but they just followed the orders from Kil’jaden and Archimond, who are in turn recieved their orders from Sargeras, Fallen Titan or not, you don’t question the orders of a Titan
A bit ironic, the “small man” who actually commited the crimes - they were ordered to also - and bloodied their hand are the less playable in this regard
A remorsefull commander who never killed anyone just ordered, becasue of the fear of his position and/or life is more or less realistic to be honest
But Val’zuun was an informant for example, so “low ranking” even civilian eredars could have existed :eyes:

has the responsibility for the acts of those underneath them though, all the moreso when they’re the ones that ordered them to do [attrocity of choice]

“I was just doing my civic duty Velen, you know how it is.”


that’s offensive to 15 year olds with severe ADHD.

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There are phylacteries used by the Legion and they grow in power by consuming all life (or souls) possible whether plant, animal or people. I’d be surprised if no high ranking Eredar didn’t do any of these.

the middle managers of the genocide of thousands of worlds and realities are actually not that bad after all

Just absorb the entirety of the Legion remnants into the Alliance really, I’m sure we can pin any wrongdoing on Sylvanas this time as well.

Clearly Fel and becoming Demonic doesn’t corrupt the mind and soul. They were just following orders when they also accepted Sargeras’ bargain and became Fel-hulks that continued to obliterate countless worlds while chasing their non-Demonic kin.

is velen recruiting the fel guys to fight the inevitable void lord patch?

I said way back when they first announced Draenei that they were a terrible inclusion and would destroy the lore of the game.

It’s been over a decade but I’m finally right. Thank you Danuser :raised_hands:


The void is on our side, remember? So is the light.

Poor horde

But we must choose Renewal, not-

[Violent hurling sounds]


It is time to remove Azeroth from the influence of cosmic powers.

No more Titans.
No more Burning Crusade.
No more Light.
No more Void.
No more Shadowlands.

No gods.
No masters.

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I felt that the low tech and spiritual focus of draenei early on was fantastic. Similar to night elves but without the horrid attitude they were a fallen apex civilization that had resorted to an exiled way of living. Azuremyst and Shattrath have great moods in their atmospheres. Design wise they looked really good too, humbly clad and proud.

At some point they begain transitioning into some sort of fantasy protoss (more so than they already were) with mechs and guns and progressively we lost the race that had an interesting spiritual introspective and they just kinda became super efficient sci fi warriors.


Where’s the Frostborn and earthen skins for dwarves, Blizzard?!?!?! Leper skin for gnomes?!?!?!

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I think it was WoD that is to blame.

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